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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. Jaizus Christ, ladies and gents...

    please take the rustled jimmies to the pm's or Facebook or something. c'mon dawg... I said this in another thread, I've been digging OCR for a long time but I've only started lurking a bunch a few years ago and then actively participating recently, so I'm not aware of all the weird stuff that happened between him and her and them and whoever else from the past.

    but that's it.

    the past.

    Let it be, chill with Tuberz and I, and grab some ice cream and just go on. Relevant Points have been made, and the party's over. Out! Out!

    Dramarama extravaganza 2013 is done!

    don't make me start posting silly pics up this biznitch. I mean it.


    [he said she said /thread]

    EDIT: I'm all for public apologies and making amends but I think the deals been sealed, the cake's been cut, the fat lady has sung, the cow jumped over the moon, etc.

    I actually am sorry this is a public thing. Strader brings out the worst in me somehow ;)

    You're right though. I think the post before this will be my last in this thread. I can't imagine a lot more good coming from this. The initial apology was fully accepted, feel free to lock it up whenever you like :)

  2. Where do I even start?

    I'm sorry you feel that way BGC, but you are also making some assumptions that are not accurate. I am happy for you

    Your posts implied otherwise.

    and I'm not jealous of your success. I think that was the worst possible conclusion you could have jumped to, but it's understandable. My criticisms have always ever come down to you not being an active part of OCR.

    Once again, you're setting the criteria that I'm apparently supposed to adhere to. I think what you mean by active is "someone who posts constantly on the forums and is doing lots of album projects". I could be mistaken, but your posts suggest otherwise.

    Zircon said you're on secret projects, which is good, but there are many projects run by others that are just as deserving of your consideration. I'm not talking about FF3, it is not personal. If you feel that it is personal then you are wrong, and if I led you to believe as much, I apologize. There are a lot of other projects that are public that you could help with.

    Brandon, there may be a more sugar-coated way to say this, but who are you to tell me how to spend my time? If I seem indignant of this it's because I absolutely am. You have no place to tell me how I should have to divide my attentions during the day to have any kind of valid voice in this community. I could unload on you for days on this specifically, but I've already made my point there, so I'll leave it at that.

    Is it so hard to be a part of OC ReMix?

    Again, I think you mean to say "Is it hard to post constantly on the forums and contribute to a half a dozen or more remix project"? And to that I say, it's irrelevant, and I fail to see how that matters. Life happens, people grow in and out of things, peoples interests evolve and change, and there are only so many hours in the day I have to split among too many things. I've chosen to lurk on the forums rather than actively participate in them. I also interact with OCR on other social outlets. I also gave the site some $10,000+ in download codes for the FF6 campaign. I also gave three years as a judge, created and spearheaded something like 4 separate "April is Support OCR Month" campaigns for something like $12,000+ in donations to the site, and CONSTANTLY pimp OCR in various interviews/podcasts/articles/video game functions I've participated in in the past few years. I'm sorry my level of participation isn't up to your code.

    Saying you left because of people like me is a cop out. You were gone before I ever criticized one of your album threads, that's the whole point. I check OCR a ridiculous amount of times per day, and I post far more often than I should. I do it because I love the site and the community, and I consider myself a part of it. It's not a contest to see who can post or be here more. That's not the point.

    I feel like you're trying to say "It doesn't matter how often you post here" while in the same breath saying "look at ME and how much *I* post here because I love OCR more than you do!". That's the gist I'm getting, whether or not it's your intent.

    If you don't want to be around more often then that's your choice, and I will refrain from criticizing you for popping in to post album threads and then leave in the future.

    And yet... here we are. Again.

    It's not wrong to post album threads, or if you need help with a Kickstarter to post a thread for that. Yours sold out in 20 minutes and was 300% overfunded by the end of the day, then you still posted a thread seeking money at OCR. That's what rubbed me the wrong way.

