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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. yes. on everything except omnisphere. for that, you'll have to set up a MIDI out to use the modwheel, and I have no idea how to use aftertouch without kore 2 or jbridge.
  2. I just downloaded the trial, does not seem all that intuitive so far, which disappoints me. It's pretty wonky when it comes to setting up audio (mic/guitar) inputs. Anyone else tried this program, or otherwise have any useful opinion of it? http://www.cantabilesoftware.com/
  3. You need to buy it regardless It's only like ~$22US anyway. Well worth it, considering what it will enable you to do in FL, which still looks like it'll be stuck in 32-bit for quite a while.
  4. it's really not as complicated as I think you fear it might be. Since FL is 32-bit and can only access <1900 MB of ram (give or take), this tends to restrict how many plugins you can have in your project, especially if you're using your beastly, ram-eating stuff like Omnisphere or Kontakt. jbridge essentially opens these plugins outside of FL, therefore, they can all access up to ~2GB of RAM by themselves since they're actually open as standalone/seperate programs. You can also do this by using a MIDI out channel and an internal MIDI cable like loopbe1 or something. However, the difference is that when you do it that way, the plugin is not actually open inside FL, meaning when you want to render your final project, you're going to have to set FL to record the plugin's audio as an independent audio file first (bounce/digitize it, or whatever you prefer to call this process), and this is kind of a pain for various reasons. The difference between using that method and using jbridge is that jbridge actually creates a "dummy" instance of the plugin inside FL (is how Andy explained it to me, and he's right). It somehow tricks FL into thinking that the plugin is open inside the host, but it's actually not. FL responds as if the plugin is actually open inside FL--it saves it's state/presets and it will render the audio when you're exporting your project to audio the same way it would any other internal plugin. I have no idea how the wrapper in jbridge works, but for whatever reason, FL's wrapper does not cooperate with the Steam Engine. But since technically the Steam Engine is being run outside FL and it does not have a standalone version, I'm guessing that Jbridge has it's own wrapper of sorts, and it gets along fine with Omnisphere. Just make sure you're using that template I gave you, or that you otherwise have the Modwheel and AT set up in FL because if FL doesn't send the plugin that information, then obviously it won't respond to your Axiom
  5. Gravy son, you are so mindblowing to watch perform. Fantastic stuff as usual, Sam. /me applauds
  6. Brad, I just bought jbridge today. As it turns out, modwheel and aftertouch work perfectly in it. Even if the FL guys haven't been able to figure out jack squat, this is probably a better solution anyway, since Omnisphere tends to hog most of FL's ram.
  7. http://www.zzounds.com/item--MDOKEYRIG49 The problem with the Casio light up key models, is they typically don't have touch sensitivity, so I'm not sure that information will be transmitted over your MIDI cable, which could possibly be annoying to you.
  8. Well shoot, if I saw that you posted this question here, I would have replied here first. http://forum.image-line.com/viewtopic.php?p=258177#258177
  9. So not to kick up a dead thread here, but like, I have never really known about her until recently. She is freakin awesome. I really think the last time I was like immediately siezed by musical admiration was when I discovered BT years ago. Is there anyone else out there that is/was unaware of her music?
  10. Cool, man! Though, that's weird that they gave you a loaner mic--they're typically pretty hardcore about not taking returns on mics at all, but I suppose if it's a matter of being out of stock on the one you wanted, I guess they're willing. At any rate, I'll try to get some chords/tabs/whatever thrown together tomorrow for Chivalry Begins.

  11. happy belated, bud! I'd do a barrel roll for you to celebrate if I knew that it wouldn't break my neck.
  12. They're not, as far as I know. Last time I spoke with their rep, NI had no plans for a Komplete 6. Their main focus right now is on Kore 2, and developing soundpacks. It's a good theory. Kore integrates all of the plugin engines into one, so it boosts the browser to the max. If you're looking for say, a monophonic analog synth that has a dark, fat sound, it pulls presets from all the otherwise separate plugins. You can even do this with stuff like Zebra - import your own patches into the database and categorize them so that they'll show up in your criteria search.
  13. Why not, though? This is highly subjective. It may be difficult to ask an orchestra to try a retake, but how is that any more difficult (or fair) than asking a kid to spend 18+ months working on improving a remix by himself? I understand that it is a live performance by an orchestra, but as strict as we're being with Bastian, or in any other such similar case, wouldn't it only be fair to tell the GSO "look guys, your track is great, but perhaps you should just take a few stabs at it without the audience. Just book the concert hall for a day or two and comp your best takes. Or maybe it would be better if you just recorded each ensemble/section by themselves and then mixed it all together later." I mean, if that was what we required, and the GSO REEEEEALLY wanted their track on OCR, they'd find a way to get a better recording with less flubs, errors, and pitch correction when necessary. But instead, we're saying "Naw, guys, it's live and you probably don't have the time/means to get that perfect recording, so we're willing to overlook the off-key moments, the sub-par acoustics and mixing, and the performance misses." It may be no different with Bastian. Perhaps he doesn't have the means to get the track perfectly up to par. I maintain that it's still just as enjoyable as GSO's. I don't see how our willingness to overlook GSO's flaws but stick it to Bastian hardcore is fair, and not hypocritical.
  14. Oh, btw, man. Are you going to Andy's wedding? If so, we seriously need to do a collab or three for their music thing, yeah!

  15. Well, I didn't mean you can get around tax & shipping through GC.com--they actually charge sales tax online now unless you live in a state that doesn't have a GC store (which I think all of 'em have at this point.)

