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I think it was reported they filed a patent for it, it's incredibly stupid and sadistic no matter if it's real or not. Anybody who thinks game prices will be lower when they cripple those "mean ol used game stores" is delusional. When they've been nickel and dime-ing gamers for anything they can pull, it's hard to believe that companies who squeeze every ounce of profit and work they can get off of developers will somehow give back to gamers out of the goodness of their cold steely hearts. companies need to reassess how they make games and how to do it without spending good awful amounts of money. they put themselves into this position. They had every chance to go after used game sales in the past and they choose to do nothing. That incompetence is their fault, and the consumer shouldn't have to be punished for their failures.
Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Toadofsky replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Something I'm not liking about this series, is that she's making implications that she can't be sure are there. In episode 1, she talks about how Miyamoto joked that Fox should be the main hero in Dinosaur Planet. It's probably just me, but to me she's making implications that Miyamoto is some sort of sexist. My entire issue on this series is that she's only going after the narrative and nothing else. There's far too much that gets excised in the discussion. Going by a story in an Arcade game is honestly laughable, as is the NES games. Would anybody who were playing arcade games in the 80's stand at an arcade machine for 3 hours for plot exposition? If so, count me surprised. So far, she hasn't even talked about the PC games of the early 80's or 90's, where the games had a little more technology to put more exposition and development to the story. I don't see anything suggested she's the least bit interested in gaming beyond using it as a launching point for her worldview, and knowing full-well that gamers are an easy audience to stigmatize because it's been stigmatized for thirty-plus years now. Does that excuse the idiots that harassed her online? The trolls that inadvertently put her on a pedestal? No. -
Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Toadofsky replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Too bad that nobody is looking at it from a STORY perspective. But PLATFORMER Mario games aren't known for deep story anyhow, they're mainly just a premise, and there isn't much else needed. If you start to have a bunch of unnecessary story in a platformer based Mario game, it ceases to be a Mario game. That doesn't mean that they couldn't have had Peach as a playable character in NSMB Wii or U though. Heck, they could have put Daisy in as a playable character. -
Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Toadofsky replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Oh I'd say it was good 'ol 4Chan that probably did it in. Of course, there's plenty of others who probably did it to. How much you wanna bet they subscribed to know when she'd put out another video? Kinda defeats the purpose of ignoring her huh? Mother 3 isn't known enough in the outside world to be discussed in the series (and that's not a mark against the game, I loved it). So far, it just seems like she's scrolled through Wikipedia again and TV Tropes. Whatever gets the info I guess. -
Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Toadofsky replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
So I guess we're in for another 30+ pages of people who have differing opinions and can barely come to a consensus on women in games. -
I highly doubt if mirrors edge 2 is real, that it is going to be that good, especially if EA dictates it to have more shooting and less parkour , you know that will probably happen. in all seriousness, as soon as fanboys see halo 5 our whatever shooters are plopped out at E3, they'll run right back to Microsoft's tit. Few gamers have any conviction when a company is screwing them over. I made my mind up before I watched the xbox one premier, I'm not going to buy it. I bought the 360 because my friends had one, and I thought of playing games online with them. The games my friends play are completely different from what I usually play or are interested in. Not to mention they're on a completely different time table than me on their gaming. Right now, a Wii U is looking far better for me, and even though Sony is being coy about what they're doing with their systems used games, at least Sony is showing more focus on an area I care about with consoles: games. the xbox one isn't competing with Sony, it's competing with smart TVs and whatever Apple finally does for a media hub in the living room, and I can't blame them for throwing gamers under the bus to do this.
I honestly wouldn't put it past them to talk about this stuff even more at E3
why Nintendo abandoned that approach still is a mystery to me.
As I said before, what we're being told is that game consoles are for nerds, entertainment systems (aka closed off PCs)are cool things.
Given the fact that numerous PC games required an internet connection to just be played well (Sim City, Diablo 3, a gaggle of Ubisoft games for a few years) or at all, why shouldn't people groan about the thought of these systems requiring internet? Seeing as how major internet companies have little interest in providing higher speeds at lower costs, and instead would rather screw you over with unnecessary bundles and that ilk, the U.S. ISN'T ready for this sort of thing. So just like GameStop, the trade in value of your games will undoubtedly be utter tripe. At least Microsoft learned something from GameStop's trade in shtick. Funny, Microsoft declares war on Gamestop, and the third party companies hide behind them like an obnoxious smart alike little kid hides behinds his older brother when someone confronts the little bugger. The last thing on these companies minds are the consumers, their actions are evidence of this.
Didn't you hear? Video Game Systems are for losers. Entertainment systems are for the cool people.
LOL. Graphically, the game looks good, will I play it? No. The Xbox One is the next water cooler? It better serve the finest water I will ever drink.