    So I should have only shared my project until it was funded? Should Dave have pulled FF6 once it hit 30k? "The goal was reached gang, let's bring it in, gg, no need for extra funding that will enable awesome additional perks." Come on dude. I mean this legit. If you ever launch a kickstarter and it gets 5000% overfunded, I will be happy for you. I won't question who you chose to tell about it or how you market yourself (as long as it's not invasive or spammy). Golden rule and all that. Try it out. And for what it's worth, if I made exactly $5000 on my campaign, I would actually still be in the red. I asked for a low figure because I was genuinely worried that there wouldn't be enough demand for what I'm offering. And even at 300+% overfunding, I'm sitting on a smaller pile of money than it appears. Not to mention, for a project that's taken 2+ years to make, I'd actually make more money (and enjoy benefits) working at Walmart. So let's not be too quick to judge things like that, shall we?

    I was being obtuse and forgot the whole pledge aspect where you send out gifts to people, shortsighted on my part.

    We agree on that :P

    But it came from what you said to me before, which I can't even quote, as it was way too long. You sent me a message called "." during the Assassin's Creed Revelations contest, where the topic of discussion was whoever won recording the AC theme with Hans Zimmer for a mere $2,000. (Madeline Bell won, several of us entered). The argument was that you thought $2,000 was far too cheap, that the contest wasn't worthwhile at that price point, Hans Zimmer could afford to pay the singer more. While I can understand your views there, it always colored you as a money guy to me not just because of your opinion, which is fine -- people have them -- but the length at which you scolded me over my wrong opinion.

    Part of why I don't participate often in the forums right there, as mentioned. Responding to things like this is very time consuming and rarely lightens my mood. And maybe I shouldn't do it, but after the whatever-th time you keep singling out my personal projects that I share, I feel compelled to tell you why you're getting under my skin every time. At any rate, another reason I rarely participate is that since making the (rather difficult despite what anyone might think) transition to writing music professionally for a living, I feel like there's a natural conflict of interest of sorts between me and some of this community. It's unsettling to me. All the time I was a hobbyist remixer I dreamed of one day writing music for actual games. And now I'm lucky enough to be doing it occasionally. It is NOT a field that has given me riches, I can promise you that. But it does pay my bills and I'm happy so far. I'm disappointed that there seem to be people (like you) who would rather be resentful that I've moved on to the next level of writing music, rather than excited by it. I'm not asking you (or anyone) for personal congratulations, I'm just saying I find it kind of sad that I'm now an outcast who just stops by to "monetize" you guys like some heartless corporate robot.

    Maybe it's wrong of me to think of you as a money guy. You're obviously a very good fund raiser and that comes from somewhere. Honestly, it's not my place to question your motivations.

    Then don't. Or at least, do it respectfully.

    Like everyone else here, I can often make inaccurate assumptions based on stuff I should have let go in the past.

    Wasn't my intention to make you mad or drive you away. Get back here. :-)

    I AM back here. I never left. Unless you mean post every day and sign up for all the projects that I just don't have the time for because I need to ya know, pay my bills and eat food. In which case, I will probably not be doing.

    Also Virt is a great guy and a valuable source of advice. I'm also not jealous of him and I'm glad he is as successful as he is.

    I think you missed my point. I (possibly incorrectly) assumed you're annoyed with me because I seem to be making money off my music, and I was simply saying that learning to take a congratulatory perspective instead of a cynical one will do wonders for your mood and overall likability.


    In the time it took me to respond, a zillion other people have responded first. Oh well. Maybe some of this has been addressed already. I'll let it stand.

  3. Thanks Larry.

    To Meteo, I feel like a public apology was actually unnecessary, but since you have taken the time to make one I will humbly accept without ire of any kind.

    Brandon, I personally discussed this with Meteo outside OCR, and honestly, I don't feel like getting into it with you, because I truly do not respect you at this point. Every time I've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, you respond with kneejerk ignorance and I have just about no desire to try and reason with you at this point.

    Suffice me to say, if you feel that just because I don't often post specifically on the forums that I should not be able to post any of my own personal news or projects that are relevant to the subject of video game music and video game style music, then I heartily reject your opinion. I prefer to engage with and promote OCR on other available networks first these days. I've worked hard (as have you, Meteo, and countless other people here) to help build this community into the thriving hub of video game music and VGM enthusiasts that it is. So why on earth am I required to meet whatever criteria you've personally set before I'm allowed to share my work here without being resented/criticized by you?

