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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. I sympathize with your feeling that it's possible that MNS stumbled upon your idea and made his own adaptation of it, I really do.

    But on the flip side of the coin, there are billions of people in the world, and that means billions if not trillians (if not more) ideas floating around, and odds are, there's going to be some overlap.

    Furthermore, there could be other people out there who had the same idea, maybe even before you had the idea. It's kind of the cycle of an idea. It's frustrating, sure, but try not to let it bug you too much, it's just kind of the way things are. Virtually everyone in the music industry can especially relate.

  2. stuff

    Ah, I see. Actually, you're right. I was being a little too general (and hasty) in my speaking in lumping devs and publishers together. And I did say "deserves poor reviews" when I suppose what I really meant is "the publishers deserve to be punished for shady practices", in which case to me, the most sensible thing to do is to protest the game by not buying it. Publishers and devs aren't entirely separate, and the fact remains that both games are really neither particularly praiseworthy, so again, I guess any of my protest for this particular series remains moot. ;)

    That being said, I concede that the *fair* thing to do would typically be to judge a game based on its own merit. That being said, I still see no real harm in a reviewer throwing in a disclaimer of sorts that says "Hey, even if this game is good, the publisher (or whoever sits on the money pot at the end of the cash register) should be reprimanded for foul practices."

    I mean, people get in trouble for stuff like say, insider trading, and what they did wasn't really all that different was it?

  3. I just think it's unprofessional to give a game low scores without giving it a chance, just as much as giving a game high scores for big advertiser bucks. If you personally as a consumer want nothing to do with the series, fine, but for people whose job it is to review these things*, holding a grudge over that incident seems so petty. Especially since the man it personally affected has moved on to better things.

    *not including ZP, who shits on everything regardless.

    Well seeing as I'm just a consumer and not a professional game critic, that doesn't really pertain to me, as I'm not particularly concerned whether or not my appraisal of a game/series is all that professional or not ;)

    The way I see it is that the important people behind the series were trying to trick their consumers into thinking it was a good game when in actuality it wasn't. Thank goodness that people like Gerstmann are willing to stand up and be like "naw, this game sucks, I cannot lie". So they fire him. That's the point in which the series (the developers, marketting dept, etc) have failed us, and that's the point in which I have decided that the series does not deserve a *fair chance*. As long as it's coming from those people, I feel like I can't trust them. I don't see why this way of thinking would upset any of you :P

    Look at it this way, if K&L2 turned out to be the most epic game ever, I'd still be inclined to not buy/support it, because I don't feel that I should support companies who practice unethical shenanigans.


    On the flip side, I suppose if the sequel were produced by an entirely different group of people, it would be silly to begrudge them for the former developer's foul play.

  4. I'm not attacking the "little people" there (the folks who worked hard on the game), I'm attacking the people who were obviously in the position to cause Jeff Gerstmann to be terminated for stating that the game was not good. To me, that just means that the series was doomed from the beginning and should have been aborted rather than making a sequel.

    This is all moot though, considering the first one sucked and caused an uproar in the gaming community over the Gamespot drama, and Yahtzee just performed a fatality on #2 :)

    It's pretty unlikely we'll see a chart-topping K&L3, if we see one at all :-P

  5. Recently overheard:

    <Jimmy> so since Mazedude is doing DnB for his mobrain track, should I also do a DnB type thing?

    <Jimmy> or should I do like, a polar opposite type thing?

    <Jimmy> I always pictured Samus as more of a disney princess trapped in a badass suit of armor

    <Jimmy> so it'll have lots of happy, magical, fairy sounds to reflect her true character

    <DragonAvenger> disney ballad would be pretty awesome actually

    <Jimmy> Look at this suit, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you say my power up's are complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl... the girl who has... Energy beams...

    <DragonAvenger> ive got missles and wave beams a-plenty

    <Jimmy> Power bombs and a grapling hook, too

    <DarkeSword> you want energy tanks?

    <DarkeSword> I got 20

    <DarkeSword> but who cares?

    <DarkeSword> no big deal?

    <DarkeSword> i

    <DarkeSword> want

    <DarkeSword> moooooooooore

    <DragonAvenger> MOAR

    <DragonAvenger> win

    <DarkeSword> i love that song

  6. Let's see, I just got done playing Wind Waker again recently, so I'm going to harsh on it.

    -Sailing around looking for triforce out.

    -Better samples (the choir is inexcusably horrible. Florestan -Choir soundfont sounds 1000x better and is FREE).

    -Better music overall. There were some gems in there sure, but there was also a lot of really boring/awful garbage. Music/sound quality was definitely not on their priority list with this game.

    -Being able to skip cutscenes and repetitive dialog/instructions would have been awesome. I got so sick of being told what a joy pendant or treasure chart or dungeon map was. And having to watch a cutscene only to discover that you pulled up a chest with 20 rupees in it was just offensively lame.

    -Daytime should last longer. I swear night lasts longer than daytime.

    -Why did I have to assign a sail key every time I wanted to sail? Shouldn't that just... be a standard thing? If I'm on the boat, chances are pretty high that I want to sail somewhere.

    -I would have enjoyed more dungeons in place of long, drawn out sailing around on mostly nothing.

    [/waits for all the WW fanboys to pop out and cast stones]

    Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the game, but man, those things are just bad programming, and I think people tend to be apologists just because it's *Zelda*/*Nintendo*/*Koji Kondo* etc. If anything, they should be held to a higher standard.


    I guess that wasn't wholly in spirit of the original topic, so let me add on:

    L4D with the spitter, and maybe the L4D2 weapons.

  7. Love my Axiom 61. Can't answer whether or not the hyper control is really going to be something you need or not.

    I have lately had mixed feelings with M-Audio interfaces. I have a Profire2626 AND a Fast Track Ultra, and when I first got it I loved it. But I have come to realize that M-Audio cannot write effective drivers to save their lives. I have received countless BSOD's (on Windows 7 and Vista) which are 100% related to the drivers. If you visit M-Audio's forums, you will see that the tech support is a train wreck of people having unresolved issues and failed promises to fix the driver issues that many of its users experience. See for yourself:



    (Note I've posted in those, and also note the date of the thread's creation, the date of the last update by M-Audio, and the current date). The issue has been unresolved for over 6 months.

    I think that's what really shook my faith in the company. I dealt with them a lot when I was at Guitar Center and speaking to them directly, I never had any issues, but not being able to resolve something as crucial as a decent driver is just... bleh. If you're on a Mac, I suppose it won't matter.

    At any rate, there's my two cents, good luck, let us know what you decide :)

  8. Who is this Mazedude guy, and why have I never heard of him? :<

    I really enjoyed Book of Eli, and I'm actually currently playing through Fallout 3 for my first time right now. I really enjoyed this piece, and wow, it brought a lot to the table. Very creative stuff, and pretty unique. Very refreshing in a world of desolate bleakness (the Fallout 3 landscape, I mean).

  9. Well since Sephfire is a resident remixer, I'm a bit disappointed that there isn't an official thread for his awesome new video series on the Escapist, so here it is. Keep up the great work, Dan!

    *edit* Updated list, now with links to OCR's used in credit music!


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