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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. This just in, we can no longer offer refunds because we have spent all your donation money on Depends for Dhsu.
  2. I bet Celemony will be the people to invent an effective audio to midi program if that day ever comes around. I mean, DNA looks like it's basically going to do that...
  3. Believe me, I've considered that, and again, perhaps there's another way [emphasis]that does not involve using Paypal[/emphasis] that we could offer prizes, but I reiterate, for the immediate moment, our options are limited and adhering to PapPal's requests is what must be done.
  4. Well, my own speculation is that someone (probably who doesn't like us for whatever reason) may have reported us, however it is possible that they found it on their own; either way it doesn't truly matter. I understand that by technical definition I suppose, we are "gambling" in some way, although to anyone reading this thread/post, we know that that's a very very skewed perspective, and obviously not what we're about here. It's merely a fundraiser, and it was MY IDEA to offer prizes to those who donated. Believe me, if I was able, I'd give away prizes to every single person that sent in any money at all. Obviously, that's not exactly feasible. I'm just really disappointed at this whole mess. I've participated in this exact same type of thing before, where donations were asked for, and in some cases prizes were rewarded, many for charitable causes. It's unfortunate that Paypal is a large entity, bound more by fine print than any sort of conscious judgement. We may figure out a better way to carry out our "gambling"[/smirk] in the future, but for now we have had no choice but to abide by PayPal's request.
  5. I care nothing for your sexy artistic shenanigans. When do we get moar wingless music?
  6. Those of you who have donated, I encourage you to use Jill's sig and help us spread the word! Feel free to wear it in other video game/game music related forums. Blog about it! Livejournal it! Positive spiral, woot!
  7. So far there we've had a fantastic week, and I'd like to extend a huge thank you to those who have donated so far. Some of you have truly gone above and beyond, and whether or not the raffle goes well for you, you have our utmost and sincere thanks. Also, those of you who have read this thread but have not yet donated, please consider doing so. If your name appears below, or on any of the following few pages, now is a great time to show support to a site that undeniably means a great deal to you. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/memberlist.php?order=DESC&sort=posts&pp=30
  8. Anyway, it's still great, and I've updated the first post to include it. Thanks a ton, Jilly Bean!
  9. That's really awesome, Jill! I do agree with Ken, though, in that I wonder if it'd be possible to add a small line of text at the end that said something like "Click here to learn more!" Otherwise, that puts my crummy one from last year to total shame, and that's awesome!
  10. Hmm. Not a bad sub, but as Andy mentioned, it does sound a little too circa-2001-ish. I thought the lead synths were aight, but too monotonous and unchanging for the most part--take 1:05 for example. I realize it's an electronic piece, but the synth wasn't particularly expressive or compelling. It doesn't sound bad, but it manages to sound a hair bland. The acoustic drums under electronic instrumentation seemed especially rigid IMO. The drums in and of themselves don't sound bad--I liked the sound of the snare especially, but perhaps they could have been compressed--warmed up a little more and individual note velocities tweaked here and there to make 'em not sound so robotic. I guess that's the problem when juxtaposing acoustic and electronic elements together--the shortcomings tend to be a little exposed. I liked the initial soundscape at 4:15, and the bassline just before, but all those double notes etc got rather jumbled up in each other rather quickly. Ultimately I'm cool either way this gets voted, but I'm just feeling like it's a little lacking in the execution. Production needs some work, and the sequencing is rigid to the point that it detracted from my ability to just groove with the song. Keep at it, it's obviously fairly close (otherwise, you wouldn't have 3 YES votes) NO
  11. I will most certainly not! (not mind you that is) *ahem* O HAI THUR!!!!!!
  12. If this means you donated, then I'll add you to the list. Also, JJT, make me a sandwich.
  13. 4 solid Y's and a conditional--I see no reason to throw this one into the limbo known as *PRODUCTION HOLD* personally. Shall we close it out and move on?
