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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. I was just pointing it out is all. I'm more inclined to use the motion controls for the emulator anyways. It's just an option for those that DON'T want to use the standard is all.
  2. Sorry for double posting, but for those of you that don't want to play with Motion+ (I'd like to give it a shot in this game), here's something for you Dolphin emulator users... http://forums.dolphin-emulator.com/showthread.php?tid=20167 Keep in mind, this is NOT 100% perfect, not yet at least. I have a copy of Skyward, but haven't tested it due to not having an IR sensor for the Wii Remote and such. Anybody that tries this config do share your thoughts or opinion on it.
  3. Found a copy of the accompanying album for the game, some great stuff in there. Too bad Twilight Princess didn't have orchestrated music, definitely would have scaled up the epic-ness a bit. Though it wouldn't have helped all that stupid bug collecting in the areas overwrought with Twilight...
  4. I listened to where somebody put the actual song in reverse. Thought that was pretty clever, but I hope they don't keep using that as an excuse for not coming up with new good music. Of course, I don't expect them to knock it out of the park every time...
  5. I haven't really listened to much of the soundtrack to this new game. I've only heard the main theme they've been playing and it's good, but it just doesn't really scream OMG! like some of the other songs I've heard. I'd say that since Kondo's involvement was minimal in this game, that's probably the reason (though I'm once again, probably mistaken). Somebody was talking about how good some sand temple's music was, but the one I heard wasn't that impressive, not to me at least. I listened to some of the songs performed at the Zelda concerts and they were really really good, other than the wailing fanboys in some of them.
  6. From what I've read, if you want to get some of that 4XAA rendering a Graphics card helps a bit. But I'm sure I'm mistaken on some part of that. I also wouldn't mind taking a crack at those texture packs I've been seeing, especially for Luigi's Mansion and I think the Wind Waker has one also. The reason I'm wanting a good card is to at least play other PC games that I'll eventually get to playing, Arkham City possibly being one of them.
  7. I find it hilarious that Microsoft quietly backed out of supporting that bill because they could stand to get into trouble themselves. Of course, ask them to even use any sort critical thinking on this vague bill would be like asking them to make their next console affordable. As far as seeing who else is on the list, it doesn't surprise me. EA Capcom and Square would more than likely try to use that bill as a means to kill used games. I wouldn't be surprised there would be legal loophole for them to be able to do it somewhere in there.
  8. And they will use that excuse. Don't be surprised if Nintendo and Square were to both ask for all their remixed music to be taken down.
  9. Won't necessarily happen, a major economic crash would have to happen, even then, just like a cockroach, I think the old money would survive a nuclear holocast. Companies operate as a corporate hive mind. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a company making profit, nobody has ever said that on either side of the political pond. The WAY they go about making profit is the problem. The MENTALITY is the problem. The hive mind these corporations have is that they must make profits NO MATTER THE COST. It doesn't matter if they're stripping people of their freedom, or their rights. It doesn't matter if they're pulling the rug from under people's feet, or strapping them with debt. It's all money money money. Hey, I like money too, but anybody can tell you just from watching the way this world is going, that it corrupts oh so easily. Getting back on topic, major businesses/corporations still seem to struggle in a technological world that consistently outpaces them, and they're tired of trying to keep up. They want to be the ones who write the rules, not the consumers. This is why we have $80 cell phone plans with access to the internet, and then be stricken with a 2gb limit. This is also why companies decry used game sales when the quality of their games speaks for themselves. I'm really not trying to sound like an OWS protestor here, because I've had these thoughts for years before people starting protesting...
  10. That article's last few quotes just proves my point. Big businesses FEAR small business because they don't want them taking their money/customers. They don't want competition. Why do you think they push for such ridiculous bills? Because they want CONTROL, COMPLETE CONTROL. This is somewhat off topic, but I'd like to point out this little slice from a website I frequent often, THE-GHETTO: http://www.the-ghetto.org/content/used-video-games-the-new-software-piracy BOLD text is my edit.... I rest my case.
  11. Congressman/women don't understand because they live in a bubble. Some of the questions they posed at Google were downright ridiculous. They don't understand how technology works, or how its business works. This is why USA is so far behind in education, technology, and pretty much everything else other than in pouring money in military tech. The vagueness of the bill is intentional. That way, if a company or politician doesn't like an article that calls them out, or is whistle blowing them, they can get it shut down without a hitch. There's no other way about it. Just imagine all those sites that give an honest review of the next "BIG" shooter from EA or Modern Warfare, no honest journalism would exist. Not that it really does anyway. This bill is essentially what I have told others for years when this stuff like this tries to come into play. It's "old money" that has refused to go along with the directions consumers ARE GOING. They'll die off before they'll change, or they'll go through it kicking and screaming. The movie rental chains is a good example. Did you guys know that Nintendo is supporting this bill? I even e-mailed them a letter over expressing my dissatisfaction with them. Will it deter them? Not at all. They're "old money", who haven't gotten with the times and will only do so kicking and screaming. Piracy for small companies, nay, for most that are affected by it, sucks. But it's something they have to accept and live with. Throwing money at the problem doesn't make the problem go away. Of course, Congress hasn't learned that lesson and probably won't. They'd rather kill the internet than go along with it. They're essentially asking for Government protection. Oh wait, that' giving them more control! The same thing they've been decrying for the past 4 years that there's TOO much already. I really don't think that the president will do anything to VETO it. A grand majority of politicians are the same, bought and paid for. One side decries that there's too much regulation, and the other side tries to make bills that they know won't ever pass, so that they can complain the other side is stifling the economy.