    And if it's about money? Sorry, you're just going to have to come to grips with the fact that some people are making money off of their music. What constitutes "monetizing OCR"? Would it be ok if I simply released my album and shared a link to it on the forums? I sure hope so, you yourself have done it.

    If it's offensive to post about a kickstarter, then I guess there's loads of other OC Remixers who are in trouble then eh? Considering that preordering the album at $10 (which is what it will cost once released) is actually a better deal now b/c you get additional rewards for the same price, I'm not sure how I could be taking advantage of anyone. And considering that I've spent thousands of my own dollars on the project (and have thousands yet to spend once it's over) I can effectively say that I'm not only not ashamed to have posted it, but I'm rather touched and also invigorated by how many people seem to be passionate and supportive about the video game style music I'm trying to create.

    I might seem intentionally abrasive here (and I think I've even said this before) but people like you are one reason I don't bother to post much on here lately. Your compulsion to want people to either adhere to your personal standards of what is acceptable or otherwise prove themselves worthy by the same token are both absurd and offensive to me.

    Jake/Virt Kaufman said something to me a couple years ago that I will never forget. It changed my life. He said "You know, I will never ever resent anyone, friend or not, for succeeding in music. I will always be happy for them." And you know what? It's one of the best things I've ever heard to this day. Try it sometime. I think you'll find that letting go of the need to vilify people will improve the quality of your life.

  4. That site seems much more expensive than the society6 page you linked to. The framed prints there seem pretty cheap. Not sure about the quality difference.

    Oh, I didn't know I'd posted a link to Society6. It's hard to keep track of them all, but options are good! Looks like I could save a few $ by getting it from there actually. Thanks for the heads up!


    Also, over 350% now, that's so crazy!!!

    Thanks guys for all the kind words so far!

  5. Holy shit. I NEED to acquire some of his artwork and frame it.

    I will be doing the same actually. They sell it on various places. I'm going for one of the canvas prints from redbubble.


    Absolutely worth the price IMO. But below the image, you can specify the merch you want it on. Shirts, prints, stickers, posters, all that stuff.

    Backed at a low tier, I'll increase towards the end if my finances allow :D

    Sidenote: MAN zircon is a busy dude .. This is the first time I've heard of his book, if there was another announcement, I missed it ..

    I know! One of the most productive people I've ever known :) He just released his book yesterday actually! I imagine he might officially announce it here, but his advice was really so genuinely valuable to me, I wanted to give him any kind of boost that I can :)

  6. Thanks! I'm so in love with the artwork. I found the image below by chance and immediately looked up the artist (Ian Wilding) and asked if he'd be willing to design some art for my album.

    You can see one of his designs for my project on his deviant art page (as well as my kickstarter page) which coincidentally looks like a modified version of the OCR logo, which I think is awesome :)

    I literally gave him almost no direction on the art. I just said "I'm Big Giant Circles, I write video game-ish music and it's sort of retro and sort of modern. Go!" And he's just nailed it. I can't wait to show all the final art to everyone! And his stuff looks soooo good on merch like T-shirts and posters too!


  7. Big Giant Circles - The Glory Days album officially released!!


    I'm proud to announce The Glory Days album has been officially released! 21 tracks, 80 minutes, beautiful artwork by Ian Wilding (@iwilding), Jessie Lam (@axl99), and Junkboy (@jnkboy) it's a nostalgic dive into your childhood. Available on bandcamp, iTunes, etc, and even freely listenable on Spotify and


    Thank you all so much for your support, your feedback, your critiques, your praise, your sharing, and everything else. I'm very excited!



  8. So GDC happened, that was awesome! Then I come back and remembered that I made this thread.

    First of all, the game was over-funded to the point where there will be an extended soundtrack, and I'll even have a small budget to work with to hire live performers if I need to, which is nice. A big thanks to all of you who looked/shared/backed!