Something that I've taken away from the whole EA fiasco is this: The Frostbite Engine is possibly a grossly inefficient to not run on Wii U (yet they've got one running on Tablets? LOL). EA is betting the farm on the Frostbite engine to have it on almost all of it's upcoming games, and if those games/engine fail, they're going to be put into very dire straits. The last EA game that I ever played or enjoyed was the first Mass Effect and Mirror's Edge (ME 2 was alright, didn't bother with 3). I understand that's not good for a publisher to not support the system, but I will laugh HARD if Nintendo coasts along without them. The fanboy in me says this is EA attempting sabotoage to try and get other companies to follow suit (not that they have to twist their arm to do it). But obviously that sounds far too ridiculous to be real.
And now they're butthurt about Sonic having a few exclusive games to Nintendo. It's the Bayonetta 2 scenario all over again.
EA Acquires Star Wars Video Game License
Toadofsky replied to Hyperion5182's topic in General Discussion
So, take Madden, replace it with Star Wars, and you're set. -
Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Toadofsky replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
I think you did just fine. And you pretty much hit upon what a number of people had said 10 to 30 pages ago. Technical limitations were a main reason a lot of older games are so basic. Acknowledging that point would probably take a lot of strength from her argument. Not to mention that there have been a number (though small) of heroines in games. She puts her world view/spin on games and their development, and from what I've seen, she's not really doing much discussion other than "The internet was mean to me! See? It's all a bunch of boys!!" Granted, I've never had any sort of harassment as she did online. But when you do a series that is undoubtedly going to be considered controversial, you better be ready for a backlash from it. -
Nintendo Not Holding Regular Conference at E3 This Year
Toadofsky replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Nintendo Direct is more or less a way to combat the gaming press that almost always puts some sort of negative spin on Nintendo, no matter how good or positive the news is. With most of the gaming press getting their "SONY E3 IZ DA BEST EVA!!" or, "MICROSOFT KILLED IT YO!" statements ready, it's fair to say Nintendo would be wasting their time on a giant conference hall. All the press complaining about them not doing a big conference sounds like all the whining they did about the year E3 was more focused on games and less on booth babes and overblown sets (2008 I believe). Poor journalists, that E3 felt like work! -
Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Toadofsky replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
I'd say she's waiting for the overall gaming consensus to start complaining about no new videos, and then release another one. Or maybe she's trying to do a better job? Beats me. If she hasn't reassessed some of her arguments and how to improve her videos, stick a fork in this series, it's done. Something I also find funny, is how numerous web pages that were appalled at Bioware (barely) changing up Mass Effect 3's ending last year, seem to all be making an about face for all games to be gender neutral to appeal more to women. As incredibly misogynistic/stupid as that last sentence sounds, I'm all for games doing a better job at stories and representing women better, God knows they need all the help they can get in some games. But using only one perspective and not looking at several factors into the design reasoning for games (marketability, cultural differences, the storyline, etc.), just makes the arguments feel flat. Somehow I think I'm just making this whole thread go back into a circle as it seems to have been for a few pages. -
Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Toadofsky replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Has she ever used DOA for an example of sexism? Naaah, too easy. -
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Toadofsky replied to Global-Trance's topic in General Discussion
If this game is truly coming out for PS3, I'm finally going to go and get one (I don't have a 360 anymore). There's quite a catalog of games I'd like to play (Uncharted, Shadow of The Colossus HD, Ratchet and Clank, MGS 4), and this would probably give me the most incentive to do it. -
DuckTales Remastered: WOO-OO! (It's out! GO DUCKING GET IT!)
Toadofsky replied to KyleJCrb's topic in General Discussion
Now I have to buy a Wii U. -
OCRA-0038 - Milky Way Wishes: A Kirby Super Star Tribute
Toadofsky replied to Level 99's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
8 years ago, I vividly remember this album being announced, and I remember the consistent fallout that occurred with it. I rarely check the remix forums, but I do remember checking in on this one from time to time so many years ago. All I can say is, I'm glad to see it finished. I didn't think it ever would come out, or even get done. I can't wait to listen to this when I'm out cleaning windows tomorrow (that's when I really listen to tunes). Congratulations guys. -
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD for Wii U
Toadofsky replied to Devyn's topic in General Discussion
I speculate that they tone down that bloom lighting just a bit. I was getting early 360 game(s) vibes from those images. I'd hope that they also incorporate an orchestrated soundtrack into this one, but it's not a necessity. -
The Steam Box: Valve's foray into the console market
Toadofsky replied to Tensei's topic in General Discussion
I honestly don't believe we will EVER see a sequel to Half Life. Not for at least ten years or more. Heck, they've probably painted themselves into a corner with the story, and are afraid of not living up to expectations. Or maybe the new Source engine will be ringing in the next game in the series. If it happens, I'll eat a hat. But I don't think I'm the only one that has given up waiting for a new Half Life game. -
3DS: Friend Codes on First Page, OMG THE THIRD DIMENSION
Toadofsky replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I'm glad they're overhauling Animal Crossing so much. But whenever I play that series, I almost ALWAYS feel guilty when I don't come back to my town for a few days and weeds are all over the town and everyone's pissed off at me. Maybe as Mayor I'll just bull doze their house over, that'll show 'em!!!!