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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Yeah, Brad, I don't bother trying to get any one sort of ultimate Axiom preset going or anything. I do have a template for my mod wheel, and you have to disable the "send pitch bend range" option in almost all the plugins (which you only have to do once), but I just assign the knobs and sliders as I need them. So kind of what Brandon's talking about--just starting with a "blank" template, so to speak that you can set to whatever you want/need for any project. I suppose I could set a "universal" template or two if I ever felt the pressing need, but seeing as I have a zillion plugins and can never tell what I'm going to use in each song from the get-go, I don't bother.
  2. any of you mods wanna merge these or wuteva?
  3. Several people tonight were impressed by the new patch released prior to our match that allows Bill to dodge forklifts. The game has reached new levels of realism.
  4. Well, I believe there's an issue where if you have a slow connection or the server DC's halfway through the campaign (even for just a few seconds) then it screws up the achievement. I should technically have the achievement for No Mercy on Expert, but it didn't give it to me, and I did play all the way through and make it to the chopper.
  5. totally didn't see DA's thread. Wuteva. Still, a superbulous day to you both
  6. I agree with this. I'd be fine with a stun, but at the same time, I wouldn't mind seeing 2 or 3 survivors go flying at once
  7. What about DA? Don't forget her, guys. Happy bday, ladies!
  8. I can sympathize a bit. I tend to set my master tempo in 5's unless I'm trying to score something.
  9. I'm sure someone will be tempted to start a thread on my unprofessionalism because of this next remark, but I'm going to say it anyway. Seriously man? You didn't happen to notice that the volume was clipping across international boundaries? Music is not supposed to be this loud. I mean, honestly. It feels like I just stuck my head inside a nuclear reactor. The reason I'm being so harsh is that honestly, it's excessively difficult to even properly evaluate this track in this form. Even turning down the volume, it doesn't *fix* it. Waaaaay too hot bro. Try to watch your levels a bit more in the future. That red line is not a good thing. Anyway, I'm not trying to sound like I'm throwing hate at you, I'm just trying to make it clear to be on the lookout for obvious mistakes like that, it'll save you and us some time in the future. And you'll piss off less of your listeners too, because you won't blow up their systems (or damage their hearing) whenever they try to play your stuff. Overall, this is pretty generic sounding. It's not quite a cover, and slightly more than a sound "upgrade", but at the same time, there's nothing tremendously interesting going on. And if there is/was, again, it's drowned out by the abrasiveness of the mix. Very shrill and distorted and grating. There's nothing wrong with heavy trance/dance mixes, but you've got to maintain control, and again, by OCR standards, we like it when you deviate and show a bit more progression in the track. Better luck in the future. NO
  10. There's plenty of headroom, yet the mix is heavily over-compressed. Lots and lots of what I call non-clipping-clipping, where the master doesn't clip, but it sounds like it does without busting up your monitors. The intro was okay, but I would definitely prefer a shorter version. I didn't really get into it until 1:40, and that's just a bit too long IMHO. In short, the production is the main thing holding this back. Aside from the compression, it's extremely muddy. The overall level needs to be brought up, and you just need to take more time mixing and tweaking and retweaking it until it fills more of the soundspace without sounding squished or cluttered. The arrangement was simply okay, not phenomenal, but not awful. My main suggestion there would be to make it more concise. I felt like this 5.5 minute track really should have only been 3-3.5 minutes. I didn't hear your previous submission of this track, so I hope this is a *fresh* set of advice. I did hear your other Halo submission, and I know you're a pretty solid guitarist, so keep at it, we'd love to get one of your mixes up soon! NO
  11. Echoing my fellow J's here. Not a bad attempt, but there's still some pretty amateur choices and execution going on. The overall mix seems a little sparse/thin as far as the instrumentation goes. The intonation on the guitar seems a little bit off, and the higher chords don't really compliment the track too well. The drums in and of themselves aren't too bad, but they don't really contribute any energy to the track. And I'll concur that there's something slightly unpleasant about the timing in certain places. And that piano is quite dry. Not really sure what all to suggest to bring this one up to snuff, it's not bad, but it's got a lot of ground to cover. If you're stuck on the idea of submitting a Mirror's Edge remix, it might not be a bad idea to start back from scratch. Keep at it, Will. This is much better than my earlier stuff. Learn what ya can, try to keep your ears fair and fresh, and keep a really high personal standard. You'll get there. NO
  12. This has been brought up lots on the Image Line forums. It's not that there's no interest in doing a Mac version, it's that the program is writen in Delphi, which apparently is impossible to convert. Delphi is also the current roadblock for there ever being a 64-bit version of FL. So the issue is not the programmers (unless you expect them to rebuild the program from scratch) but the code it's written in. I for one am crossing my fingers that at some point in the near future that Delphi will be cross-platform as well as 64-bit. At any rate, carry on fellas.
  13. heh, we'll see, not sure i'll be at GC by then, but I'm definitely up for going one way or the other.
  14. It's right here. Wish to death I was there. GC employees get in free, however, they won't let us off work for it. Kind of puts a smirk on my face... Anyway, I actually hadn't been following it much, but thanks for the reminder, Jay. Those things are all on my radar as well.
  15. I've never had any latency issues with ASIO drivers.
  16. That's pretty much how I feel. FL clearly has the most intuitive piano roll on the market. I don't understand why more DAWs have not tried to "copy" it.
  17. Indeed, but it's better than nothing
  18. You can, but the only way I've been able to view it is to type "openserverbrowser" in console. Your favorites should appear there.
  19. Haha, I wondered where y'all went to so fast. You guys should have just voted him off Anyway, I'm definitely down for some expert campaign in the very near future. I'm getting kind of worn out on versus lately. I've just played it a little too much I guess.
  20. it didn't crash on my end, but i got DC'd a ton today. very frustrating.
  21. Indeed, there is a resemblance. For bonus points, which one is a REAL African-American?
  22. That montage shot is freaking awesome man. Also, that's Grank Kirkhopes head above your shoulder in the top pic. And I love how it looks like I do a slight DJP at the loop point of the gif.
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