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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. As nice as the graphics and music were in Mario Galaxy 1&2, NSMB Wii is the better game to me. It pisses me off that Nintendo's devs don't like making 2D Mario and didn't make it a bit better.

    DKCR is good, took a break on it to try Fable 3....

    They need to have Retro do a 2D Metroid, with zero involvement from Sakamoto...

  2. Fantastic video, needed to be said. Again.

    5:15 is really confusing...What the hell is the guy saying? Or trying to say?

    I have no real idea, I'm sure it's to make fun of Gretchen Carlson (the "interviewer").

    A few things, first off, Escapists commentators are being ridiculous, the issue of facing controversy IS important and needs to be addressed, maybe even more than twice!

    Second, anytime that there is ever any negative remarks about anything involving soldiers or the war in Iraq, Fox News will go to great lengths to tar and feather, and "hang 'em high", especially if it questions patriotism. Of course, that's a no brainer for anyone who has a discerning eye.

    Third, great video guys, please keep up the hard work. I may not like the gaming industry or it's tactics they've been trying to pull lately, but I definitely respect gamers who can LOGICALLY debate and agree or disagree on subjects.

  3. The new dashboard looks like a bag of smashed assholes.

    Also new startup sound.

    Actually, after fiddling with it, I don't like it. It just feels so overly simplified, but again technical problems probably all over if they tried to use Kinect with the previous Dashboard.

    And $60 for a year subscription, for a majority of things that don't run on microsoft's servers (Netflix, Last FM, probably two useless apps for the console, Twitter and Facebook)? And "exclusive" access to demos?

    XBox Live is becoming hard to justify fo me, even though it's a measly ten dollar price hike. Guess they have to make money back from Kinect somehow....

  4. This is clearly your first dealing with Brandon. (I love how he only cited my post specifically as nonsense.)

    In any case, since we have to be on topic and adult in this thread, I'll comment on how the Dashboard 'pages are 2D'. That's funny. That makes the interface look kind of plain.

    Reminds me of switching internet browser tabs on the iPhone.

    Probably because as mixed as the opinions have been of Kinect's capability of tracking movements, it was a necessity to switch it to front face. I myself don't find it that big of a problem, but I guess Microsoft thinks we'll all be amazed by being able to wave our hands to move the menu after the first half hour or so.

    Gaming wireless hasn't been issue at all for me. Then again, I play little of online gaming/online multiplayer anyways what with all the childish people and annoying kids on there. Of course, that comes with the territory....

    And wasn't 1 vs. 100 cancelled? I played the Beta and really enjoyed it, I've been out of the loop for so long....

  5. Yeah, that's pretty much it. This is pretty depressing, actually - Capcom was one of the few companies that I could really rely on to make good games, but without Inafune I don't see this guarantee holding up anymore.

    I haven't had a real attachment to Capcom since the whole RE5 multiplayer on disc but was DLC debacle.

    With some of Inafune's comments, I wouldn't be surprised if he was forced out. Although what Inafune said what is true about lots of gaming companies in Japan, I find their attitude just as bad. "Oh people don't like our games? Screw 'em! I'll make what I want 'till we're bankrupt!" But that's for another topic entirely....

  6. This honestly comes about as big of a shock to me as Shigeru or Eiji leaving Nintendo.

    What... happened?

    And most importantly.... what will happen... to Mega Man? Legends 3? The Archie comics?

    I know I'm in the minority here, but I honestly wouldn't mind one of those two leaving. Shigeru has made great games, but I hate his attitude towards making 2D Mario games, which are always awesome.

    Eiji's Zelda games for me just haven't been that great. I really enjoyed Wind Waker (minus the extended sailing of course).

    I guess I'm just becoming frustrated with Nintendo looking like they're shifting away from the direction they were taking with the Wii, seems like they're going back to doing more gamecube like games....


  7. Chao Garden is actually a pretty good reason to play SA2B

    That, and escape from metal harbor stage. I loved that music, very ska like sound...

    Watching the video Bleck posted...

    Great job catching those bugs and glitches Sega, you sure know how to keep screwing up!

    In regards to Sonic 4, I'm not paying 15 bucks for 4 stages. Let me know when the games compiled completely, then I'll think about buying it...

