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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. if its the normal zelda formula, it'll probably be tired and boring. hoping skyward sword breathes life into a dead franchise.

    Don't worry, I'm sure it will be Ocarina of Time in some form or another, again. Only this time.....



    We get to be like Jake Sully!

  2. I love how game developers proclaim that they're on board with this console, give it a year or two afterward and they'll cease developing for it, saying they can't make a profit for it, or that they can't compete with Nintendo.

    History repeats itself.

  3. Did you see Spider-Man 3?

    Yeah, I did. Again, there's no real need to reboot Spiderman. Most everybody knows how he becomes Spiderman, same goes for Superman, we don't need a complete retelling of it, we know how Superman becomes who he is. Although, I can understand WHY they're rebooting Superman, it's been almost forty years since the first movie, and Singer didn't do anything special with Superman Returns (I did like Brandon Routh as Superman though).

    I honestly don't believe that Zack Snyder was a good choice to redo Superman right now, until I see a trailer, then I will try to stay positive on it.

  4. Just watched the film, and absolutely loved it. I'm not much of a Marvel fan (quit reading after Civil War series) but I will say they got the dynamic between Eric and Charles perfect.

    In terms of continuity with the comics, I've let go of the whole, "be accurate to the page". I recal watching Sin City, and being bored with it (though i did enjoy Mickey Rourkes story). We won't ever have a time were the films are all 100 percent true to the source.

    Im in agreement with Spiderman, there's no need for a total reboot. They could do a Incredible Hulk type reboot (show how everything started within a few minutes), besides, we all know how it happened. I'm hopeful for the néw Spiderman film, the guy who did 500'Days of Summer is making it if I'm not mistaken, and that was a pretty good film.

  5. I should probably do that more than I do. As soon as I want something I'll think about it until a buy it. But in some cases once I get it I barely use it at all. This time maybe I'll wait for a month and see if I still want the thing. I've go so many games as it is...

    With such a paltry amount of games worth buying right now, I would play the waiting game. I find myself thinking of buying the DSi XL though. I love the big screens it has.

  6. I hope crush 40 does a metal theme again, im tired of emo songs and synth pop tracks, altho it was only 2 games but hell NO

    Then we get to hear how awful the butt metal is or whatever stupid catch phrase critics used for the early 3D Sonic games.

    If there's anything I can say positively about the Sonic Adventure games, or even Sonic Heroes, is that the music was pretty good. Minus anything regarding Tails, Amy's, or Big's theme song, or Team Chaotix....

  7. 250px-NewSuperMarioBrosWiiBoxart.png

    Point taken.

    Not counting the DS game, that's been almost 18 years since there's been a NEW, good 2D Mario. Why else would it honestly take that long to put out another 2D Mario? Especially if they sold better than all the 3D Mario games combined?

    I don't put good faith in Miyamoto to make another 2D Mario, not in a looooong time. If one is shown at E3, I'll gladly apologize.

    I've swayed the topic off target again...:(

  8. Ooooorrr...

    Just give him to Nintendo. I'd like to see what they could do with him.

    Seeing the kind of stuff Nintendo has put out as of late, I doubt he'd be in any better shape with them. Miyamoto seems to hate making games in 2D, so you wouldn't get a Sonic game in the right dimension format. And, Sakamoto would get into Sonic's masculinity issues, and Tails immaturity.

    I think I just talked about recent Final Fantasy characters....

  9. The theory is that a community full of jerks drives off a greater number of potential customers than the number of actual jerks in the community.

    The other theory is that a community full of people who are fun to play with can work as a selling point, causing more sales than the discounts provided. This can actually be ensured by making the discounts work like small percentage comission on the number of customers a player brings in.

    It is not that complicated, but it seems like a lot of people in this thread either just didn't get it, or aren't really concerned with knowing what they're actually talking about before speaking. (I'm hoping it is the former.)

    No, I can get my head around it, I just still don't think it's a good idea. But I guess it's all in the implementation...

  10. pretty much my experience.

    Curiously who would be able to do "The Flinstones" justice; some how make them relevant without seemingly hokey or forced. I'd even watch it regardless of who does it so long as it leaves out political rhetoric.

    This is MacFarlane, of course he's gonna shove political rhetoric in. Only this time, Dino will be the liberal... Or the conservative...

    IF this show really happens, I'll give it a chance, but I'll be highly skeptical...

  11. So we already know Hollywood is out of ideas, I guess TV is too.

    Probably one of the VERY few things that I like from Hanna Barbara, the Flinstones, is now being remade, by everyone's favorite plagiarist Seth MacFarlane.


    Look, I like the first maybe 3 or 4 Season of Family Guy so don't think I'm some Simpsons fanboy, that show hasn't been that funny in over 10 years. Never liked American Dad, and the Cleveland Show, wasn't that entertaining.

    Sure, the Flinstones aren't even that funny for many today, but I really can't say that I'm looking forward to MacFarlane rebooting this show.

    What are your guys thoughts on this?

  12. I always laugh when people say DK64 is bad but defend Banjo-Kazooie

    Banjo Tooie is worse. As much as I have enjoyed playing it on XBLA, you're given absolutely NO sense of direction and can wander around for hours in frustration..

  13. 1) Where'd you get the info about the physically moving/plaintext/outdated software info?

    2) I saw that blocking of class-action lawsuits too. Its about AT&T though, and is supposed to only apply to cases where arbirtration is a less costly, more effective method. Something like this is HIGHLY likely to be class action because of the vast amount of customers involved, as well as the high profile nature of the case.


    Don't worry, with the way laws are passed these days they'll amend it so we end up just having to take everything up the tail pipe.

  14. I dunno about the whole giving them a chance. I really dont want stupid gimmicky controls like a touch screen.

    Who am I kidding.

    Im gonna buy it.

    "If you go down the quick and easy path, you'll join the darkside, consume you it will!!"

    And I have to honestly agree with Bleck on his comment...

  15. What part of 'selling each console at a loss' did you not understand? They made NEGATIVE CASH, no matter how many PS3s they sold.

    What he said, Shadowblade.

    And saying the new Nintendo console will be another Dreamcast, is just as much pissing in the wind as saying it won't. Even I don't doubt I could/will be wrong. But seeing how the 3DS is NOW getting outsold by the PSP, and even the DS, doesn't make a promising future. But that's a different post for a different topic.

    If it's successful, great. If they have good games POST launch, like a year after, maybe I'll change my tune about Nintendo.

  16. Basically he thinks that if the controller has an LCD screen that will kill it because it will cost more.....LOL as if that would stop people. I remember when the PS3 first came out, some dude paid 6000$ on ebay for it.

    That, boys and girls, is called stupidity.

    A high price tag certainly didn't help the PS3 for it's first few years did it?

  17. I honestly have to agree with XZero on the fact that Sony needs to address BOTH "free" users and Playstation Plus users with some sort of compensation in some form.

    But I'll admit, I don't think I can really give any sort of judgement, given that I've never owned a Sony console. But it amazes me how much trouble Sony seems to have had in the past few years with the PS3 and it's online network.

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