  14. Thanks guys, keep up the great help! I think we're off to a good start, but we could be doing way better. So far, of the ~810 registered members that have visited the site in the past 4 days, only 21 have donated. That's only 1 out of every 38 people. Also, this thread has had nearly 900 views (I'll account for a few of them mainly due to updating the list) but still if you've read this thread, we need your support! And you unregistered lurkers reading this thread now, show your love! Show us how much you enjoy the site! And in addition to helping us move forward and provide you with more awesome music and information, why not take a shot at winning some great bonus prizes as well?
  15. Man, that is like, more rad thank timbale licks; what a great attitude to have! Thanks for sharing that awesome perspective!
  16. You should be fine. Just PM me the email or whatever that you used. Also, we'll ship it anywhere, regardless of the shipping cost
  17. Also, last year I threw together a pretty crappy sig in like mspaint. Surely there's someone out there who can do a better one for this year
  18. $5000+/5000 raised!!! FINAL UPDATE DJP announced our success in the latest ReMix, but I'd like to mention that we actually raised MORE than double last year's amount. Anyway, I would just like to formally say how grateful I am for the TREMENDOUS generosity that has been displayed here this year. I'm absolutely thrilled and touched to see the enormous support for this fantastic community, and the way we've given back to it in these financially gloomy times tells me that it's something that most of us consider a blessing and a gift. Pardon my over-the-top-cheesy-ness here, but I cherish so many experiences I've had that have occured directly because of OCR, and I'm so happy to see so many of you apparently feel the same way. For those of you who did not donate, again, I think no less of you for that, but I do feel that you owe some thanks to everyone who donated this month--it's only fair. As DJP said, the donations ranged from $3 to $500. In my own humble opionion, if you're reading this, it would mean a lot if you were to take a moment and thank the people who contributed. (Well, besides myself. I'm not looking for thanks, all I want is the continuation of this site and community.) Now then, April is over (or will be in a few hours depending on where you live.) Does this mean that we're good until next year? Well, I think it's safe to say that we shouldn't have to worry about the site going under for the next 12 months, but that does not mean donations are unnecessary or unwanted. Think of it this way. The more donations we get, the more opportunity the site has to grow EVEN MORE! Exciting things are always on the way, and plentiful funding ensures not only stability but growth! So if at any point in the next 12 months you find yourself particularly glad at the content we're offering, toss that extra $5 (or hey, $500 if you wish) towards the site. It's going to a good place, and good things will come of it, I promise. Here's to another fantastic year. See you all next April! Thanks to Binjovi for this awesome picture! ***OLD STUFF*** UPDATE Taken from a post later in the thread: ****************************** Last year, djpretzel mentioned in a write-up that “Sometimes, because of our content policy, our LLC status, the amount of content on the site, or any number of things, people mistakenly think that we're an actual business that has ample resources and makes money, etc. This is not the case - money from all our ads, shirt sales, and donations combined only barely breaks even these days due to the operational cost of hosting the site. In other words, we always need whatever help you can provide.” The same holds true this year as well. Before I get right to it, however, I’d like to cover a few points. OverClocked ReMix has experienced some tremendous growth in the last year - I think it’s fair to say that none of the “old-timers” ever anticipated how popular it would become or the impact it would have on so many people on so many levels. With Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, we managed to make our way into a major video game franchise, we’ve gotten a lot of positive attention online and through events like Video Games Live, and we’re receiving an ever increasing number of submissions from both aspiring and renowned musicians from all over the world. Why does any of this matter? The larger the site grows, the more resources it takes to keep moving forward. Many of you will remember that this time last year, I unofficially declared April to be “Support OCR Month”. It seemed appropriate, since the site was not only officially standing on its own two legs, but was growing rapidly, with the cost of things like bandwidth and hosting quickly outgrowing the limited funds generated from T-shirts, stickers, hoodies, and ads. Whether you've personally downloaded one or all of the remixes that are hosted here, enjoyed any of the album projects, made it to a meet-up or convention and had a blast, played a game online with friends you’ve made here, learned