    Silly reply removed, therefore I'm removing my due retort as well. Lesson learned I guess, so nothing to see here except talk about the game, folks! 8)

  9. Hi guys,

    I've been a bit scarce lately, but I thought I'd share my next project. I've been hired to score Iridium Studio's next game, There Came an Echo. If you've never head of Iridium Studios, check out their debut game Sequence, featuring more music by Mr. Jenkees. It's a DDR/Stepmania RPG mashup, and it's surprisingly fun and amazingly well-written with a surprisingly deep and excellent plot.

    Anyway, I'm writing the bulk of the score, with Ronald contributing a handful of tracks, and I've hired the lovely and talented Malukah (you might remember her from

    she did a while ago, among other things) to collaborate with me on a few, so naturally, I'm pretty excited.

    The game and full soundtrack will be available on Steam but I believe there will be an XBL version as well.

    There is a kickstarter for the project going on, and it's doing fairly well, it's at $79/90k but I should mention that if we hit our stretch goal of $115k then there will not only be an expanded soundtrack, but I'll have some budget to hire some additional live performers (like strings etc).

    So anyway, here's the link, please check it out and help spread the word! I'm genuinely excited for the game. I've read the script and if it's possible to put aside my bias I'm still genuinely impressed it. Really great writing, compelling characters, a cool sci-fi setting, and a great plot. Jason Wishnov has a true talent for writing and this game (like Sequence before it) will not disappoint. Cheers!


    Oh, also the game features Wil Wheaton in the lead VO role, so that's rad too. :)

  10. Update, I contacted Omegas3 directly and dropped some "It's not cool to steal people's music. Do the right thing and take all the stolen stuff down and I'll forget all about it, or I'll have your account shut down." And he seems to have closed down his account. Good for him, I hope he learned his lesson.

    In other news, Megaclown is back! https://soundcloud.com/megaclown

    His song WTF is according to Shazam ripped off of an artist by the name of BeatMagic -


    I hope Soundcloud shuts him down again. It's ridiculous that they'd allow a repeat offender like him to stay unpunished.

  11. Wow, Gearbox is a bunch of a-holes.

    I've got an aging PC that technically should be able to play the game, but I'm unsure how well. I'd like to try the game out before I buy it, yet there's no demo. So I made a thread on the official forums asking about my options. Is there gonna be a demo eventually? Would Gearbox care if I "pirated" the game just to try it out? Or am I basically just screwed, forced to either not get the game or take a gamble and maybe have it not work well at all? The response was essentially "go watch some youtube videos or play the game at a friends house" (which completely failed to address my post) followed by the thread being locked, then deleted.

    I've been looking at the forums and it looks like several other people have asked about a demo only to be insulted, then have their threads locked.

    Screw you, Gearbox.

    That seems like an over reaction. I mean, games do print the minimum and recommended specs. And the game will be dirt cheap on one of the Steam Sales by Xmas anyway if you're not able to justify the purchase now.

    But as it's been said, it runs IMO pretty similar to how BL1 ran, so if you could run the first game even on minimal settings, that's probably how BL2 will play on your machine.

  12. I generally agree with Bleck's criticisms. That said, I also generally enjoyed the game.

    A few things not mentioned though that almost ruined the game for me:


    1) Jumping. It's absolutely awful. They lowered the jumping height, to where you cannot jump on/over even the most basic low obstacles without using the Jump+Crouch technique. Which let's be honest, is just stupid and needs to go away forever.

    2) Ladders. There were countless times where I either would not latch onto a ladder I needed to climb, but more noteworthy, once I got to the top of said ladders the game would simply not detach properly. I could do it manually, but what would happen 95% of the time is I would simply let go of the ladder and jump off and fall back to the base either taking fall damage or dying. Absolutely horrid.

    3) Some of the fights are nearly impossibly hard. Like the helicopter fight on the cliffs. It probably took me about 20 tries because of how many rockets the chopper can take, it's perfect aim and short window of not shooting so you can pop out from behind cover and shoot a rocket at it (and I feel like the red dot guided setting was too slow and didn't work super well). Maybe I just suck, who knows.

