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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Right, Me, Tweek, Audix, and his friend are planning on a room. I don't really care which hotel. Yes, I'll have transportation. I'm fine with whatever hotel everyone else chooses. I do think our groups should stay at the same hotel at least. Also, I'm going to try to get in touch with Tommy this week. At the DC show, Tommy was very open to having OCR people help with certain events, like judging various competitions, etc. Would any of you be interested in helping with such? I don't want to tell him we might be available if no one's going to be willing to commit to it if he says "ok". Input please. Also, are we still feeling the Batman movie thing?
  2. Well, I have personally always felt kind of "meh" about this source tune. The thing is, it's really catchy initially, but pretty soon you realize that for all the song's worth, it may as well be 7 seconds long, because it just repeats over and over and over and over and over and... Anyway, there's been lots of folks take a stab at trying to turn this diddy into an epic masterpiece, and I'm just skeptical that it'll ever happen. That being said, I think this mix is executed well enough. I'm not going to rant about this being the sort of mix that throws the whole dang planet out of orbit (because it's not) and I do tend to agree with Andy that after hearing so much generic qualities in certain styles (in this case trance), you become a little unimpressed even if the song is executed just fine. I think that's the case here. The song personally doesn't really excite me because it certainly does take the generic approach. It's not breaking new ground and, and it doesn't possesses some amazing element that captivates me and motivates me to play this song over and over and over and sit in awe. But the simple of it is, the song is enjoyable--nothing more, nothing less. The arrangement is probably about as much as we could expect when this source meets this style, and while it may not be record breaking, I guess it'll suffice as far as our bar goes. I'm sure this'll be a long, drawn-out vote that boils down to personal interpretations by the various judges on what our standards are, and how predictable, cookie-cutter stuff stands with the bar, but I personally feel that it's not our place to require all songs or styles to break new ground at all times. I'd say the only time we might be totally justified in such a way would be if there were already a remix of the exact source, and it were in the exact same style, and otherwise going to be easily mistaken for the previous submission. Perhaps at that point, it would be fair to say "Well, this is aight and all, but it sounds dang near identical Hillbilly Rodeo complete with goats and all, and we've already got 4 remixes of that theme". I think it's all we can do to ask: "Is the song arranged well enough?" YES. "Are there any fatal production flaws?" NO "Will the song be generally enjoyed by the VGM fanbase?" YES
  3. ...well, Guitar Center radio, anyway. Until the end of the month I believe. By Andy's account - Some particulars, they typically play it around 2pm or so, so that's your best chance of hearing it. Also, due to the fact that I was afraid they might not specifically mention Andy's name in the track's intro (which they didn't), I changed the name from "Mindbender (Circular Breakdown mix)" to "Circular Zircon" to at least get him some sort of audible citation. Thanks again to Andy for giving me an opportunity to pimp both his and my work nationally.
  4. Yeah, Casio doesn't make a pro-quality workstation like Yamaha, and that's where the BIG difference in sound quality will occur. Pffft, that's what you get for spending all your time on school and career development and not as much time packing your brain with semi-usefull gear-snobbery and trivia.
  5. This is actually not true. For the money, typically you typically get more out of a Casio than an equally priced Yamaha. Casio simply appears to the home use market, where Yamaha typically steers more towards the pros. When the markets overlap (low end digital piano/keyboards) Casio is going to be just as good, and more affordable. Plus, the Casio that my folks have had for the past 20 years still works fine, so that tells me they'll last a while.
  6. I'll get first post edited tonight with hotel options
  7. I'm happy that Brian asked for my help with this project. Brian's definitely a formidable musician/composer/arranger/remixer, and from the few previews I've heard, this album should be nothing short of awesome. Also, aside from that BGC n00b, look at some of the great people he's collab'd with! I endorse this product. I think the only people who haven't (they're approval is currently pending) is the FDA. So go ahead and plan on picking up a copy, but until further notice, please, do not eat your digital product. That is all.
  8. Concur. Even though softsynths generally are the way to go IMO, I can't deny that I'd still line my walls with hardware.
  9. There's also Goliath, which is the same thing (except with a bosendorfer piano) and uses the PLAY engine instead of the kompakt sampler thing. Also, remember. It's buy one get one free at GC. So now $535 will buy you two HQ plugins.
  10. This deal is going on this month at Guitar Center. I think that's the only place--I haven't found anywhere else that has mentioned it yet. http://gc.guitarcenter.com/rebates/ Still a great deal!
  11. Get it at Guitar Center http://gc.guitarcenter.com/rebates/pdf/eastwest_Quantum_063008.pdf As far as I know, this is a GC only deal.
  12. Haha, you two only get a lousy "gen disc" thread and not an official "announcement" thread. n00bz.
  13. damn, that actually says a lot. i don't think i've ever heard dave say "uh, i have no valid counterpoint to your statement" that was really enjoyable, dan. nice work indeed!
  14. well, all you should do is make sure the .dll is installed into whatever directory you have your VST's in, and you should be able to open it up like any other softsynth.
  15. I actually had a similar problem back when I did "Eastern Ice Fields". The wind FX (was a 3osc tied to an XY controller controlling some filters) always seemed to cause subtle unwanted pops etc. I just rendered the particular pattern to wav and deleted the channel. I have no idea why it did it, but it fixed it anyway. Maybe try that during the parts that pop. The issue has nothing to do with the sound buffer though. Pops and clicks are normal when you're playing back in real time. If pops remain in the final render, it has nothing to do with the size of the buffer.
  16. Listen here. I set your worth in multi-colored letters, biatch. And I have the power it. I own your soul!!!!!!!
  17. haha, well said. Yeah. $2400 is definitely nothing to sneer at, and I'd hardly call the fund-raising effort a failure. However, if there's anything to be disappointed about, it's that there were still a lot of people who contributed large amounts of money (some over $100) which constituted a great portion of that sum. Which is super fantasic and generous of them, especially when I only asked for $5-10. The only thing that disheartens me just a little is that for as many people as there are that frequent these forums, we still had a TINY percentage contribute anything at all. I think the goal next year is to see if we can get enough people to simply contribute the $5-10 minimal amount. If we even got a mere 5% of the forum members to contribute a mere $5, that's over $5000, over TWICE what we managed in April. Factor in that some might contribute $10, then that's anywhere up to $10,000! THEN, I think we could safely say the monkey on DJP's back has been obliterated. This frame of mind would do humanity so much good on so many levels. Nobody subscribes to the EVERYBODY MAKES A DIFFERENCE belief. Which is a shame. If we all drove a little less every day. If we all turned off lights when we're not using them. If we'd all eat a little less fast food each month. If we'd all recycle a few cans. If we'd all simply contribute a few bucks. Anyone getting my meaning here? What overwhelms a few people is nothing to many people. Let's try to all get in this mindset for next April
  18. Great work, Shawn. It's long overdue that we saw you on the front page. (Actually, for those who may now know, Shawn's had a track approved for months now but is waiting on the Super Dodgeball Project to be released before it can go up). So technically, while this is his first song to go up, it's not his first song to get accepted. Looking and listening back, I suppose my vote was really more of a Conditional YES than a NO, Resubmit. But whatever. I'm happy to see it official, bro. Great work
  19. what plugins are you using? try posting the .flp (or project .zip) and maybe someone else can look at it and see.
  20. I just now saw this. Nice work, bro! Uber thanks! And glad y'allz dig the track!
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