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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. rofl from the forums: Let's combine these two ideas and have wrists and elbows that jam after too after a lot of melee. They can only be fixed by having another team mate gently massage the affected areas, or quickly applying some topical BioFreeze that can be picked up in place of pills.
  2. So, this update thingy. Anyone have any predictions? Minor bug fix, or 20 new campaigns, 10 new VERSUS maps, 15 new weapons, and 6 new playable infected, along with a new Jessica Alba version of the witch? What do you guys think? sidenote, I have never seen a whinier group of people than those that are on the L4D steam boards. so much petty whining/namecalling/mini-modding. Darkesword would have a heyday. Or maybe a hayday. I have never in my life actually typed out that expression before, and I'll be darned if I know which is correct.
  3. haha, awesome gif mayne. sidenote, i'm getting a big fat 404 when i clicky your pics.
  4. yes I did. You need to check your ears I will say it would have been better if I hadn't blown it by the first night... That'll teach me to talk so much! Next year, I think Brandon and I should shoot for an official jamspace concert slot and have a "non-VGM songs we all know and love from the 90's" set or something. Grey Street was also another one we should have recorded.
  5. Can't please everyone. Sometimes people just like to pop balloons for the heck of it. Besides, we wrote the music how Capcom wanted it, so if he's criticizing the music, he's really criticizing them more than us, whether he realizes that or not. *EDIT* Also, seeing as he's the Editor in Chief, I'm not sure writing him a nasty letter would get anywhere. It's like "Hey man, I think you're an idiot. Please publish this letter in your magazine so everyone knows that" *ANOTHA EDIT* On second thought, I'd be interested to see his response if someone wrote him a sincere (and professional/courteously worded) letter saying something along the lines of "Hi there, thanks for your review of HD Remix. I noticed you were pretty harsh on the HD Remix music. As a member of OCR, we value all input that we receive regarding our projects, and if you don't mind sharing, could you elaborate on what specifically you did not like about it? What do you think could have been done differently to push it over the top?" Something along those lines. He's probably be more inclined to publish/respond to that.
  6. Moar pics please. Alright, so M7 was a blast. I definitely owe my attendance to Audio Fidelity who basically went out of his way to accomodate my schedule and pick me up. Thanks to Dave and Larry for sharing their room as well. The view from floor 28 was particularly nice, wish I had a picture of the city lights at night, and you could see the Washington Monument in the distance. Some particular highlights are as follows: Getting to meet more people I've not yet had the privilege to in person. It was fun getting to meet Mazedude especially, he's a super nice dude in person and he makes me want to learn Capoiera. The live performance of Dragon Song was awesome, as was attempting to play Bonds of Sea and Fire (Me, Tauce, Will, Brad, Brandon, and a couple other dudes) in that weird 7/8 - 5/8 groove. Jamming with Brandon is always a blast - at one point he and I managed to get a crowd of people around the piano and jam out some good classic 90's tunes (and TV themes like Rescue Rangers, haha) and good times were had. TGI Fridays - still an OCR tradition for me. Not nearly as large a group this time, but the food was good. Also, IHOP seems to be the other place we frequent during meetups, and I hope that remains static in the future as well. DJP, Larry, Anna, and Cara (sp?), one of their friends and I ate some KILLER pizza at some local joint the first night. Definitely wouldn't mind hitting that place up again. Their largest pizza required a box about the size of a card table, literally. The concerts were awesome, of course. Arm Cannon busted out some awesome renditions of songs like "Carry On Wayward Son" and "I Am A Real Americal". Smash Brothers was great... I was a little disappointed in the lack of bacon this year. But I did buy the album, so I did get bacon in some sense at least. Hung out with some folks I'd met before but not really got to know very well before like Joe Cam--turns out he's got family here in my hometown. I loved the events and panels. Really enjoyed listening to Grant Kirkhope, he's a super likable and nice guy. I really enjoyed the Video Game Composer panel. Tommy Tallarico always has cool info and insight to share, and we got to hear more from Grant and also Howard Drossin. The OCR panel was fun. I really enjoyed OA's presentation and am eagerly awaiting the FF4 project release. I also had a blast giving him a run for his money when he thought he could just take that free HD Remix prize without any sort of a challenge at all Speaking of HDR, I finally got to play it, and it's AWESOME. Such a well-done release, it's one thing to read about it, but after playing it, I applaud everyone involved to the highest degree. Another face (or two) worth mentioning that it was a real pleasure to chill with was Blind and his wonderful wife Jade. They are both every bit as awesome and friendly in person as they are here on the site. Blind's DJ set was also a real pleasure, and as the pictures clearly reveal, there wasn't a single person who did not move to the groove in funky ways Wish it could have gone on longer, and I wish I could have done more, but that's how it is, and at least it always leaves me wanting to come back. If Brendon makes his way here to the thread, I'm sure I can speak for all of us when I say how much we appreciate all the hard work that he and his staff put in to give us the opportunity every year.
  7. I do believe I'll be sitting this one out. Bummer.
  8. Toontrack EZ Drummer, IK Sampletank 2.5 XL, IK Miroslav Philharmonik, IK Sonik Synth, Musiclab RealGuitar, Musiclab Realstrat, NI Masssive, NI Akoustik Piano, NI FM8, Uebershall Liquid Bass, Drums, Guitar, & Brass, Vir2 VI.One, Antares Autotune (light version) are all $99 each at Guitar Center in store only. These prices are well below MAP pricing, and save you as much as 75% off normal prices.
  9. Sweet mercy, is this still going on? *sigh* I've already responded to everything you just brought back into the light, and re-responding is simply beating a dead horse on both sides, so I'll leave you with this. "He who takes offense when offense is intended is a fool. He who takes offense when offense is NOT intended is a greater fool." It's never been my intent to offend any submitters, and if they (or you it seems) insist on finding such offense that's your own choice, but I'm not going to bother losing sleep over it.
  10. game is about to commence. jump in guys and/or gals.
  11. i've always just jumped off and it's worked.
  12. sweet! if i make it to M7, I'm buying one. I EXPECT BACON IN EXCHANGE FOR MY BUSINESS!
  13. yeah, i missed that part too. i thought they locked it shortly after it officially launched
  14. it's easy. just look down at your feet. the problem with this is, it takes your health down by like 50-ish points or more.
  15. bummer Jon. I'm not totally committed to going (I'd like to) but I'm still unsure if it'll happen. If it does, I'll miss the trek up with you man. We've had some good times so far. If I do make it, I promise to smack myself in the head with a Rock Band mic in your honor.
  16. You guys have been great pals as I've got to know the both of you over the past few years. Definitely wish the best for you both in all your time together. I'm truly happy for you both!
  17. except i was calling for help before you all jumped down ah well, we'll do it again sometime. and i shall have my revenge
  18. despite the most frustrating death at the very end of the game, i had a blast playing last night. i would have stuck around if it wasn't the last level, but as late as it was i didn't feel like sitting and watching the next 10 or 15 minutes
  19. yeah, I have to agree that that might overpower the hunter slightly. Although I'll admit, when playing as hunter, I've wished for the same thing different subject, should we edit 1st post with names/steam ID's like we did for the TF2 thread for everyone who has this? I think I've got most people, but I'm sure I'm still missing a few.
  20. Best of Luck! Congratulations! You guys are both great, and deserve a lifetime of happiness! Guess I need to update the OCR-married-peoplez thread now...
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