    I do agree that releasing without a Xen level was very anticlimatic and essentially ruined the end of the game for me b/c I didn't know that was going to happen so it was very jarring. I think it probably would have taken more than a couple months to do that section, b/c IIRC Xen is actually a pretty long portion of the game. Doesn't at least 10-15% of the game happen there? That said, I would have rather waited and played the full game from start to finish, even if it took another year. We've waited this long, right?

    The voice acting was ok. I think they intentionally wanted to make it as similar to the original as they could, b/c they found voice actors who sounded like the original ones for the guards/scientists. I lol'd at the guy who was trying to sound like Eli Vance at the beginning. :) The army guys did sound kind of stupid IMO. It was fine for the game in 1997 or whatever, but the distortion effect to make it sound like they were all coming through a radio was kind of silly, especially if they're right beside you. Also, some of the chatter didn't make sense. Right off the bat they say things like "I'm getting tired of playing games, Freeman" but it's like, aren't they not supposed to know who you are for a while? Stuff like that sort of broke the immersion for me b/c it just didn't seem consistent with the story.

    Some of the weapons take a very long time to reload, (magnum, shotty, dart gun) longer than the original. And the machine gun is pretty much worthless beyond like 20 feet. Maybe that's much more realistic, but I want to have super human aiming, I don't want realism.


    Level design is really good. I'm glad they didn't make everything 100% exactly as it was. The slight redesign made it seem fresh even though it's a cover of a 15-ish year old game. I'm glad they improved a bit on some of the puzzles, making good use of the source engine for reasons other than just a better look.

    The game looks reasonably purdy. I can tell they put a LOT of work into textures/detail. It's particularly impressive for a non-funded fan game.

    The guns that I didn't have an issue with were very nicely redone.

    Vehicles actually move, which makes sense.


    So anyway, yeah, the game is not without some glaring flaws, but again, considering it was fan-made, it's still highly impressive and I enjoyed it very well (except for the ladders & jump+crouching).

    To the guy that said "COD fags", that's an excellent way to not win any argument ever. Your opinions are generally valid (as long as they're stated clearly and without bile) but the moment you arbitrarily throw out insults or lump people into a giant group based on a subjective personal opinion/bias like "I don't like Call of Duty" or "People who play Call of Duty are fags" then you pretty much throw out all validity of whatever you're trying to say as you metaphorically stamp DOUCHEBAG on your head in giant red letters. Feel free to use this opportunity to learn that lesson and start waning that habit for the future.

  13. Also, Phil Fish is a dick and an idiot and his game blows.

    There wasn't anything wrong with FEZ. It was a good game.

    As for Phil being a dick, yeah, he does strike a lot of people that way and I probably can't speak much in his defense for how he acts.

    But he's also the guy who said he'd commit suicide in Indie Game: The Movie if FEZ didn't work out. So I'd guess he's wrestling with his share of demons. Who knows what kind of stress he's gone through to make him so curmudgeonly.[/offtopic]

    Wow, so the OUYA has made loads of money by now. I really hope they deliver.[/backontopic]

  14. So hot on the tail of the OUYA, here's what looks like it's going to be another powerhouse kickstarter for a gaming system.


    Depending on how my extra funds are looking later this month, I might buy into this. I mean, based on the powerhouse endorsements (Mark Bolas - USC's MxR lab, John Carmack - Zenimax Media, Cliff Bleszinski - Epic Games, David Helgason - Unity, Gabe Newell & Michael Abrash - Valve, etc) they're getting in that video, they must have something pretty solid at this point.


  15. You know, mass effect might have had a little controversy but at least they tried to make it better damnit!

    If any game pulls this crap on me again...

    -the ending boss fight stops at 11:30, ending is the next 20 seconds. Don't watch if you might want to play sudeki at some point. This kinda spoils the game, but not really. :)

    If you're saying Rage is worse than that I gotta play it!

    That does end pretty abruptly doesn't it? I guess RAGE is on par with that. Except at least you got a proper end boss fight in Sudeki.

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