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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. Just because you brought it up:

    Buy the movie, buy the entire movie. Interviews, behind-the-scenes material, director's cut, soundtrack, the whole thing.So a bit different. Not sure why, here's what I can come up with atm:

    Games can be so much more complex, and they're longer than movies anyway, so they're worth more than a trip to their movie theatre-equivalent single playthrough. Buy the movie, get the rest. Games, being so much more, don't need all the bonus stuff to sell, so it can be released for free. Games could diverge into multiple separate storylines (something movies don't usually do), each playthrough could be a significantly different experience, so there's a lot more value to a game disc (with "just" the game) than a movie disc with just a movie.

    Those are my thoughts atm, not really something I've thought about much. (reading what I wrote before, the "pay for the game, pay for everything" thing is kind'a what I wanna see with movies and tv shows. meh, should sort these things out and blog about it, it'll probably make more sense then.)

    fair enough, I'm not saying I'm for or against, necessarily, I was only curious. :)

  2. If I wanted to be condescending, I would have taken cheap shots at you. Instead, I merely pointed out the flaws in your understanding and corrected them and gave examples. Hell I even threw in a smiley. Sorry you took my replies that way. Not sure what else to tell you. If you can't stand to be corrected, do your research before posting your opinions I suppose.

  3. You're still kind of a douche. But thanks for clearing shit up for me.

    Not quite sure how I qualify as a douche because I pointed out that you were ignorant on a subject. Do you even know what ignorant means?

    Ignorant: adj. "Lacking education or knowledge."

    You lacked knowledge. I and others educated you. You resorted to name calling. And somehow I'm the douche here.

    'Atta boy.

  4. High priority meaning?

    I mean come on. If you're bitching or SHOULD BE bitching about somebody 'stealing your money' you'd think NOTHING would be fair use.

    Please understand, I'm not trying to argue, just understand.

    I do understand that. But it's fair to point out that your post shows that you're a bit ignorant on the subject, and we're merely pointing out why. Not trying to argue, just understand :)

    There's a difference between using very short excerpts for educational purposes, and just uploading entire works.

    Yep, I should have mentioned that as well. Derivative works are a whole other topic altogether. Let's keep it to just straight up rips for now, just to keep the topic on point. Plus, silvagunner wasn't posting derivative works (like VGM arrangements *cough*) he was posting the actual unaltered music.

    Also, I'd like to take this time to say that I'm fairly indifferent about the SG issue at all. I'm simply pointing out the reasons WHY he doesn't have the actual right to post that stuff. I'm not saying he should or shouldn't have.

    I think video game music should be free. Pay for the game, pay for everything. But... no.

    I agree with the rest of your post Roz, but just out of curiousity, do you feel the same way about, say, movie or television soundtracks? (I'm only curious, not actually trying to push the discussion that way) :)

  5. Just because you see people do it, or that the content hasn't been removed for whatever reason, does not mean people have the right to do it. Most people just get away with it because companies either aren't aware or it's just not high enough priority for them.

    Also, it's not Youtube that gets "their panties in a bunch" over it. It's the copyright owners.

  6. Um. Pardon me because I could be wrong. But SilvaGunner always stated what game the song was from, what company made it, who the composer was, and that he didn't create the song.

    I thought that's what Youtube had it's panties in a bunch for most of the time.

    This made me lol. Stating credit does not give the user some sort of special license-bypassing rights. It's one of the most ignorant things when a person uploads and shares content which they did not create and do not have legal consent to distribute but then says "I did not make/do not own this, _______ does! No copyright infringement intended!"

    Think about it. Let's use movies instead of music since for some reason people have an easier time understanding that it's not ok to upload movies (bootlegs or rips) to places like Youtube. Movies make their money by ticket and DVD sales. When people upload them so others can watch for free, it's bad for the people who own the rights to that movie. If I were to upload a movie, but provide full credits in the description, or say something like "I do not own this, no copyright infringement intended!" as I'm sharing something not meant to be free with millions of others for free, would that excuse me from any sort of legal repercussions?

  7. I say Volume 1 will be done within the year. As for release, I'll have to work that out with OCR.

    You could totally do another track if you wanted. Just saying.

    Ah, didn't know you were doing a multi volume thing. That's cool then. I just didn't want to wait another year or + before we saw any kind of release :)

  8. Well, to clarify, I wasn't disagreeing that new composers are the cause of overcrowding in the industry. In fact, looking back, I didn't mean to sound like I think big film composers are overcrowding it at all, or even really address that particular topic. I was merely saying why I didn't care for the fact that game devs are turning to well known film composers.

    At any rate, carry on folks :)

  9. I'm actually more with Travis on this one, Andy. And I've actually experienced this very issue first hand. It's not that "a couple film composers are crowding out the market", it's that game devs are going to pass up "lesser name" composers who are just as capable so they can add a big name to help sell their product. I mean, I know I can't fault them for this, but that's exactly why I'm not particularly keen on the idea of having to compete with film composers. There are plenty of composers who are just as skilled as many film composers but at the end of the day, the devs are going to go for the bigger name if they can.

  10. happy birthdaisies, kids! Except wingless. To you, I wish a rugged, manly and handsome and completely lady-saturated day, which is essentially what I wish for you every day, so I guess it's really nothing special, other than the fact that you might eat some cake today. Except I have placed sticks of dynamite on the cake in place of candles because candles are for ladies and you are a MAN, man.

  11. No OCR pimpage? Daniel-san, I am disappoint.

    Well, considering the topic wasn't game music remixes and simply game music evolution itself, it doesn't seem like a foul to me. Besides, game-related fan art (music, art, fanfic, cosplay, etc etc) could all probably warrant their own topics each. Plus he gave OCR a plug last week.

    Also, thanks for the shout out at the end, Dan :)

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