    I was only saying that you can ALWAYS get a better deal if you make a big enough fuss, and if you make it clear that you WILL take your business elsewhere if they don't give you the full 10% off.

    As for the mic (good pic, btw), if it doesn't come with a shockmount at GC, you could probably get them to match it if you show them the deal at zzounds, (and again, get 'em to eat the tax for you), but unfortunately, I'm not sure I know a better way to get a better deal.

  16. For anyone *cough*Brad*cough* that complains that judging surely can't take up very much time, I have just spent the past hour and 45 minutes voting on TWO mixes. Some of this crap is just complicated. Even with my newfound voting leniency. I'm not complaining, I just thought I'd throw that out there to address anyone who thinks that voting is something that can't take more than 10-15 minutes.
  17. I believe this is my first listen as well, I don't recall hearing any of the prior subs. I understand where Vig is coming from, and the rest of you who have been swayed as well. But we're being unnecessarily harsh here. I'm not going to write a book of objections here, but here's some quick points: Arrangement: Is it epic? No. Is it obvious and clear? Yes. Is it good enough for 20th Century Fox? No. Is it good enough for the OCR fanbase? Yes. Is it approach unique? Yes. How many other remixes do we have that are centered around authentic gregorian choir? Does it therefore contribute something new to OCR? Yes. Production: Is the production epic? No. Are there any critical offenses regarding production (clipping, popping, etc.) No. Could it be better? Yes. Is it any worse than this one? http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01838/ No. So how is it we can pass something like that, and simply overlook the obvious lack of production/performance sheen and polish? Well, because it's enjoyable as hell, and it connects with it's intended audience. So it is with this remix. This is fine the way it is. Not only has Bastian been cool with getting rejected for the past year and a half, but he's done something that while not flawless, is really enjoyable, and quite clearly meets our arrangement criteria. We have no standard as to how someone is supposed to pan their vocals, or how much reverb they're allowed to use. There's no need to be offended by this piece of music, and there's no reason at this point to make Bastian wait another X months just so we can nit-pick his otherwise unique and enjoyable piece.
  18. Ugh, I can't believe I'm doing this, for all my recent talk about lowering the dang bar and not counting seconds. I am truly sorry fellas, I like all three of you (except OA, because he's now a shtyjdgfgt, and must therefore be appropriately loathed), but this is probably a so-rare-it's-bleeding case of something that while it may *technically* be >50%, it's as Anso said, just simply not dominant at ALL. No hate intended, but I really felt like the only truly obvious arrangement was the wah guitar from 2:50-3:50. I hope that doesn't insult any of you, it is certainly not my intent. And it's not like I can't hear any other references to the source at all, but even with my newfound easy-goingness and personally lowered-bar standard regarding voting, it just feels too much like it's an original song that throws a Cid cameo in it. I really do hate throw the thumbs down on it here, it's an awesome track otherwise, the production sounds clean, and the guitar performances are spot on, and the track as a whole is a great track. To clarify, and despite what it looks like, I'm not counting seconds here, I'm just timestamping to clarify my references. From :30 - 1:15, it's just way too liberal. Neither the backing nor melody is distinctly recognizable as Cid's theme. The first 30 seconds, sure, and the synth from 1:15 - 1:37 or so, although (I realize while it was intentionally written that way) that melody doesn't play nice with the backing progression. I refuse to break out the over-complicated music theory here, but whatever mode that's written in only adds more harshness the tone than sadness. Then, the jam out segment, which begins around 1:37 and ends when the wah guitar comes in, is mostly original, but not even the backing chords can really be said to be a clear reference because you changed it from a 4-5 to a 6-5. Don't get me wrong, I thought the organ and guitar were rad. Anyway, I understand the frustration with the NO vote - my fellow fgts have said more or less the same thing about my SMB track, but sometimes the melody just needs to be more obvious, I suppose. Again, I'm not demanding 50/50, but again, reitterating Anso, this just isn't obvious or Dominant. I will say though, that I think this is a great track and am glad that everyone will at least get to hear it EoBLoR is released.
  19. Hey man, just so you know, you should pretty much ALWAYS be able to get anything for 10% off, because they'll meet and beat any other pricing. They might try to argue that they'll only meet a competitors price after shipping and tax has been taken into account, but once again, they're in a recession, and if you make it clear that you are going to walk unless you get a full 10% off, 9/10 times they will probably do the deal. Some profit > no profit. If you want to get really dirty with them, you can either tell them you'll just call another Guitar Center and have them ship it to your home from there, lol.

    Also, I'm no longer with GC as of recently, but I left on good terms, and I can definitely help you get good deals. :) What kind of mic are you interested in buying?

  20. I'm not sure about the 20% coupons, but my hunch would be yes, they'll have them at various times. We're still in a recession, and that means they're more inclined to offer better sales and make less profit than have people talk themselves out of buying anything at all because they can't get the deal they'd like to. No, they typically don't have coupons in store, they usually go out in the buyers guide or sale promo cards that they mail out. And there's usually pretty good sales on July 4th. If you notice everyone else has a coupon but you don't, just find a sales guy and tell him you forgot it or that your girlfriend/wife/mom/dog threw it out/ate it and they'll probably honor it anyway. If not, go find a different sales guy and so on and so on
  21. Yeah, I thought about posting this too, but I just hadn't got around to it. If you're serious about reming/making music in general, this is a fantastic investment. I mean, this was a great deal when it was $699 a few months back. But $399? Phenomenal deal, possibly the best bargain I've ever seen in the past 3 years.
  22. I'm fine with the NO, resub vote. Let's go ahead and close this out.
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