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Everything posted by Siamey

  1. Thanksabunch guys!
  2. Nothin special, most of you know that I started it a while ago and then let it sit around. Managed to finish it a couple weeks ago since this dude wanted to play it at a halloween dance. He emails me again a couple days before halloween to check up on it and I tell him his coming along well. So I finished it and tell him and he never gets back to me. He seemed really psyched about it too, since he was gonna be Jack Sparrow and shit, and he hasn't been on msn since... Hope he's ok... Anywho, here it is. If you liked the early version, and always wanted the second half of the song plus an ending, here ya go. Some slight mastering work too, but probly not noticeable. Enjoy! http://www.siamey.com/index.php?title=piracy&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
  3. well i didnt mean similar to regular shinobi music, i just thought that whoever did the gg shinobi ripped hard on early castlevania tracks. anyways
  4. Does anyone find a striking similarity in the arrangement of http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/gamegear/index-sz.html shinobi stage 1 and http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/index-af.html castlevania 1 stage 1 "vampire killer" AND IT ALSO REALLY REALLY REMINDS ME OF http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/index-af.html under castlevania 3, listen to Stage 1 - "Beginning" (4) (the other versions of this midi are sub par) and listen to it around 40 seconds in where it does that build, its really similar.
  5. Really good stuff man, lotsa improvements since I've last heard it. Best of luck!
  6. 1 The label guy assured me I couldn't be held liable so Im assuming he aquired a mechanical liscence licence or something. 2 WHOOPS yea they are available there, totally forgot, oh well. Maybe some non-ocr customers will come my way, thanks anyways! Thread over!
  7. Hey all! If you have any spare change in your paypal accounts then head on over to beatport or audiojelly and pick up a copy of my release on Ocean Drive Records They've released my 2 OCR reject songs Highwind Throwdown and Ghosts of Shadow Moses. Head on over to www.beatport.com and search for Siamey, to listen to demos and see the available formats for purchase. Also, you can check them out at http://www.audiojelly.com/index.cfm?action=more_info.cfm&id=20975 which I think might be cheaper, plus higher resolution demos. I'll post more sites where they are available soon! If you liked the wips I posted in here of them, please pick up the finished copy! Thanks EDIT, they are also available at http://www.beatsdigital.com/index.php?label_id=3930 and http://www.playittonight.com/artist18630/Siamey.php and here! http://www.djmrmusicdownload.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=1136
  8. The 80 gig i saw at walmart was the same price though, 500 bucks. The dude even checked it. Yea I think I'm still going for the 60gb, thanks for the input :D:D
  9. Dear fellow Ocr-ers, I almost made the dude at walmart take the last 60 gig model out of the glass case so i could look it over. They also had an 80 gig, and they we're both 499, which is funny cause I was under the impression that the 80gb would be 599. Anywho. Do I go for the 60gb? Pros (from what I can see): Hardware emulation so better ps1/ps2 compat list. Cons: 20 gb less space (boo-****ing-hoo) and possibly hardware problems later on, being that it is a very early revision in what will probly be a long long line of revisions just like the ps2. My friend had the first ps2 in our town (version 1 or 2 probly) and it was the first to break too. Later versions of the ps2 I've had for a long time and have held up well under pressure (even after one of them caught fire) Or do I go for the 80gb? Pros: This package costs the same and has 20gb more (big whoop), plus it comes with a game. Possible pros: Does the 80gb look different? Different color? Better Gloss?have better specs in any way other than the hdd? Anyone sure of what its all about? Help! Cons: Software emu (which I've heard runs less ps1/ps2 games) aaaaand maybe some other things? can you help me expand this list if there are some? Thanks guy!!!
  10. HMMM well that's given me a lot to think about. Thanks dude Hey whats the situation with copying games (provided you scale down the videos or some other resource since we don't all own gd-rom burners) is there ANY copy protection measure on it? What are some actual good games that came out for it? I have sonic adventure and I love that (love meaning i love it relative to other dc games i have :/ slave zero BLAH) What are some games worth buying... or something. Any good rpgs or fighters? was Sonic Adventure 2 good? any high quality racers? ANYTHING COOL!?!?! thanks
  11. Thanks man! Well yea, snes runs like balls, and i havent got genesis to run properly either :/ Can you get other ps games to run other than tekken3/mgs/whatever the 3rd one that bleemcast did was?
  12. Sooo pro . Really like the stuttering note thing, and the instrument. Rolling start is god damn right, this song picks up and blazes along! Gotta love the classic rayza use of game voice and fx!
  13. What to do with a dreamcast? Besides playing games on it... I've got an early model dreamcast with mouse and keyboard, plus 2 controllers, 3 VMUs and a thirdparty memory card with no screen(extra big i think). Im too stupid to understand compiling a kernal of linux for building a dc router or something crazy like that. What can someone like me do with it? I don't have the broadband adapter for your info. Most emus dont run at any sort of decent speed, and it can't read dvds... what can I do? I want to make use of the keyboard! augh! Are there any homebrew programs that dont involve playing mp3s or video cds etc? Edit: Also, what to do with 4 old pcs and 2 saturns? ALSO does anyone know how to explain the ps2 independance exploit to someone as simpleminded as me? I don't know what these guides are talking about with building your own db files and shit. Rats.. this should be in the tech newbie forum. sorry!