  8. I too really love sprite-work, and really hope it doesn't disappear from the professional market (I doubt it will ever leave the indie market)- but a lot of dipshits are out there that are like "if it's 2D, it sucks"

    Anecdotal case in point:

    It's mainly because when people see something new and shiny, everything not new and not shiny looks bad in comparison.

    I usually ignore gamers whose only concern is how shiny and pretty graphics are. I'm more concerned on the level of developers who are going to be making games on this thing. Like I said, other than 3DSware or DSiware, I just don't think there will be major releases made in 2D. Of course, there could be some in development, so I won't say we won't ever see them.

    I'd love to see a 2D Mario Bros. game on it, not a port, but an actual game. But seeing as how some Nintendo developers don't enjoy making 2D Mario, I doubt we'll see one.

    My other gripe, is at the moment, I don't see any games that will really make the people who bought a DS for games like New Super Mario Bros., Brain Age, that will get them to buy it.

    I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade here, I've just become very skeptical....

  9. Bet Final Fantasy will remake 5 and 6 on the 3DS...


    Which I am not really looking forward to because if FF4DS is any indication, the voices are going to SUCK.

    The more I think about the 3DS and its games, the more likely I'm going to pass on it. I'm getting the feeling of the N64 from it, where Nintendo overstepped itself in power, and someone else beat them in the console market, only this time, it'd be the handheld market.

    Am I a fortune teller? Of course not, but I just can't shake the feeling that something will go wrong after it's first year.

    And not to mention the games for it that I've seen. A bunch of them being ports. I think Street Fighter IV is a good one to port, but Metal Gear Solid 3? I play portables for a short quick experience, not a long console experience. The only game I'd buy right out of the gate, would be Pilotwings Resort, but I wouldn't doubt that Nintendo is too lazy to put anymore islands in it other than Wuhu island.

    And the last thing, I really really get the feeling I won't see sprite based or 2D games unless it's on the 3DSWare, like all the companies will think it's a bad idea to make sprite based games on it (just like they did on N64). I know that sounds silly, but for me, those games have a certain charm to them.

    Sorry if this sounds like a rant. As long as I get a chance to play the 3DS at a store, I won't judge it too harshly, but for now, I'll wait at the very least a year or two before I purchase the thing...

  10. Cool.

    Well, the 32 gb SD cards are SDHC, so...

    EDIT: Also, anyone watching the English video for the press conference? Click on "synchronize video to slide" and tell me what happens.

    Basically, Nintendo is still trying to go for it's original purpose since the Wii's launch, expand the gaming population.

    I forgot what site I read, but according to some recent polls taken, people are very interested in 3D, especially on their television, but the high cost, is what turns them off it, as well as the glasses (at least the price of them anyways).

    I think Nintendo is on a roll here, but it largely depends on how well this does in Japan (and eventually Europe and America). Granted, a lot of people don't think Japan matters, it still does. I think the problem with gaming in Japan is the heavy disinterest there seems to permeate throughout the community, especially with retread after retread of genres there. But since I don't live there, I'm talking out of my butt on that.

  11. I've been reading other sites commentators on the price of the thing ($300), which they forget that most of the time Nintendo's tech usually comes out cheaper here.

    On a purely educated guess, I'd say for the U.S., they'll cut out the SD card and charging dock pack in. If not, hey, not a problem. But I think they'll try to cut cost down though....

  12. the middle part of the thread was pretty ridiculous. if you thought other m sucked, you were a hardcore metroid fan who hates stories and using your head. and if you liked the ridley scene you're just plain dumb.

    You just saved so much time for so many people stumbling on this thread.

    Not sarcasm.

  13. Subjective.

    I'll just go in agreement that that's solely my opinion. I've said enough about this game, it's not very good to me, at all. All this thread has boiled into is of ones who somehow think the story was good in this game (granted, it had SOME good ELEMENTS), and others who think it wasn't necessary.

    I've said my peace on it. I'm just waiting for this thread to get locked up if it keeps spiraling like I think it will.

  14. Heaven forbid anyone sticking to their guns and following through with their own creative vision.

    And screwing up a character in the process? Yeah.

    I don't necessarily have that much of a problem with creativity, or peoples creative vision. But all I see with this Sakamoto guy is egotism, and if this game flops and any other metroid games, and Nintendo STILL let's this guy handle them, they're stupid.

    And what Bleck said is right, they could have had cutscenes in previous games, they just didn't do it then, there was no hardware limit on small cutscenes, Ninja Gaiden on NES anyone?

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