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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. I couldn't afford more than the min price this time. :/)

    You say that like I would be disappointed ;)

    I just want to say whether somebody pays me the minimum price or $20, I'm super thrilled either way. All support I receive makes me feel super happy regardless of price <3

  2. 1309093642-1.jpg

    Hi guys! So it's not exactly the sequel that I'm also working on to Impostor Nostalgia, but I did actually just release an album of tracks that I've written over the years for various purposes that either never got used or have just been lying around for one reason or another.

    Some of the tracks have short back stories so feel free to click and check out any track info on the individual song links. Some of these songs are also unreleased Mass Effect 2 tracks/sketches that didn't survive the cut and make it into the game if that interests you.

    So anyway, yeah, this is a much smaller release than Impostor Nostalgia, but feel free to plug it/tell your friends etc!

    $3.99 for 16 cinematic tracks, enjoy!


    Album Art by Jessie "Axl99" Lam http://twitter.com/axl99


    Wow and win for BGC.

    I'm a canadian retarded cause people here all hate dubstep. Maybe 1/10 person would listen to it.

    I Just plain love dubstep. But it is varied and I prefer it with less wub and more chord lead stuff.

    And yes it's hard to produce a good dubstep track cause it's easy to kill the track with wub.

    EDIT: Btw I bought the BGC nostalgia digital. IT's awesome.

    Thanks! :)

    Mick really tore up that mix, he is a beast! And he did that in like 2 days or something crazy like that. The man is a machine!

  4. The reason I never bought her a cover was because she was particularly picky about them so I just gave her a gift card to go pick out her own which she never did. And since she never uses it anyway, we've decided to sell it. Also, people tend to be pretty bargain-oriented when buying used electronics, regardless of whether they've been used once or a thousand times.

    The point is, it's for sale for a good price and it's in excellent condition.

  5. Buy my Nook Color!

    Actually it's my wife's. Bought it for her in May, but never bought her a cover for it, so she has barely touched it for fear that it will get scratched or damaged. I just put an ad on craigslist. We're asking $190 (75% of the cost of what we paid) and we still have the box and all included accessories for it. It has a "de-register" feature so you can register it to yourself if you buy it.

    Here's the Craigslist post:


    I accept Paypal if anyone's interested.




  6. Had this on in the background while I worked today... went through it at least twice, maybe more. And it's still good! :)

    Jimmy, if ya do a sequel at some point, hit me up if you're interested in doing a co-op or something, I'd be game.

    Heck yes! There will be some Mazedude for sure on the next BGC album!

    Also, if any of you have been holding out for physical CDs, they're now available via bandcamp!


    Go get 'em! :)

  7. that's because it only calculates using the current list price

    you'll notice that it doesn't count TF2 even if you actually paid for it

    Right, I was just saying. :P

    They ought to make an app that tracks when games were purchased. They'd probably see a huge spike after Thanksgiving, during Christmas/New Years, and around the time they usually do their summer sale.

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