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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. the *general* rule of thumb is that 3rd party plugins are better, because that's primarily their thang, ya know? I'm not saying that Logic doesn't do a good job, but take Fishy's statement about Guitar Rig. Even if the sound quality/modeling is comparable, I highly doubt that Logic will beat GR's interface, not to mention the awesome Rig Kontrol option. Again, this is not *always* the case, but it's a fairly safe rule to live by just the same.
  2. Here, we can just add this to the appropriate artist profiles. This solution has been brought to you by the letters B, G, and C.
  3. And to everyone since my last post (and after this one too) again, a very sincere thanks It's been a nice day!
  4. Wow, and it's not even April! Thanks Jordan, that's super gracious of you. Once again, best of luck with your game. Keep us posted how it turns out!
  5. I was there rooting for you both in spirit! I'm so happy for you both! Jill, you're still my judge-sister, and Andy, you're still the man!
  6. Thanks a bunch, guys! You're wishes have already put a smile on my face, which is a refreshing contrast to the disappointing weekend I had being unable to attend Jill and Andy's wedding. Just for today, I will have all your babies. <3 Also, in the spirit of keeping July the OCR Birthdy/Marriage month, I think it's only proper for DJP and Anna to wed tomorrow.
  7. That'll teach you to post about a paid gig here Good luck with your game, bro. Looks pretty cool.
  8. Again, sorry I couldn't tell you in person, but glad you had a good one, bud!
  9. someone tell me what the red character above the PS3 column is
  10. Hey David, happy bday bro!

  11. You guys all know you can get the same deal at other places right? http://www.zzounds.com/item--NINKOMPLETE2 Also, Guitar Center has them for $399 in-store as well. Call around to some stores. If your store doesn't have one, ask them to check other stores and see if they can ship it to you from there. (they will)
  12. Again, I'd really love to pass this, but once again, I'd feel hypocritical seeing as it's got so much discord in the melodic content. Bummer.
  13. Whatever happened to the Funny Video thread? Anyway, I found this to be worthy of a chuckle.
  14. stop raining on my parade actually I knew the first one was a zombie, but I was too lazy to mention it. And I realize the way the soundpack thing works, but I'd dare say that those particular sounds (the zombie and cyberdemon) were most famously recognized from doom. The other sound you hear a ton from that same soundpack is that swishing sound when the megademon thing shoots the cubes out his head that turn into monsters. You hear that one in movies all the time. Too lazy to find a soundclip atm.
  15. Guess that's what happens when your budget doesn't cover using actual bear noises. Or perhaps this bear is really a cyber demon. (too impatient? check :52, and 2:17)
  16. Yeah man, just make sure "remove conflicts" is unchecked and you can link any number of parameters to a singe knob/slider on your midi controller.
  17. Yeah, because we found out that all his guitar solo's were just midi rips. It's not even a real guitar, he's playing. It's a kazoo run through Guitar Rig.
  18. Mainly, yes--just one of the perks that Judges get. However, it also helps that I'd had several of them check it out in IRC beforehand, and also that it was a remix of a well known source, so it's not like there needed to be any extensive research on the source material, and usage, and all that jazz. However, you'll notice that it still took ~3 months once I posted it, which isn't that far off of the average once a song reaches the panel from the inbox.
  19. Are you using the FL8.5v4 beta? It seems to work fine for me now (although I still prefer JBridge simply because it keeps Omni from chewing up all of FL's available RAM). Also, it seems that changing channels in FL is as simple as using your +/- buttons. I recommend grouping together the ones you'd like to switch between, then clicking on one and then just press the +/- buttons. You'll see the green channel light switch between them appropriately.
  20. Just now saw this thread. I'll do everything in my power to go. I'm also totally open to carpooling. Wheeeee!
  21. huh, well, oddly enough, I just loaded Omnisphere into FL using my modwheelaftertouch template, and everything was working. /shrugs. Even still, I'll only be using it with Jbridge considering all the RAM it saves me in FL.
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