  14. "The bass is maybe an octave too high at the 00:45-01:07 section, that part total lacks force" as stated in the first post, that part is a joke, its not finished at all, its only in the file cause i didnt want to export the 2 parts around it seperately. yup, no ending yet, just a slice out of the project file.
  15. well i would argue that thats the style of the song, but ill see if i can find some places to implement that, thanks.
  16. Started this at noon, got decently far. Doesnt vary much from the original but its lots of fun. The break in the middle where its just bass and brass, thats not supposed to be like that, i know its empty sounding, its going to be flushed out soon. Also the drums in the later parts, dont have many fills or variation, i just copied and pasted for some work on the guitar. If you have any comments other than those 2, please post! www.siamey.com/temp/Boom.mp3 EDIT: yes the intro sample is ripped from the spc, aswell as the metal stab at around 1:07
  17. Ahoy! I’ve had this song finished for a good while now, but its probably still an ‘07 song. I would describe it as a jumpy melodic trancer, that strangely has 2 lead melodies : wtf Anways, its a lot of fun! Check it out! http://www.siamey.com/music/original/Siamey%20-%20Sidewinder.mp3 As always, the RPS is available here: http://www.siamey.com/music/original/Siamey%20-%20Sidewinder.rps If you care to leave a comment on my site, I would much appreciate it! http://www.siamey.com/index.php?title=sidewinder&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
  18. If all else fails I could post the wave on my site, I appreciate the offer. but for now, could i try finding the lame control panel and checking the "resample" option or something like that. and any thoughts on the weird sample issue in my song? so weird! EDIT ok so i used razorlame and im all ship shape now for the song i was doing www.siamey.com/music/original/Siamey - Sidewinder.mp3 if you want to check it out. the fx sample that got messed up usually was the crash type thing at :54 hehe i havent checked out any resampling shit on the razorlame frontend yet though... Thanks man!
  19. There is a small effect I use in one of my songs during a breakdown, and LAME and the Radium codec both fuck it up when i encode to 192kbps. Its fine in wave. Also, why the FUCK do my codecs encode all weirdly if i use a different hertz. like for example, if i have a 5 min song and i encode at 44.1 FINE 5 min song encoded to 22Hz BECOMES A 10 MINUTE SONG AT HALF TEMPO/PITCH are my codecs cutting corners by just stretching out a 44.1Hz song or some crud?!!?!?! AUGH!G
  20. Don't know where it will go but here it is with a weird little riff I made. http://www.siamey.com/temp/warhead.mp3
  21. Thanks bro! Yea for now its not really meant to be a remix just a kinda doodle with some james bond themes n shiz, we'll see
  22. Something I started last night http://www.siamey.com/temp/007.mp3 Gonna add some more instruments and stuff today. Enjoy!
  23. Hey all, I'm currently in need of an A/V cable that goes between the genesis model 2 and the 32x. I didn't know it was needed and the ebay seller didnt include it. It seems to me like the 2d shit is done on the genesis and then thrown over to the 32x which pastes on the 3d stuff and then goes to the tv. Seems kinda makeshift but whatever. It's the one to the left of the picture Even the Genesis Model 1 to 32x cord (in the center) could work if you want to trade that. If anyone has one of these and would like to sell it or trade it, that would be awesome. This gets me thinking, is there a place on the forums for trading old systems/games/parts stuff like that? Yes you can emulate it all now but there is something about using a genesis controller and looking at a square tv screen that makes sonic so much better. I think we should start one, it would be so cool! I can start off by making a list of the hardware I have that I'd be willing to trade if anyone wants it. 7 Genesis Model 1s 4 Genesis Model 2s 1 power base converter mark 1 (works with gen1) 2 32xs (they look like the version in the above picture.) 2 sega cd mark2 (dont power on or something :/ ) 1 sega cd mark1 (still trying to troubleshoot) 1 old snes 2 new snes 1 dreamcast with 3 mc and keyboard and mouse and 1 3rd party mc 2 saturn model 2s (round buttons on outside) 2 original ps 2 ps2 1 ps1 1 64 1 xbox that is halfway through modding with the solderless xecuter but... if i put it back together it will run fine, ive tried it. fucking mod chips hate me. some gen games (multiple sonic 2s and sonic 1s too) lotsa other games. loads of controllers and almost all cables for everything Im interested in a sega cdx or a working segacd or SOMETHING THAT WILL LET ME PLAY MY MINT COPY OF SONIC CD THAT IVE HAD FOR ALMOST A YEAR NOW :'( anyways, if anyone is game, plz post
  24. yea man! lets start some shit. Im so sick of sitting on my ass all day, i want to make some fucking music and get it out there. Lets make an awesome song and get famous. fuck yes, im so pumped, partially due to this house song, /me listens to A.T.F.C presents OnePhatDeeva - Bad Habit (Spen & Karizma Main Vocal) lets get this show on the road, lets start writing melodies and shit. yessss
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