  12. Once I have a proper PC rig, I'll be invested into playing this new Zelda. For the time being, I'll be finishing up Super Mario 3D Land and finally getting my hands on a copy of Solatrobo...
  13. I passed on Cave Story 3D because I've played Cave Story enough. I just don't care for that game anymore. I really like the art-style, especially the WiiWare version of the game. But I'd rather pick up Mario 3D Land (which I'll be doing tomorrow). I also have to get Solatorobo, and see how good it is.
  14. This IS Sega we're talking about here.....
  15. Not if fanboys have their way, they'll be putting up altars in his honor. Jobs must be laughing in his new caterpillar form. Or maybe laughing as one of those foxcon employees going mad. Too Soon?
  16. Honestly, I have nearly no interest in the upcoming Tomb Raider, just looks like it's mimicking everything else with cutscenes and quick time events ala Uncharted. Legend was a proper return to form. This new one just gives me vibes of Other M, which was an absolute disaster. Back on topic, I'm thinking about picking this game up once it's a bit cheaper on Steam, gotta pay a few bills before I do. At least going and using canyourunit.com said I'd at least be able to run it at minimum specs.
  17. For a second, I thought you all were talking about communities related to web pages, if that was the case, I'd put Destructoid front and center. As far as any game related communities go, eh, they all have their good and bad sides. The problem is that everyone anywhere focuses so much on negativity as a means to draw attention to themselves.
  18. Jeremy Clarkson would never allow that in there, unless he blamed Hammond or James May for bringing it in.
  19. Duly noted dude.
  20. I just recently got a SNES mini (the actual Nintendo console, none of that FC TWIN Turbo stuff). And if I can get the Super NES Advantage joystick I'm shooting for on Ebay, I'm thinking about custom painting them. I've got an old dead SNES that I'm going to test, but I was wondering if anybody here has done this? What sites do you recommend to read on the procedure for it? Any help or links is much appreciated...
  21. That's okay, not trying to start one of those PC iz bettah dan consolez crap. I've just found more benefit with my PC is all (and now it's hooked up to my television ). With regard to PC building, like I said, I don't know much into that factor, so I'll take your word on that (which like I said, it may have more convenience for some than others).
  22. Nah, I've said my piece over it. No need to get into a deep discussion in another thread over it...
  23. I've given up on consoles mainly because they're just a much more controlled PC by their respective makers. Does that mean I'm not willing to give game makers their share? Where did I say that? I guess if you think I'm implying that.... fine. I love whenever somebody makes a mere mention of disliking companies punishing gamers for buying a cheaper copy of their game, they immediately think you're against companies getting their fair share. Guess what? I'm not, but I'm against them constantly trying to play the victim card. David Cage proclaimed he could have gotten more sales with Heavy Rain if gamers didn't buy them used. What he won't say (and what most gamers will), is that he would have sold more if he made a BETTER GAME that wasn't just a $60 Dragon's Lair that is barely half as good. And that's my issue with that talk. If you make a game that can get mass appeal (which often applies to good marketing), instead of pandering to a small group and proclaim how you're "pushing the medium", and sell a ton of copies of your game, you have little reason for complaint. Used games aren't going anywhere, the same as piracy. They're an unfortunate side of the entertainment industry, and the sooner those industries accept it, and try to better themselves so as to get more sales, than they wouldn't be in the mess they're in. If I'm not mistaken, you can get a fairly decent PC built nowadays to play these games today with the same amount of money you'd pay in the long term with a console. Granted, not everybody is willing or able to do that, and I wouldn't hold that against anyone. And as far as streaming television legally, there's plenty of devices/websites that do it just as good as consoles, if not better (I didn't say I was against consoles doing it). Social features like Facebook are better used on PCs and phones. I've yet to see any good convenience for Facebook on XBox, other than for Microsoft to have another bullet point to their Gold Membership. If you like consoles, fine. I've reached my entertainment with them.
  24. Microsoft just made a deal between Comcast and Verizon on their TV services to do streaming on the XBox. So yeah, anybody saying that their primary focus is on games, need only watch this years E3 to prove my point. I don't have a problem with them adding these features, really I don't. But it's become obvious the current game business model is not doing them any favors now. Your next gen is going to be a console that will require every game to be registered, and you won't be able to buy used (not without paying a fee). So essentially, it'll just be a dumbed down inferior PC, just labeled as an "entertainment experience".
  25. The only rapper that I'll ever accept to do this is Mega Ran, lately anything else I've heard hasn't been anything I've liked. I'm not against them sampling, it's just what they do....
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