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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Why not? Dongle may be a slight inconvenience, but nothing severe enough to damn a product forever from one's endorsement (for that reason alone, anyway)
  2. /me high fives Dain Kore 2 is AWESOME. Only drawback is that I never get anything done. I spend too much time playing with all the banks--especially since I got Komplete 5 recently. Also, I just downloaded the updates from NI service center last night, and I'm not sure exactly what it did, but it seems to have organized/integrated all the sounds from the NI plugins themselves directly into the Kore engine, which means I don't think I have to specifically load the plugins into Kore to get their sounds now. It's HAWT. As far as the BX monitors go, I was torn between them and the new EX66's, which are supposed to be uber elite. However, since I already dig the way the BX8A's sounded, I figured I'd just save the money and settle for them Unfortunately, my right one has already gone bad, so I called M-Audio about it, and they were super cool. They're sending a new pair right away, Fed-Ex 3-day with no shipping, and a tag to send this pair back for free. Good service! I really like M-Audio's stuff, and I'm happy that they did not disappoint with their response to my situation.
  3. Well, I don't know if it has to do with the crappy monitors I used to use, but I always thought the EQ was fine. There's always stuff we can grind at, but honestly, my first impulse reaction when I heard this one was "Why isn't this DP consideration?" This is really enjoyable. It adds some epic flare to Mario Kart. Also, I was surprised to hear that all Tweek really did was add some guitar. At any rate, regardless of how big or small either remixers' contribution, this one turned out really nice. Easy YES
  4. then let's start an '08 one. i nominate you well, a new computer is next on my list of improvements, but until then, i'm stuck with my crappy 17" iMac. if i place it any farther back, it strains my eyes. the rack mount device is a Tascam US-1641 interface. I've only had it for a little over a month, but I'd like to sell it and get an Alesis IO/26. The US-1641 runs $400, but I'd part with it for about half that if anyone's interested...
  5. *2011 edit* Oh hi, old studio, I forgot all about you! Love, BGC (A more updated version of the BGC music cave is here) ************************ well, it's 2008 now. but whatever. the wallpaper was there when we got the house. i'm far too lazy to change it. now, or ever. audix likes it, anyway.
  6. no such luck as in, they haven't got back to you, or they just said "sorry, mang"?
  7. sure http://www.ocremix.org/info/Supporting_OverClocked_ReMix
  8. It's a step above Direct Wave, I'd say. DW is really easy to use, but while Kontakt's learning curve might be a bit higher, it's still arguably one of the best and most recognized samplers in the industry. I will say that Direct Wave has shown some nice improvements since it's first incarnation. And yes, it should work fine with most if not any DAW that supports the standard formats. (VST, RTAS, AU, etc etc etc)
  9. Ouch, bummer man. Maybe you should call them. The same thing happened to me with my IK multimedia purchase, but I called them, and they were gracious enough to send me a DL link. Also, remember, you should either try to buy through site, or like Snappleman suggests, try to hook us music-employee people up so we can get some extra $$$. If you live in states, and you're going to buy one from Guitar Center, let me know before you do. If you hook me up, I'll donate half of whatever I get to the site.
  10. Yes it does. $5 may not seem like much, but spread out among as many people that have pitched in, and it creates a respectable sum Keep it up, folks! We're doing GREAT!
  11. haha, awesome personalization. hope you had a great day, bro.
  12. well, i just mentioned going through OCR because i believe OCR gets a percentage of the sales. but if you go your route, that's pretty cool too. (p.s. i work at guitar center, so if you wanna hook someone up with commission, i'm just throwing that out there).
  13. nope. that rebate (as you can see ) is hosted by guitar center.
  14. If you've ever had your eye on any of the East West stuff out there (which is some of the best stuff you can get) but just couldn't bring yourself to splurge on the prices, here's your change to justify at least ONE large purchase. http://www.soundsonline.com/Anniversary-Sale-p-208.html and here's the rebate form with all the details: http://images.guitarcenter.com/downloads/633437925498497876.pdf Also, remember that if you buy it, try to go through the OCR shop, so you can help the site out as well! And remember, you only have until April 24th, so GET TO IT! *EDIT* This month at Guitar Center, same deal is going on. Deal lasts until 6/30/08!
  15. http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/MAudioEX66ReferenceMonitor-main.html these are supposed to be phenomenal. as for me, i recently purchased some BX8A's. they sound pretty hawt.
  16. the SM58 is by far one of the most overrated dynamic vocal mics out there. go into a guitar center sometime and ask to test one alongside something like an audix OM2. trust me, that's the last time you'll ever think to recommend an SM58 for anything.
