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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Happy birthday! Keep stealing larry's women! Also, happy bday Danny! Keep making killer tunes!
  2. So, I bought the Unreal Bundle on Steam a while back, which included UT3. UT3 is awesome, I loved UT (GotY edition), and this seems pretty much just like it with some more nifty add-ons. But what's the deal with the titan pack? All I can find is the UT: Black thing, which I have to buy? I mean, it's not a huge deal, since I can snag it for like $11 right now, but still, the impression I've gathered from everyone is that it was supposed to be free DLC or something.
  3. Which is something I more or less agreed with in my serious post earlier. Since you tested the product when no demo was available to you. Assuming you decided you weren't going to use it b/c you had no need for the program or did not care for it, aquiring it in such a way seems harmless AFAIAC. However, if you decided you have no taste or use for it, the proper thing to do would be to delete it and give it no further use. My first post was serious. The one about the cars was intended to be joke. Thanks for pooping on my fun though. Well, again, it really amounts to how much time you're putting into the pirated software. If like I said, you spent a few hours here and there and simply decided you didn't like the program, then no big deal. However if despite a couple quirks you still use the program on a regular basis for (cumulatively) a substantial amount of time, you're probably losing credibility on the whole "but I'm just testing it out, and besides, I'm never going to buy it anyway" argument. And again (as far as wronging anyone goes), did you read my example of the guy who stole Omnisphere? I paid good money for my copy. I paid for permission to use that program, and I love it. Whether or not the thief decides whether he likes the program as much as I do, or if he would have ever bought it or not does not matter. It's not at ALL fair or justifiable to me or any of the other paying users, and please, do your BEST to convince me some way that it is. Whether or not it was stolen physically (which it was) or pirated seems irrellevant to me. Have you ever been waiting in the customer service line at Walmart for a really long time, and had someone just walks in and cuts to the front of the line when it was your turn next? It makes me feel like that. Well, that's not the issue so much, I think. I think it could also be said that pirating software is a privilege. The real issue at hand is whether or not one has the right to use the software, which again falls back onto licensing. If you have paid for the license (which gives you the RIGHT) then you can legally use the software within the boundaries of that license. If you did not pay for it, then you do not have that right, plain and simple. Again, it's not that I don't see the benefit that pirating can sometimes lead to (such as Audix's example, or Dave's, etc) and I'm the kind of guy that can agree that sometimes, the end justifies the means, sure. I'm only making the point that whatever your intentions, you still don't have the *right*. And ANSO, Theft is also definied simply as "an unlawful taking of property." So I'm still blurry on how it's NEVER theft...
  4. I download cars all the time, but it's not like I was going to buy them to begin with. Plus, I like to hack into them and invent better, cheaper cars that other people can download for free. And since I wasn't buying the car from a dealer, nobody lost any money. Besides, cars are faceless people and don't care if you pay for them or not. They're just pieces of metal and plastic and rubber and cheese that have no feelings. The guy who invented cars is dead and doesn't need my money anyway. Plus, I'm too poor to afford cheese, so I feel completely justified in downloading cars for free. I also like to drive cars around a few hundred thousand miles before I buy them. If I don't like them, I either leave 'em in my garage, or drive 'em into a chasm. Either way, they eventually go back to the earth, and since rubber and petrolium are biodegradable and good for the environment, I'm also recycling and keeping our planet beautiful, and that makes Mother Earth happy.
  5. Man, no need to justify. I for one like to see/hear stuff like this. I'd like to think a community such as this one would as a general whole echo the sentiment of congratulations and applaud your success.
  6. I hate coming into a discussion late. I'm sure I've missed plenty, but I'll comment on a few things briefly. in your case, you already own a license to use FL. I'm pretty sure it's not stealing if you're using any copy of FL, as long as you're only using the stuff you are legally licensed to use. (if you're only licensed for v4, then you probably shouldn't use v8...). anyway, I'm pretty sure you'll get the matter resolved with IL soon anyway. I'm not entirely sure I understood any of this. Appraising certain products after you've already taken them is kind of LOL. Besides, who are *you to determine a product's value anyway? (*you in a general sense). Just because you didn't care for something as much as someone else, does that give you the right to take what they paid good money to see/hear/use for free? It's very tough to win a debate with such a subjective statement. There are fewer and fewer justifications for pirating most media now anyway: Software: demos generally give more than enough time and ability to test out the features to see if it's something that could be valuable to you before you buy it. Music: there are so many ways to hear the gist of a track/album before you buy it. Virtually every legitimate music retailer/reseller has track/album previews available before you buy. Movies are pretty much the only *risk* investment in the media industry in that previews don't always allow you to personally assess it's contents completely effectively from their previews. Also, I disagree with ANSO that pirating is NEVER theft. I understand where you're coming from, and I even tend to agree, it seems more of an infringement thing, but isn't it also that prohibiting profit by illegally taking a product for free is (although implied) still a form of theft? NOW THEN. While I generally don't condone piracy, I can and do understand SOME of