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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. UT's music is very remix friendly, IMO. none of the riffs are really that complicated, and the ability to restructure songs based on the progressive synth riffs/loops is pretty easy. maybe i'll do another one sometime.
  2. cool. i don't need sound, it's going to be overdubbed with music anyway. yeah, i already have a few demos recorded--i didn't know steam could turn 'em into movies. very cool, thanks for the help dudes!
  3. I know somebody out there has done it. My question is, what's the best way to do it? I don't have a beast of a machine, so stuff like Fraps or Taksi are pretty much out of the question for me. I'm wanting to get some good footage to maybe compile into a video for TFC (initially, maybe TF2 and Counterstrike later on). I've seen gameplay videos on youtube, but how do i get the demo to .avi or mpeg?
  4. Yeah I did, Lazy as it was I dunno, I had this on loop whilst multitasking myself, and I never needed reminding that I was listening to Maridia's theme. If you'd like me to get more specific, I'll try to sit down (not now, but soon) and jot down some particulars. The clipping remains, however, an unavoidable obstacle towards a YES from any judge regardless of arrangement.
  5. Heh, well, I was the only person to NO "Icy Peaks" (which is a WONDERFUL track) because it stuck too close to the original, upon which I was told that the emotions and feeling that accompany a well-done live performance are as important as an actual re-arrangement, and qualify as substantial interpretation of a track, and thus, I decided that that made sense, and I could stand to give a little leeway to live mixes as long as 1) there WAS substantial emotional energy in the mix and 2) the production was not being disregarded for the sake of an emotive live performance. Both those conditions have been met. Poo on those of you who YES'd Icy Peaks and NO'd this. This vote goes out to you chumps YES
  6. Open hat at :56 was a little too out front, wouldn't hurt to pull those back just a bit. Yeah, I dig the interpretation here. YE... No, wait. This clipping is ridiculous. That's a mandatory FIX-FIRST issue. It's quite obvious when it happens. Fix the clipping and I'll be happy to throw a YES out. Great track. But production is equally as important as arrangement per our standartds. For now, as is (if the clipping remains) NO. *edit* CONDITIONAL YES
  7. Love Shawn's interpretation of such a short theme here. Unfortunately, my gripes really only have to do with the mixing. Even for new age/however an "expert" might categorize this, the percussion/drums are WAAAAAY too quite. The timestretching on the drums at ~2:15 are a cool idea (although I'm not sure how I feel about the delay), but again, the drums are so quiet... then when the harp comes in afterwards, it seems really too loud in comparison. Also, I just took a look at the waveform, and it seems like this barely breaks -10 decibels. That should be addressed at the very least. I'm not sure how you J's who voted YES can be so cool about the level of the drums on this one. That seems like a pretty gaping issue to me. Perhaps you should open it up and check out the waveform itself and re-evaluate your own evaluations on the mixdown in particular. Sorry, Shawn. Again, I don't ask you to change a thing (I'm even cool with the abrupt ending as it were) but you've gotta bring the drums out just a little and normalize to get closer to 0 DB's. FIX DA VOLUME and PROMPTLY RESUB
  8. /agree. This is an excellent example of how someone can be interpretive with a theme without restructuring it and giving it a total crossover-job altogether. To reemphasize Larry without totally relying on his exact words, I think this is something good for OCR to put on the shelf--"Red Brinstar" has been tastefully expanded upon; it brings in new elements, yet manages to miraculously maintain the classic Metroid-esque vibe. The breakbeats and electrosynth additions add energy while the naturally somber mood maintains that somber and lonely atmosphere. Man, I sure as hell hope not. I understand that sometimes we split on votes, but I hope to goodness this is an obvious call for the rest of the panel. There's nothing borderline about this one, and I definitely hope for 4 easy YES's here. I'm not usually that bold in my vote, but this deserves it. YES
  9. Well, as I told Larry in IRC, I don't think this is slayer. I could be wrong, but it sounds sampled, not generated. At any rate, I personally am down (very down, in fact) with your orchestrations. I told Larry that while the guitar is a little on the "meh" side, I'm still fine with all other aspects of the song. I think it's a cool arrangement, and it's produced respectably well. The only times the guitar actually does detract from the song's quality otherwise, is during the parts where it's up high on the "neck". And the artificial harmonics really kind of, well, poop in your ears. Pretty much all of 4:30-ish and after. That kind of stuff either needs to go, or else needs to be pulled waaaay back. I'm totally cool with this as is, though. I don't think it's a heavy enough concern to throw a NO down, so YES. I just rained on Larry's parade
  10. I'd say the author and founder of the site can DP whatever he pleases. Besides. Hillbilly Rodeo remains a standing testament that DJP is, in fact, the shit.
  11. hahaha, yes, that was classic. And I guess it answers the question of "Do I read every submission email?" The answer is NO, I don't. I read some of them. Depends on how I feel at that moment. At any rate, yeah, that was a funny rejection. I guess I should "do my homework" more often, because heaven knows, real pianos and virtual pianos sound nothing alike these days[/sarcasm]. Also, DA is correct. A NO OVERRIDE is if a mix is in clear violation of site policy, but maybe it slipped past Larry. It doesn't happen often, and there's nothing we love more than slapping a big fat NO OVERRIDE vote down, but Larry is pretty dang good at catching that stuff.
  12. You know what else has ridiculous loading times? Chess. Last time I played that game, it took my friend a good 20+ minutes to load his next move.
  13. for real man. kudos, indeed. you're making old farts like me feel obsolete
  14. not to mention http://www.ocremix.org/album/super-street-fighter-ii-turbo-blood-on-the-asphalt/
  15. Man, I just had the crappiest day. This totally just flipped it around and made my evening. And thanks to Andy for giving people like me a chance to dive into the dissected awesomeness of Zircon's music. Anso and Phrakture, congrats too on your pieces. I thoroughly enjoyed those two as well! I personally think those pieces are just as deserving of top ratings. This had to have been a tough call for Andy. Skryp and Sidel too. Sick stuff!
  16. I don't recall GoDown (my remix source tune) being on any maps other than Xan's stage and the credits. Weird. I wonder if different versions of the game played different themes. Phantom is a good theme, so is Superfist. And Razorback was probably the theme that got me so pumped about the soundtrack to begin with. I would never touch that one, though. It's like, trying to take something perfect and make it better. There's no way the outcome will be better than the original. Also, there was a remix of Foregone Destruction on the panel a while back, and it was actually rejected three times. I believe I YES'd the last two, but the other judges felt it still needed some work. Maybe it'll get resubbed again. I dug it, so if it does, it'll (more than likely) definitely have my vote.
  17. Not to derail the review thread from its intended course (nice work, ilp0, per usual) but I did find Dave's writeup to be one of his top 3.
  18. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14541 looks like you have a shred of dignity and decency. I appreciate your apology. It's a good lesson you've learned, and the notion shows notable maturity.
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