a skill you didn’t have before, improved a skill or ability, helped someone else in the same way, sit and spent minutes or hours and hours on the forums, or any combination of these things etc, that's all made possible by djp's continued work on the site and our ability to make such resources available. This year’s A1 gag was great, but it’s not entirely unrealistic—that is, the possibility of losing the battle to site operating costs and watching the site disappear. In fact, though we aren't quite in dire straits, we walk closer to that ledge than many people think. As a member of the judges panel, I'd also like to address a concern we’ve seen increase over the past year. Those of you submitting music may have noticed that the process has become slower lately; this is a frustrating thing, and rightfully so. Let me officially say that this is not something that the staff has overlooked - we are thrilled with the growth we’ve had, but we also want to encourage that growth, not restrict it. We are not content to let our success in carrying out the core mission of “appreciating and promoting video game music” reach a plateau when it is capable of expanding further. The judges panel is going to commit to a higher level of accountability and productivity. The queue is scary sometimes, and the inbox even more so, but we realize that patience has been stretched with the amount of time it takes to submit and have new remixes posted. We now ask just a bit more as we reaffirm our commitment to ensure faster results as we are in this transition of continued growth. Things are only going to get better, not worse; that much we can promise. I enjoy statistics, and shall thus provide some. As of now, April 2nd, we’ve had roughly 660 registered users visit this site since yesterday. If we assume that at any given point, there are twice as many unregistered users enjoying our content, that’s nearly 2,000 visitors in less than 2 days. If a mere fourth of those contributed a mere $5, that’s about $2500. Under the assumption that we’ll probably have quite a few more visitors by the end of the month, we ought to be able to generate a substantial amount of funds to support the site. For those who are interested, last year we raised about $2400 for the site. This year, I’d like to double that goal. I think we should easily be able to raise $5000. Here is a simple banner that you can put it in your sig and help spread the word! Copy paste this next part: (but remember to take the spaces out of the , , and tags Click below for more info![/ size] Q: I don't have the money right this minute--can I contribute later? A: Absolutely. If you post in this thread, I'll consider that a commitment. It's on your honor to actually pay if you say you will. Q: Can I just buy an OCR shirt/hoodie/stickers instead of donating?A: Yes--every little bit helps. Donating, however, is the most direct way to help, since we only get a percentage of merchandise sales, but any support we can get is still very much appreciated. Q: How much money have we raised so far? A: We'll tell you when we're done. I will tell you if we break our $5k goal, though! Q: I thought there were prizes involved. A: There were, but Paypal deemed our offering prize incentives as part of this fund raiser as a form of gambling, which violates their TOS. So until further notice, and much to our own regret, there are no prizes being offered. Believe me, we are very, very sorry about this. Q: I have questions that are not answered here. Who can I ask? A: Feel free to PM me (big giant circles) and I'll do my best to get back to you in a timely fashion. http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p238/biggiantcircles/1luvu.gif' alt='1luvu.gif'> PEOPLE WHO WILL/ALREADY HAVE CONTRIBUTED (__/6750+) -1337 1 -Abadoss -the prophet of mephisto -djpretzel -Brushfire2004 -FREAK55 -Kentarre -Vivi22 -big giant circles -linkspast -Bahamut -Jewbei -Bleck -Audix -Orange Pylon -Cecilff2 -crazy_dewmaster -SoulinEther -The Mutericator -Shortmann -BardicKnowledge -Power Smoothie -iskyoork -pixietricks -TheHands -AnotherSoapOpera -Moguta -Harmony -Shadow Wolf -The Otaku -D-Lux -Jago -JigginJon "The-Original-Mr.-5/4" Titterington -Bart Klepka -MaxFrost -rAnDOm_rOguE -phirro -Majin GeoDooD -HalcyonSpirit -Dhsu -DJ Mokram -NinjaKirbysomething (he vanished before I could catch the end of it) -Kizyr -K.B. -RagingWolf -GeneralJehy -Brushfire2004 -Eluros -genesis_SOC -Polo -SirChadlyOC -JadeAuto -Cyril the Wolf -Shaltif -Dr_Graevling -Neo Samus -fil_razorback -Fishy -Wild Armor -DJChAko(?) -The R3venge -abg -jmr -GRiM_BoB -nesdude -Avatar of Justice -hobodactyl -jatalu -Torzelan -ifirit -Zephyr -Gario -SuperMod -Majin GeoDooD -ChloroPhil -Global-Trance -Dr.Flintlock -Rexy -Fratto -many, many, many, many others who donated "anonymously" Take over the interweb with us! Facebook, Facebook Fans, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Last.fm, Orkut, Folding@home
  19. Mmm, not really sure where else has any... I think VGMix had a couple years ago. We do currently have one that's approved to be posted (hopefully soon), so keep an eye out for it.