the opposing arguments. (I don't think Coop did anything wrong, for example). Dave makes some pretty interesting and valid points. Almost puts a Robin Hood-ish perspective on it. "Is stealing from the wealthy to feed the starving poor wrong?" and all that. I suppose ultimately it depends on the situation, which I'm far to lazy to try to list out which are and aren't justifiably correct. I will say that I'm CERTAINLY not a wealthy individual, and I spent more money in 2008 (and I'm 27 as I type this) than I ever have before on music gear, and I'm still scraping to provide for myself and my wife, so I can definitely sympathize with the "oh, but I'm poor" argument to an extent. However, I'm also a little bit perturbed when people pirate the stuff that I worked hard to pay for despite my own financial struggles and then hear it *justified* it with the old "but I'm too poor to afford it" copout. Good example, I (along with lots of other people) paid a substantial amount of money for Omnisphere when it came out. Recently, a copy was stolen from the Guitar Center here in Knoxville. It infuriates me to think that some jerk is getting to use that program for free when I worked hard to save up the money to actually buy it. He's definitely not getting any sympathy from me, no matter how rich or poor he is. Backtracking just a bit, another factor to think about when deciding if a program is "worth it" to you or not, is how much time you spend using it. If you want to buy a game, and let's say the game cost's $60, and in theory if you had the game, you would play it for say, 500 hours of your life, then personally I'd say that the game is probably easily worth $0.12 per hour for you. I bought FL studio years ago for $150, plus another $30 for the lifetime updates. I've probably used FL at least ~10 hrs a week for the past 5-6 years, or roughly 3000 hours. Considering that's probably comparable to the use a typical console gets (not to mention the cost of buying new games constantly) which I estimate would run easily $1000, I'd DEFINITELY say it was worth it. If you're pirating a program that you "wouldn't have bought anyway", and you're using it more than a couple hours here and there, and especially if you COULD afford it if you applied yourself and saved for it, then once again I am withholding my sympathy from you. Also, oddly enough, I'd actually enjoy AD chiming in on this, regardless of which side he's for/against. If for no other reason than I've grown to enjoy his style of debate. *EDIT* Also: I don't think you understand how most product distribution and retail/resell works at ALL. Also, upon further reflection, I'm not certain half the people here really understand the difference between a license and ownership. Buying a program or a music CD is a lot different than buying a couch or a bar of soap or a pair of socks, but I still get the impression that most people don't realize that.
  7. not to come across as a prick... seriously, I mean no disrespect, but this made me laugh out loud.
  8. Remember, they're in Belgium, so they're roughly a half a day ahead of you. You ought to get a response within a day or two, I'd imagine.
  9. Which version of FL do you have? Did you buy the lifetime updates? Even with the boxed version (I originally bought FL4 boxed) and I'm pretty sure I still had to register it online in order to download the regkey that unlocks it from Demo mode. If you haven't been on the flstudio.com website in a while, they've ported everything over to image-line.com now, so your old login information will be no good. Don't panic though, just email a mod or post in their forums that you can't access your account and that you need it moved over so you can download your regkeys. Someone should get back to you shortly about getting your account moved over. Hope this helps. Also, if you haven't already, go ahead and shell out the $30 and buy the lifetime updates. It'll keep you from ever having to worry about this sort of thing ever again.
  10. Well, her voice would be easy to replicate IMO, so they still ought to consider doing another.
  11. Hey, Nafeu, I remember you telling me about this a couple months back. Congrats, glad to hear everything's going smooth for ya! I'll vouch what Andy said about this kid, he's a super talented up-and-coming young remixer. Has a pretty sick Unreal Tournament track that's going to be posted here on OCR pretty soon, so everyone keep an ear out! *edit* Didn't see the prior couple posts. Let me clarify. There was an issue that raised some discussion amongst the panel about whether or not it was in violation of our site's submission standards. I initially emailed Phr4kture and asked if he could rework it to bring it wholly into the clear, because aside from this one minor issue, the track was fine. However, after some discussion and review by the panel, we decided that the track was NOT in violation of the site's policies, and continued our vote. It's since been accepted and will be going up whenever DJP gets around to it
  12. ZOINKS! like, zomg, I <3 you guyz! You should bake each other a cake but seriously though, have a great day, both of you! also, in before Coop's "nice birthday". Wheeeeeee!
  13. The reason East West moved away from Kompakt is because they didn't have any software developers to create a UI for their libraries. And they didn't like having to essentially share their profits with Native Instruments, so as soon as they had some programmers, they created PLAY. But really, so many people have Kontakt, I personally think the possibility of its demise anytime soon is unlikely.
  14. hi there. please read this. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6716 if you are planning on submitting it to be hosted on this site, then yes. if you're just remixing for your own pleasure, absolutely not. just keep working hard and practicing. it pays off either way.
  15. The Rescuers Down Under is an overlooked gem, both in terms of music and the film itself.
  16. Naturally, not to be outdone by any of you n00bs, I'm going to post my top-secret trademark loop pattern. Ooooooh, y'all just got boned. OSNAPz
  17. very awesome indeed. hand sequenced? also, my initial guess as to the vst would be... battery, perhaps? stormdrum 2 also has some cool glitchy sounding kits in it.
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