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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. I find it funny that the slogan is Long Live Play when both they and Microsoft are in a frantic pace to prove their consoles aren't just what they're primarily for, video games. Oh well, the ad was pretty cool to me....
  2. Nah, I stumbled upon it. I just thought it was finally a suitable replacement to my Arrested Development gif that I used as my signature...

  3. Jonathan "Blow-hard"'s game to me was a play once, never play again. Jamestown I keep hearing about, I may have to go and pick it up, especially if it's one of those constant re-playable game.
  4. I didn't really have that much of an issue with Super Meat Boy, I knew going in it was going to be hard. There's just something about that quote from the dev from Team Meat that completely turns me off from them and any of their games. You want to find a way to interact with people, but you don't want to.... yeah that doesn't sound stupid. I'll admit though, I wouldn't mind having a Meat Boy T-Shirt like I've seen on their site.
  5. Amazing isn't it?
  6. This is why I take issue with indie games now. People who make a game and it really turns out to be rather bland, mediocre, will say, "Well it's an indie game!" and then the gaming press/gaming world lavish it with praise, and give little to no critical inspection of it. Then again, a large amount of game reviewers don't seem to be doing that anymore anyways.
  7. This trailer just shows me how ridiculous some of these people are that proclaim they're independent. And then trying to proclaim that this is just now starting when it's been going on for decades. The original Doom was made by a handful of people. This quote however, takes the cake.... If you can't honestly see the ridiculousness in that statement, I'm truly sorry. I don't mind games being made independently, but this so called "movement" movie is spotlighting a bunch of pretentious neckbeards who aren't really making anything but a mediocre platformer with a good color palette (FEZ however, is a game that I would actually like to play).
  8. Eh, I guess it's them feigning the inevitable piracy that will be inflicted upon it. As far as the device goes, I actually wouldn't mind having one to complement my 3DS, but I'll give the Vita a year before I buy one. I bought the 3DS the day of the price drop, and all I can wonder is why on earth Nintendo was so stupid in thinking they could sell the thing without substantial games to back it up, or at least ones with Mario in the title....
  9. No, since it doesn't require it for those games, I don't see a point. Some might, but I'm not really seeing a need for it. I think it's more of a way to pander to the third party companies to port their Vita games over and vice versa.
  10. Remember last year? When the trend was to be super positive and gush over the 3DS? It's the new thing to put it down, just like the time the DS was going against the PSP before either was even launched. I ignore most of the opinion pieces from gaming journalism (Jim Sterling, Ben Kuchera, Kotaku) anymore because they're all corporate shills. Yeah Sterling may not be a corporate tool, he proclaims he isn't, but it's hard not to judge him with half his posts I see.
  11. There's more to it than that. Nintendo outsourced the dev kits. Only 300 a month are going out and the waiting list is extremely long. That was a stupid move by Nintendo to not get as many dev kits out as possible, which is also the reason for delay or games disappearing.
  12. And probably only one game will use it. I find it hilarious that all the game companies are unwilling to release a game on their unless it's a cheap port, or until it sells better. Which it won't do unless there's games on there. Guess you could blame Nintendo for rushing the system, and not getting the thing going with strong launch games.
  13. What a backwards revision. They'll redesign the handheld, just wait.
  14. I've told myself the same thing with Star Wars. I don't care about some of the recent changes, but the video quality isn't where it should be, at least to me. Sorry to get off topic.
  15. Just downloaded Excitebike 3D Classics, it was rather meh....
  16. I'm looking forward to this, I'll be reading Batman, Superman, and it's a toss up between Green Arrow or Justice League. Currently I'm reading Darkwing Duck, Ducktales, and Mega Man. Why do all my hobbies start getting expensive?
  17. Actually, I don't mind Yoshi, it's not the greatest Puzzle game, but it's not the worst. Of course, I do have a bit of an oddball selection for some of my favorite games...
  18. I think the story rotating around the net about GameStop pulling the OnLive PC code is quite funny. Gotta play the first game, never have gotten into Deus Ex, though I have always heard good things about it.
  19. Why does this little tidbit not surprise me? http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-08-23-nintendo-preps-huge-3ds-overhaul-report Nintendo always goes and refines their portables. I'd hate to see them go and redo the whole thing within a year, but going by how bad the launch went for the 3DS, I wouldn't be surprised if this rumor is true.
  20. Really looking forward to this, considering I'm not much of a fan of Street Fighter.... http://www.handheldgamingblog.com/tekken-3ds-interview-and-footage-60-fps-in-3d/
  21. Here's my friend code: 0903-2917-2088
  22. Currently updating mine to let me get through the online store... I'll post my friend code soon.
  23. I'm not really trying to choose a side in this honestly. But I've been watching your guys' videos since you first started on them. The fact that Escapist hadn't paid you guys irks me. Considering how you gave them a grace period, and then get an exuberant amount of donations during your time of need, and then suddenly be told you have to pay up some of that, I don't like it. Then when legal action is mentioned, "Oh hey! Here's that money we owe you!" I really enjoy Movie Bob, but as far as Zero Punc. goes, I see enough Snark on the net. Until I hear more over the whole situation, I'm not giving any page views to Escapist.
  24. After hearing that the Escapist hasn't really paid you guys, let alone probably has to give lots more money to Zero Punctuation (I know that it probably generates lots of hits ), I don't see myself giving them anymore page views. Sorry to hear that you guys are going through legal bs.
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