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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. See original post. Our original goal was to raise $1500. We ended up raising a total of $2,816.93, which was matched by the good folks at www.subsoap.com bringing our GRAND TOTAL to a whopping $5,633.86![/gist]
  2. Aw man, you're including my typos and everything. I blame this dang wireless keyboard! Yarrg!
  3. 1 DAY LEFT. I'd just like to thank everyone who's contributed thus far again. Those of you reading this who haven't, there's still time to show a small slice of love to one of your favorite sites for awesome free music and info! Whether we know who you are or not, your contribution goes every bit as far, and our gratitude is no less! ~24 hours to go!
  4. <2 days left! We've done great this month, let's finish strong, we're practically there!
  5. It's aight, I guess. by "aight" I mean I've listened to it for like the past 20 minutes
  6. Guys, we have a little over 4 days to raise about $700 or so. Let's get on this! Lurkers, let your powers combine!
  7. Ah well, it was worth a shot. I lost track of the date, and I'd have posted sooner if I'd thought about it. At any rate, still enjoy the music, and we did obliterate our original goal, so all's well.
  8. ******UPDATE****** In regards to this thread and this: [triumph]HUGE SUCCESS[/making a note] Our original goal was to raise $1500. We ended up raising a total of $2,816.93, which was matched by the good folks at www.subsoap.com bringing our GRAND TOTAL to a whopping $5,633.86! "But BGC, you said there was free music. Donating is't quite free..." If you haven't already grabbed it, I humbly offer my own track (at a reduced bitrate--mostly a bandwidth issue, hope you guys don't mind too much) for your listening enjoyment. I feel pretty good about myself right now. I have assisted with two seperate fundraisers that have raised over 10,000 of funds for two GREAT causes. It's on thing to make music just for the fun/appreciaction of it. It's something else altogether to use it for the greater good of other human beings. Both OCR and The ACS improve the quality of life for people in one way or another, and I'm proud to assist both. click image
  9. I don't have the exact figure this moment, but we really are very close. If we continue to receive $5, $10, $25 here and there like we've been getting, I promise you we're going to reach our goal.
  10. three-letter profile names unite! <3 thanks guys. Keep it up everyone! We've got 6 1/2 days left to meet our goal! Let's finish strong!
  11. I know I stepped out, but 2 things: 1) Why is this thread still going on? and 2) Why is this thread still going on? You can't teach a mule to fly. Also, why is this thread still going on?
  12. Eh, I'd say that in actuality, you've brought attention to your lack of ability to say anything that makes any sense, and honestly, since you have clearly refused to post any sort of credentials or information that's not just your own (way off-base) theories that we are supposed to agree with simply because they're coming from you. At any rate, this thread has run it's course, when it gets to the point where you have to go into "jerk mode" because you have clearly lost the debate, then it's time to move on. You can't win them all, which is something else you'll learn when you grow up a bit. (And until you prove me otherwise, yes I am going under the assumption that you are a "youngster" with not a lot of experience under your belt.) /bows out.
  13. Exactly. You [Myth] clearly have no idea what you are saying, and you dodged my suspicion as to why, so why should I pretend that there is any sensible legitimacy to anything you're saying? I typically don't like the way bleck conducts himself in any discussion, but at least he is aware when someone has a preposterously poorly constructed opionion, which you have exhibited thus far. As for the "some elements of personal attack", consider it slight exasperation for having to deal with someone who's logic is about as floppy as John Bobbit when he looks at Lorena. Gyarr, here I am wasting more time in this vortex of a discussion.
  14. rofl. You are a riot. My point was that I'm guessing you're either young or unemployeed. Don't want to acknowledge either, I take it? Or maybe by saying something like "I'm 19 and I'm unemployeed" would, you know, be disclosing sensitive information on a public network, and clearly, you are much too smart to fall for that. As JJT told me, I'm wasting my time at this point. I concede, you win! Your logic is superior and I'm just being unfair and ridiculous.
  15. What on earth? And I thought that Pezman was coming in from left field... Just out of curiousity, how old are you, and what is your current job status?
  16. DS has summed up in like a short paragraph what I've said in many more words. Also, Pez, what on earth, bro? You just sprinted in here from waaaaaay out in left field, man.
