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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Gotta be honest. You may as well give up at the requests. You've obviously pissed off the greater-remix-community, and basically the only way you have of redeeming yourself is by taking the time necessary (and it'll probably have to be a long time) to prove that you have the capacity to not be a tantrum-throwing, over-demanding douchewad. There are plenty of people who are actually respectable who have made requests that don't happen. And so far, we like pretty much all of them better than you right now. Like Darkesword said, you mooch the music off the site, and then insult people's hard work because all of us who have a life don't feel like taking hours and hours out of our time to make a remix for some whiny kid who comes in and complains about the music he's mooching. You're lucky one of the mods DIDN'T go ahead and throw you the "EFF YOU, KID" and ban your happy ass altogether. My advice at this point, is to either lurke for a while or else actually start showing some fucking APPRECIATION for the music we have to offer here--maybe write a couple (decent) reviews for some songs you DO like (if you actually like any at all, that is). If you can't do that at the very least, then you and your numerous requests for a Shadowgate song/project can go fuck a hat.
  2. the mixdown is already done and awaiting the glitchless version also, the to-be-posted should be accurate. all posted material has been removed from it.
  3. "your last milimeter of health taken away by a zombie-kitten's corrosive piddle..." rofl
  4. the Lord of Elipses. (I still don't quite get what exactly that means). Hope your birfday is a good one.
  5. Brandon makes awesome music. This was a favorite from the first time I heard it. Some particular highlights are: -The announcer--totally awesome non-melodic vocal inclusion, and the performance is spot on! -drums (snare in paricular) adds a quirky and fun vibe - song really has a personality of it's own built upon a great groove -The general direction of the track - the mix makes me feel like I'm having the time of my life at a theme park or something. -The vocal slide. I'm totally going to rip that off at some point in the future
  6. ...Dragon Avenger and Pongball! Here's to the people who keep the gender ratio in places like OCR slightly less one-sided! Hope y'all have a great day!
  7. well, after powering it down and removing the battery for a little while per the suggestion of another website, it's working again, thankfully. i guess it's time to back the sucker up and put it on ebay, i guess. the general consensus is that it's probably the video card that's bad. at least, that's what most everyone has suggested. thanks for the advice, though, guys and gals.
  8. besides. the creature's resilience to our weapons only heightens the suspense. if you already know what's going to happen (i.e. we drop bombs, creature gets blown up and dies) how is that going to be fun to watch? not understanding why the creature survives is what excites our minds and sustains the suspense and mystery.
  9. may your birthday be as happy as your head is hairy hope it's a good one!
  10. i imagine you're the type of person that generally hates fictional films. based on your post, you seem like the type of person who is incapable of suspending disbelief and realism for the sake of allowing yourself to enjoy a movie for what it is--a visually-aided story-telling. now, i'm fine with the fact that this movie won't be for everyone, but by your logic, you're "that guy" that picks out the most trivial and ridiculous things and immediately complains in a loud voice after a movie is over and people are getting up and leaving. heck, judging by your level of scrutiny, how do you even enjoy most video games? nothing personal. i'm not attacking you as a human being, but i'm definitely free to draw conclusions. maybe i'm wrong. it doesn't really matter either way, but good heavens, your post had me reaching for a box of tissues.
  11. Always a very detailed and fun read. Thanks, Larry.
  12. Well, while I don't feel like the genre-transfiguration there at the end was even attempting to aspire to a flat out four-on-the-floor beat, I'm definitely siding with Andy in that it was way out of place with the vibe you spent the past 3 1/2 minutes shaping, and a bit on the jarring side. I was hella digging the track up until that point. Hmm. tough call. I'd love to pass this one (conditionally re: normalization) but I really hate what you did there at the end. I mean, not to sound harsh, but it's like you painted a masterpiece, and instead of taking a fine brush and tastefully signing your name/initials in the bottom corner, you took a paint roller and rolled right over the center of the painting. Ah, crap. I hate that I feel compelled to do this. It's a really awesome song, and I have nothing bad to say up until 3:36. DAMMIT (NO) p.s. If in the event this doesn't get passed, resubmit this or I will call my boy AeroZ and tell him to look you up and kick you in the crotch.
  13. Ha--icecap remix. LAWL Well, I've been pretty busy for the past couple months, so I haven't been able to vote much lately. I just hit up a Terra mix moments ago, and now I'm hitting up this one. I hope there's a Wily mix on the queue right now Anyway. I thought the intro was pretty lame, and was getting my "ream" gloves on right before 0:28 kicked in. I gotta be honest, I really dig that section. It's a very groovy setup. Generic? Yes. Cool? Yes. I can definitely see that this has the potential to cause another panel split all the way down to the last man/woman just like Ambertrance did. Let's break it down. Pros: -Clean (enough) production -Good energy -Good flow (after :28 particularly) -Though certainly nothing to write home about, I'd say the arrangement is acceptable Cons: -"Generic" trance template -Weak intro -Weak-ish ending (I thought it could have been better) -"Been done before" *This I say with a grain of salt, because I personally don't mind when a track has been *done before* as long as it's not just an obvious rip of the predecessor. And I'd say this isn't ripping off or overdubbing any of our long long list of previous Ice Cap tracks. Hell, I'll play the sympathetic role on this one. And I'm interested to see how the rest of the vote goes. I'm ok with this one. Good enough
  14. I'm definitely with Larry in that I cant figure out if this is supposed to go for the epic feel, or well, tongue-in-cheek pretty well does sum up the alternative. Intro was pretty tight. I felt like there was a bit of a letdown when the main hook dropped. There was no beef. Drums were especially bland, even for rave. Source usage was awfully repetitive, again, even by dance/rave standards. Arps at 2:26 finally come give the theme usage a breather--I thought those were pretty cool. Too bad it only lasts around 30 seconds. Production needs some work. I felt like even as lacking in beef as this one was, a lot of frequencies were still being eaten. SFX definitely needs to be wiped. Not bad by any stretch, but far from great. NO
  15. Wow, talk about ignorance. You're all idiots. Reason does in fact suck. FL is ridiculously lame. Live and Sonar make crap smell good. Cubase, Logic, Acid--if they were 50 times better, they'd still be meh. There is but one DAW for the serious composer. And no, I'm not talking about Pro Tools. www.biggiantcircles.com/awesome_DAW.JPG
  16. Today, Amanda booted up her Toshiba Satellite L35, and it looked like the monitor was completely turned off. After a minute, you can see the XP log on screen. I tried hooking it up to a spare monitor and rebooting, but after displaying the Windows load screen, the spare monitor went black too. The computer is barely more than a year old. Has anyone experienced anything like this before, and what should I do? Thanks in advance for any advice I can get on the matter.
  17. I stayed all though the credits, and nothing happened. Did I miss something? I mean, I sat there, and waited, and waited, and got nothing. Didn't see anything on wiki, either. PM me.
  18. once again, any people who work in retail are going to be screwed.
  19. awesome movie. loved it. definitely left me wanting more--but not in the bad way. some will hate it, but i thought it was really well done.
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