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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. This is slick. Really tight groove going on, good funk factor. Mustin doesn't disappoint. This definitely belongs on a "chill playlist."
  2. Aight, so after chatting with Dave, he pointed out that it's not explicitly against policy to have a song that has direct samples in it, as long as it is kept to a tight minimum. Since the amount of sampling is limited to just the three chimes in the source, I'm going to go ahead and confirm that my vote is a YES Why? The production is excellent. Vinnie's concern is that the arrangement is too conservative, but seeing as the source is more of a groove-oriented track than a melody/riff oriented track, I'd say the amount of expansion was perfect. The pads have been adapted, but maintain an identifiable connection to the original. He's added arpeggios and altered the bass line which IMO reflect expansion from the original. And what's more, is he's done a great job of pulling off a nearly 7-minute track without it losing energy or focus. Solid piece.
  3. Gah, I think I'm with Vinnie on the gut-reaction to the question of whether or not this was too liberal. I did not break out the stop watch and calculator either. That being said, I don't think I had any real, standing problems with any of the mix beyond the level of interpretation. It's delightfully organic. Weed man, the drums ain't all that bad man, nice work. Dig the guitar work, per usual. Production and execution may not be flawless, but in this context, it gives it a pretty distinct character, and again, only helps out with that authentic, organic, grass-roots-ish vibe. Man, if you feel like reworking this one enough to make Sagat more dominant, I'd toss an easy yes at ya, bro. NO (resub)
  4. Haha, that music totally did not fit the video. It does suck that there was zero effort to provide credit in any way. What can ya do. At least she didn't upload it to Newgrounds and say "HAY GUYZ, I IZ A JUDGE NOW LOL LISTEN TO MY SONG I MADE HOPE U LIEK IT"
  5. MUCH appreciation for the source breakdown, that probably saved me an hour's worth of aggravation from having to sit down and figure out which tune was going on where. No hate from me on the arrangement either. I also don't really see what the production issues are, either. Sounds fine to me on my BX8A's. This is pretty epic across the board. This mix is also a great example of how to *properly* use non-HQ samples. Just goes to show you kids that you CAN make decent stuff without QLSO, if you do it right. I think this is an easy pass. YES
  6. I'm a fan of the vibe, for sure. Textures and groove are pretty solid on this. I for one did not mind the warbly synth. I do think the cymbal crash at 3:52 stood out in a somewhat sore way, but minor quirk. Production-wise, I also dig the snare, and the overall mixing on the drums. The bas was indeed a bit loud, but not horribly so I though. On the arrangement end, there were times I felt the drums repetition and the fact that there's lots of atmospheric pads pretty much as the only source of melody, and it made the connection to the source a bit more tenuous, especially since the original is basically bells and sitar, which are in contrast very crisp and defined. Nonetheless, even though it doesn't soar above with flying colors, I do think this one clears the bar. YES
  7. WHAT, NO ICECAP? Pffft, well, I WAS going to buy it, but now I'm just disappointed. <3
  8. I MAY be able to go... There's talk of moving the ski trip. We'll see...
  9. Haha excellent. This was a freaking rad game (Blatantly ripping off Zelda, I know) but still awesome nonetheless. The music was awesome indeed. If I ever get time, I'll try to squeeze out a mix.
  10. This is quite possibly the most enchanting and emotional piece evar. Why is this not a direct post? YES!!!!! (roflcopter/lollerskates)
  11. So Flik had actually bugged me a while back to submit this, and here I'm only now getting around to it. I subbed it back in the day, but the mailbox thing didn't ever receive it. I meant to get it up in time to possibly come out for Halloween, but meh, my procrastination got the better of it. Anyway, let's see. Pretty ugly source tune, not much to work with. I ran the WIP by Ziwtra back in the day, and his reply was something like "Wow, now I know what it's like to be in a car crash in hell". That's basically the idea. It's not meant to be pretty. It's basically two movements, the first one is my part, the 2nd is Fliks. Some hospital FX thrown in there, meant to represent a nightmare, and then I guess the dude dies or something and gets pulled back into hell. Blah blah blah blah. Source - www.biggiantcircles.com/misc/DOOM_2_-_PC-30_-_Ico_ o_ sin_-_Opening_to_Hell.mid Also, Flik is a pretty cool/funny dude. It was fun working on this with him. Not sure if he'd say the same, but if not, then screw him.
  12. Well, we check the submission against the source in every case. If it's from a game and we're already intimately familiar with the sourcetune (SMB overworld, Ice Cap theme, Brinstar Red, Zelda WIndmill Hut, etc), then there's obviously not much need to "go back and compare it". Yes, "renowned" remixers get rejected form time to time. It's not really awkward, and it all depends on the remixer's maturity and understanding of our objective. There are some really awesome tracks that do not meet the site's remix criteria, and there are sometimes some really great mixers who put out lazy crap from time to time
  13. Zircon's right, but at the same time I'm sure there probably are a few composers out there who wouldn't care. HOWEVER, in most cases, it's no longer up to the composer. If a composer writes music for, say, a game for EA, then chances are likely that EA are the ones who are going to "care", seeing as they own the music.
  14. I agree. Sounds like you were trying to emulate the crappy LQ piano from the original song. I'm pretty much on the whole with Jesse on this one, word for word. RESUBMIT (after you replace that awful piano patch)
  15. Vig has single-handedly restored my faith in this panel.
  16. Bummer. He was a great writer, and Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies. http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/books/11/05/obit.crichton/index.html
  17. what? I'm talking about whether or not he wants to buy additional sounds, or just find free ones.
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