  20. I like this. It's very Bond-ish indeed--nice ambiance on the train FX. I personally didn't have any qualms with the choice of synths or anything like that. And I enjoyed the intentional grating effect. Arrangement seems fine to me, and I enjoyed the drumwork. My main gripe is that the overall mastering has the bass just a little bit too loud. And since it rides on basically 2-3 notes for a majority of the time, it was a little bit obstructive of the rest of the mix, IMO. I personally had no gripes with the treble on your cymbals and stuff. I'd just personally ask for a minor production tweak, pull the bassline back a bit, and if you feel so inclined, changeup the synth patches in the places that my fellow J's seemed to find a bit abrasive. I'll echo the desire for a resub, because you're on the doorstep, bro. More Goldeneye love! NO
  21. well, I had a good long 2 paragraphs typed out before I accidently navigated off the page and lost it. Recap: I think the (seemingly) awkward off-beat notework was deliberate, but I'm not entirely sure it was the most effective choice. I'm kind of in the middle on this one. There's certain listens where I feel ok with it, but more often than not I (regrettably) keep feeling like there's a little too much sloppiness for me to be ok with a PASS. I think the glitch-ness is fine, for the most part (I like glitchy stuff) but there's so many notes that clash, that even if it was written that way, it just doesn't seem like it really benefits the track... I hate voting NO on Shawn's work because he's a super-great dude and very persistent, and he has definitely come a long way from his first mixes, but unfortunately, there's still some cleaning up to do on this one.
  22. Very interesting stuff indeed. A minimalistic underscore approach to a theme that is neither. Let me just say that this would work phenomenally underneath a cut scene or movie clip. Ironically, as a far back piece, it's very compelling. When bringing up the volume and listening to it as more of a "frontal" track, it loses something. I would suggest a bit more development. I understand, and even appreciate what Larry referred to as the "deliberate plan behind it", but I also feel like this was hard to listen to as a stand alone piece. It's great mood music, but not quite bearing enough substance to stand on it's own two legs just yet. Some crescendos and swells and more dynamic contrast would be prime. The instrumentation doesn't really need to change, just the performance. I really like this piece. I hope to see a resub. NO
  23. I'm with DS and Larry. This is not a terrible song by any means or stretch. But it definitely gave me some "wtf?" moments. The guitars in and of themselves lack flesh for the most part. Hit up sixto or something and ask for advice on how to fatten 'em up a bit. You don't have to sacrifice the grit and grunge and dirt, but they do sound pretty hollow, and I think it's mostly the mixing. The piano was especially wtf. I realize that was supposed to be intentional, but I echo Larry's question... "why?" I did really enjoy the guitar work at 2:27. The brass gliss thereafter was totally out of place, though. Around 3:13 I finally really enjoyed the soundscape, and that to me was the highlight of the mix. It started going downhill around 3:27, and it sounded like there were some slight timing issues between the guitar chugs and the drums. Ending it much too abrupt. Drums get covered up throughout mainly by the rhythm guitars--I'd work on that. At any rate, I don't think I had any gripes with the arrangement itself--just the choice of instruments and effects at certain places. Hope this info helps. You're a pretty dang skilled guitarist, your production mainly just needs some work. NO
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