  17. bump looks like they've extended this through april 30th. http://www.ikmultimedia.com/Main.html?plugandmix/index.php
  18. bump surely, there's more than 5 people within a 4 hour radius of louisville. where are you all at?
  19. there official soundtrack is not going to be exactly like BotA. it will be different enough that i think people will want the OST in addition to BotA. besides, only a handful tracks are *actually* from BotA [modified] anyway, if I speak correctly.
  20. good question. i'll probably announce it within the week. i want to see what the initial level of interest among the "locals" is. if very few people respond within the week, then we'll probably purchase very soon. tenatively, though, i'll say that i'd LIKE to purchase the tickets before the end of the month. but we'll see.
  21. PICS START ON PAGE 22 Date is Friday, July 18 Some links: www.videogameslive.com http://videogameslive.com/index.php?s=dates http://ww2.kentuckycenter.org/ticketing/tickets/reserve.aspx?performanceNumber=2978 Check-in is at 4:00pm. Anyway, here's a review of the meet-up info: (Format copied from Philly Meet-up thread) Louisville Meet-Up: Where: Downtown Louisville, KY When: Friday, July 18, 2008 4:00pm @ 21c Museum Hotel Lobby, 700 W. Main St. (Parking located across the street on 7th Street in covered garage) What: Friday: Video Games Live! concert @ 8:00pm OCR T-Shirts (Black) and bumpter stickers will be available for purchase from BGC Will need at least one volunteer to assist Tommy with something AWESOME Video Games and probably a Jam Session at 21c Museum Hotel Saturday: The Dark Knight (IMAX) viewing @ 12:45pm Attendees: (Look-out for us wearing OCR T-Shirts) big giant circles tweek Audix +1 Nekofrog + gf Sinewav dPaladin ifirit Possible Attendees: Tai_Zidek Nario [ifirit will] be arriving a little early to greet everyone and to check-in to the hotel. So, if you'd like to just hang-out for a little while that'd be awesome. Here's an updated sheet of information for everyone. Attendees: ||OCR T-Shirt (Wearing): ||OCR T-Shirt (Purchase): ||OCR T-shirt (Size): ||Helping Mr. Tallarico: || BGC ______ ||Yes (Black)___________ ||No (Selling)___________ ||N/A _______________ ||Yes __________________ || tweek ____ ||? ____________________ ||Yes ___________________ ||? _________________ ||Yes? _________________ || Audix +1 _ ||No ___________________ ||Yes ___________________ ||? _________________ ||Yes __________________ || Nekofrog+1 ||No ___________________ ||Yes ___________________ ||? _________________ ||Yes __________________ || Sinewav __ ||Yes (Black) __________ ||Pending _______________ ||? _________________ ||Yes __________________ || dPaladin _ ||No ___________________ ||Yes ___________________ ||Large _____________ ||Yes __________________ || ifirit ___ ||Yes (Jersey) _________ ||Yes ___________________ ||Medium ____________ ||Yes __________________ || Attendees: ||IMAX Dark Knight: ||Ticket Payment:_ ||Hotel Payment: ||Showtime: || BGC ______ ||Yes _____________ ||Pay at Meet-up _ ||Pay at Meet-up ||12:45pm _ || tweek ____ ||No ______________ ||N/A ____________ ||PayPal _______ ||N/A _____ || Audix +1 _ ||Yes _____________ ||Pay at Meet-up _ ||Pay at Meet-up ||12:45pm _ || Nekofrog+1 ||Yes _____________ ||Pay at Meet-up _ ||Pay at Meet-up ||12:45pm _ || Sinewav __ ||Yes _____________ ||Pay at Meet-up _ ||Pay at Meet-up ||12:45pm _ || dPaladin _ ||Yes _____________ ||Pay at Meet-Up _ ||N/A __________ ||12:45pm _ || ifirit ___ ||Yes _____________ ||Online Purchase_ ||Credit Card __ ||12:45pm _ || So far, it seems ifirit has 1 extra ticket to The Dark Knight, so if someone else wants to go, you'd better go ahead and put in your dibs. If in the event no one picks up the ticket, The rest of us should all chip in a buck or two to cover ifirit for fronting the money. Tweek and I will be arriving in Louiville fairly early well before the actual meetup to help and arrange events with Tommy and VGL. parking map:
  22. don't tell me we've run out of donors... 18,000 registered members, and we're trickling to a halt. who's gonna step it up? the list of contributers is nothing to sneer at, but this site still needs all the financial support it can get. order shirts, bumper stickers! throw a few bills in this direction. the person who benefits the most from your donation is YOU $10, $5, heck, $3 if that's all you got.
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