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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. There's pretty much nothing anyone can do about it since it's run in Russia. I tried getting them to pull some of my original stuff and never got a response. It's basically like fighting the Pirate Bay or something. Even if you had the money/resources to pursue legitimate legal action, they'd just pop up in another form shortly down the road anyway.

    Sucks, but there's really just not much I can see anyone doing at this point other than helping make people aware that it's not legit in any way.

    That said, on the scale of people who are douchebags, it's one thing for people to pirate my music, and it's another thing to be the guy who uploads my music so that people can pirate them. I do not like either of these people that well, and certainly the latter moreso than the former. But people who SELL my music illegally and keep the money, well, they should pretty much die in a fire. That is all.

    You may refer to this scale as "THE BGC DIGITAL DOUCHEBAGGERY SCALE" if you like.

  2. Hey guys,

    So I recently wrote some music for this game, which I highly recommend checking out if you currently own an iPad/Pod/Phone and like games like Tetris, Boggle, Bookworm, Bejeweled, etc. The combination of the word-search with the urgency of dropping blocks is actually really great!

    Anyway, figured I'd go ahead and make a post about it here, you can check out all the info below:

    Official site - http://www.asherv.com/puzzlejuice/

    Just the trailer - http://vimeo.com/35236358

    App store link - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/puzzlejuice/id457273926?mt=8

    And of course, the soundtrack (Pay What You Want - no minimum today only, to celebrate it's release.) - http://biggiantcircles.bandcamp.com/album/puzzlejuice-soundtrack

    Enjoy! Here's some screenshots:


  3. ubi033.png


    With fantastic artwork again by Protodome, this EP's getting released on Ubiktune as we speak, big thanks to C-jeff for that!

    If you liked Impostor Nostalgia, then I *think* you'll like this too. If you don't celebrate Christmas, well, I still hope you enjoy the music anyway :) (Who doens't love "Carol of the Bells" anyway?) ;) Go listen, go buy it, tell your friends!



  4. Sorry for the triple-post but the winner is PROTODOME! Thank you to everyone who submitted art. I know you all put time in and I really enjoyed looking at all the entries, each of which had its own unique style.

    Here was Blake's winning piece:


    Thank you to everyone who submitted. I really appreciate it, and will probably do this again next time :-)

    That is such BS. Playing favorites like that is just disgusting. I cannot BELIEVE you did not pick my entry, which was CLEARLY THE BEST OF THE BUNCH. :-x


    On an entirely unrelated note, congrats Blake.

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