  17. It is fair. Read my huge reply above and it explains why about 3/4ths down.
  18. Nope, I saw it. I just summed it up, because it a) did specifically skip the ties to job screening and not attacking you here, but I found a lot of your rebuttal to be a little weak. If it makes you feel better though, here ya go I've already responded to this. Also, the difference is that lots of people drink. It's generally socially acceptable. Covering yourself in blood (fake or not) and walking around with a war-face and two guns in your hand is not. really? You can't come up with a better rebuttal than this? Someone would notice, and it would inevitably become an issue to someone at some point. I'm not saying I'd be the one to do it, but you can bet that someone would. And the moment the sheriff's office gets a call about their vampire-cop, that's a LOT of trouble headed their way. Would you really expect them to be ok with that? *edit* As for the prohibitionist and joe-binge drinker, again (see below) it depends on the best interests of the company. Already responded to this. I know this is directed at Audix, but again, the extent of the content they posted online may have the potential to damage the reputation of the company. Since you seem to be referring to drinking/partying a lot in your arguments, let's break down some situations: Let's say someone posts a picture of them at a party. They're holding a beer and making a funny face at the camera with their frinds. There's really nothing an employer can say about this picture that would justify concern for the individual's integrity. Now, progressing through the album, we find a picture of the same person grabbing some girls boob. Another shows them standing on a table with their pants off. Yet another shows them on hands and knees vomiting on the floor. Finally we see a picture of them passed out with silly string and rubber bands covering their face and the words "I'm a [insert obsenety of choice here] drunk mother effer!" Is there anything wrong with any of this? It really depends on who you are asking. To you or me, the answer is probably "No, who cares what they like to do?" To an employer, (or potential employer) they might start drawing conclusions in the best interest of the company, such as "Hmm, well, while partying in and of itself is ok, it seems like this person may have issues when it comes to self-control and obviously doen't really care all that much about their self-image. Can we really trust this person to do the right thing in difficult situations? If our customers saw these pictures, would it hurt business in any way? Can I rely on this person to perform their job adequately? If this is how they're spending their [pick a night], then can I really expect them to show up for work on-time the next morning and perform their duties without being inhibited by the previous night's activities?" Again, this may not seem fair, as most of these questions are going to be hypothetical in the interview, but that doesn't matter. The company still has a right to be on the lookout for it's own interests. You have no right to be employeed by any company. You do have the right to not be denied employment for certain reasons but "potentially not being in the best interest of a company" is not one of them. Sort of, but you're missing my core meaning. Of course different situations call for different action. I'm talking about people who become a different person altogether in different situations. I don't talk to my mother about the same topics I discuss with my friends, but I don't act like someone I'm not in either situation. I'm not talking about the difference of behaving yourself in a church versus a sports game, I'm talking about maintaining personal consistency and good judgement. this made me Again, you really overshot the mark, lol.
  19. Are you really that dense? I think you misunderstood EVERYTHING I just said. And it seems you completely overlooked everything I said that specifically ties my explanation in with businesses and why they have a right to be concerned about these things. Or did you possibly not mention that because you simply can't counter that point? Let me expand on zircon's explanation, since he understood it and you apparently did not. It is NOT illegal to be a pedophile. Instead of being a vampire, let's say he simply put random pictures up of young kids with captions that said something like "Ohh, man, check out THIS little hottie! /drools" That's not illegal, but it is sure creepy as hell, and I'm pretty sure that 99.9999% of any employers would have a problem with that because when ANYONE in the public sees it, it damages the image of the employer. Just because you're off the clock does not mean you don't still represent the company in some way. I didn't ask you if this was fair, or if you like it, I'm telling you that's how it works. I'm sorry if you feel repressed or inconvenienced, but as zircon also said, that's just how the world works. Before you get all huffy and try to attack my system of reasoning, think of speed limits. Sometimes they seem ridiculous and you might feel imposed on, and by all means, no one can stop you from pushing the gas pedal down any further. You might even get away with it. But you're risking consequences by doing so, and depending on the amount that you go over, the more severe the penalty can become.
  20. Absolutely. The same can be said for many many other traits. Meteo, when you say it's basically having to surrender your personal freedom, that's a bit over the top, and a general skewed perspective IMO that a lot of other people have. People tend to look at their "rights" or "freedom" with the sense that a human being is entitled to do WHATEVER THEY WANT and that there should be little or no consequence for doing so. Do you have the right to show off your vampiric, physical alterations on your personal "Hey world! This is what I'm really all about!" website? Sure. Is it going to be without consequense? Probably not. As it's been stated, you're still making such knowledge available to the public, and this affects your image. As Audix has said, image OFTEN ties directly to personal integrity. Does it mean that Vampire guy is a bad guy? I have no idea. I don't know if he's got a criminal record or a mean personality or anything, but I do know that most people would find that disturbing, and again, this disrupts business on SOME level. Whether or not it's making co-workers uneasy, and therefore creating a hostile or uneasy work environment, or scaring away customers/clients or the general public. I tend to not like people who are "someone else" in situation A than they are in situation B. This heavily impares one's ability to trust that person, and that pertains to things like businesses or jobs directly. Everything comes at a price. I'm not a huge believer in entitlement. It basically suggests that we are all free to have whatever we want at no cost whatsoever, and there's all kinds of things wrong with that. If the guy has such a fixation on vampire stuff, surely he's got to know that pursuing that fetish is going to come at a price.
  21. I pick Earthworm Jim. Once again, have a good 'un!
  22. This is probably the most fair/correct thing I've read here. I know it's still going to happen, but not everyone is a "Robin Hood" who has some magical noble reason to infringe for "the greater good". And while every once in a while the outcome may somehow justify the means, 99.99% of most people do not qualify as having a valid excuse.
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