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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Which is why there aren't many remixes of it. Same goes with "Still Alive". It's hard to improve on pieces that are already pretty stellar to begin with.
  2. Both Larry and Vinnie have given some excellent advice and made some very valid points. I'll recap a bit as well as throw out a few particular tidbits of my own. You've got some good energy gonig on. There's some nice arps, and some crazy hyper-resonant electrosynth stuff going on. Drums are ok... not bad, but I do wish you'd done something a little more funky with your snare beyond the beat 2 & 4 thing. Throw in some more samples and processing. Switch it up a bit every now and then. Also, the Portamento synth lead (sounds like the 3osc?) could have used some more expression. Beyond those particular things, there's not a lot else for me to cover without specifically echoing LT and Palp. This was definitely a great 1st sub. I'd say it was at least pretty close if not on par with my 1st sub back in the day, which was also rejected initially. In closing, I will quote Larry here:
  3. Bah, what do Europeans know about music anyway? Aren't they all too busy drinking tea and riding their fancy trains to take time to really do anything else? Pfffffftttttt......... Ok, so the mix is great. I love the twinkling pads and ambiance in the intro. Guitar adds just the right amount of edge. It's also a nice substitute for the chimes in the original--much more expressive than a percussive lead. I wasn't particularly keen on the flutes ~2:00. Sounded a bit lo-fi and underprocessed compared to the creamy smoothness of the lead. This is an easy call. Anso's trademark sparkling synth and Fishy's rich guitarwork. Another Fishscape FTW. YEP
  4. *GASP* My first vote in what feels like months. Well, my first impulse is that this has way too much compression/maximization going on, and to my pleasure, I'm not the only one who noticed (not saying I didn't or wouldn't expect any of the other J's to pick up on it, but after being so inert for so long, it feels good to know that I'm still thinking like my fellow crew.) Over-compression noted, it wasn't THAT bad. It muffled the lead synth/guitar a bit, but didn't throw the earth's axis off tilt or anything. This is a really great "I'm-gonna-throw-my-junk-up-in-your-face-and-you're-gonna-like-it" arrangement. Lots of energy, and even if at 6 1/2 minutes long it seemed to drag on just a hair, it never lost intensity, and I find that admirable. I didn't really look at the NO votes here, all I'm going to say is that it's a great arrangement of a popluar track, and it's produced cleanly enough (though not flawless) to be passable. YES
  5. 1st thread updated. Big thanks to ifirit for taking point on this.
  6. that is fine with me. sorry again for my recent unavailability to carry through with my intentions. i've updated first thread. ifirit, let me know when you get that paypal set up and I'll put it in first post.
  7. Guys, I regrettably have had too much on my plate lately to handle this. Two jobs plus a whole slew of personal stuff has really interfered with my ability to make any progress on this. I still need to set up a paypal account, but I'm about to go out of town for some personal family reasons and I won't be back until Monday. I'll try to get things done soon, but bear with me through the delay, which will hopefully only be a minor one.
  8. I've actually got a fairly busy week/weekend ahead of me--I've got a big family shindig down in Atlanta this Fri-Sun, so I'll try to get the paypal info up pronto. But everyone's had time to prepare, so be ready to pay within the week.
  9. K, I called, there's no group discount. I guess we'll shortly procede with buying the $48 tickets. I'll keep y'all posted.
  10. fixed. May is inflate wingless's ego month.
  11. Sorry I've been slammed lately, guys. I'm really not near a phone (and thinking of it) during the day, and by the time I get home, the dang ticket office is closed. Anyone else mind calling to see what the group-rate odds are?
  12. I think it's safe to say Dave was BLAZED by all the support.
  13. I dunno, I'd say something like 600 x 600 should be fine, I would think.
  14. nah, not really any deadline, but don't worry about getting too fancy or anything. i'd actually prefer something relatively simple, as long as it's got that eye-appeal. nothing too busy/flashy, ya know? probably involving circles somehow, i guess. (would make sense, right?)
  15. So, I'm sure you're all sick of the Ourstage thing, but frankly, OCR has pwned the competition the past two months, and I'd like to keep seeing OCR pwnage. I figured I might take a stab at this, so I just finished up this track. I have absolutely ZERO ability in photoshop or the likes, but it would be awesome if someone would design me some sort of cool image to go with it. Linkage! Ready, GO!
  16. lies. filthy lies, there was no party. he blew it in vegas
  17. dude, i need SPECIFICS. you can't just post subtle hints as to what your intentions are. these vague generalities are not helping me any.
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