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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. Bolt was very well done, when it was all over honestly I was shocked that it wasn't made with Pixar's help it was so good.

    Ohh, and about those Shrek sequels... there's a 4th on the way, as well as a possible 5th, yeech!

    Actually, John Lasseter had a hand in helping with Bolt, still, it's a good movie from what I've heard. And I do know they're making Shrek 4 and 5, I've heard someone say Mike Myers wouldn't be interested in doing it unless it had a good story, so I've heard.

    But I won't be seeing either of them. Shrek 2 was okay, but it didn't have much going for it besides the tiring cliché of newlyweds fighting (that is one cliché I'm so sick of) And Shrek the Third felt like it was trying to clutch on to any ideas they could possibly find to make a buck.

    SPOILER ALERT.....Like it really matters with this movie...

    Merlin was not that funny and a waste of the guy from Monte Python's talent, oh, Donkey and Puss switch bodies ooh "funny", and I actually was a little offended by that whole king dying with the James Bond song "Live and et Die" playing in the background.

  2. You know, I didn't even think about Gray Lighting for the longest time...

    I also wonder what happened to Evilhead, Cuddly Pyramid Head, and Firedrake,though someone said Firedrake was banned, doesn't suprise me the way he acted like he was better than others on the forums.

    And whatever happened to SR-388? She disappeared too.

    Jeez, so many people that have vanished.

  3. The Emperor's New Groove was the last hand-drawn musical movie that disney came out with that was awesome. It was the end of an era.

    See that's how I felt about it. The story didn't really have a necessity or a whole lot to bank on being able to fit songs into it. They could have, but it would have interfered with the storyline. They had a great cast for it, and they had great writers for it. The part with the "shoulder angels" is still funny to me. And I did enjoy the look of the characters. It was kind of like a mix of Aladdin and Hercules (though it is the Mayan era in that film)...

    I've actually wanted to see Enchanted Darkesword, I've heard it's basically Disney making fun of themselves. Which sounds pretty interesting.

  4. See, I miss the music perhaps MORE than I miss the hand-drawn animation, though I suppose I miss both. Count me in the apparently rare minority of folks who think the Lion King was poop, because in my opinion Alan Menken and Howard Ashman/Tim Rice were the absolute shit - Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and especially Aladdin all had epic soundtracks with great lyrics. THAT's what I miss, and it's been gone for quite awhile.

    I guess I sound like I'm against animated films with songs in them, I'm not, and since Disney hasn't really released a hand drawn film in quite sometime, it's a welcome breath of fresh air. I'm getting tired of CG films, or animes that are completely done in CG (I hated Appleseed Ex Machina, just my opinion, sorry). I don't hate them, but so many companies try to bank on doing it, thinking that as long as it involves CG, it'll sell. Some of those said films tanked, and rightfully so. Funny, I recall Brad Bird's interview before The Incredibles came out (he directed The Incredibles, and helped finish Ratatouille, he also made the great film The Iron Giant), and firmly believed that that would happen.

    The only companies that have done CG right, at least for me, is Pixar, like two Dreamworks films, Blue Sky (Robots, Ice Age 1,2,3), and the company that did Surf's Up (I've heard Disney's Bolt was good, but I haven't seen it, yet). Dreamworks did perfect with the first Shrek, no question, but fell flat in my opinion on the two sequels. And most of the other films they've done, I could care less about, not to mention taking Pixar's idea's (Sharktale, Antz, anyone?).

    In regards to Disney, the last good film I saw that was hand drawn of theirs was The Emperor's New Groove. Sure, it didn't have the Disney song and dance staple, but it had the classic humor of the old films, ala stupid evil sidekick. I certainly hope they have those kind of staples in this new movie.

  5. Okay, so I've never really been into musical numbers in animated films, with a few exceptions, The Sword in the Stone, Aladdin, Robin Hood, you get the idea.

    But after every film company saw the money Pixar was making from their early films, they all ditched hand drawn films. That's not to say that hand drawn films were bad (a good deal of them weren't that good), but where the money flows, people follow.

    I was actually saddened when I heard that Disney was ditching hand drawn animation (especially when they though Pixar would be independent from them), in favor of CG.

    Well, I don't know if this is old news or not, but check it out...


    There's bound to be songs in this film from the description, and tough I still cringe at that cliché, I'm actually glad to see them doing this.

  6. Honestly, if they wanted to do what they did in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, they should have separate teams handle each characters part. Each team with the most experience in what sort of gameplay each character would have, be it Sonic on speed stages, Tails on run n gun/platforming, etc, etc. I think it would be a better experience and game overall.

    Xzero, you may be on to something there. Maybe they'd do like the high res paintings I've been seeing on Deviantart of Sonic...

    And why not try culling stories from the Sonic comics? I've read some of the new ones now and again, and they've improved, though I still miss Spazz and Harvo's awesome artwork back in the day...

  7. I'll be watching it at my sister's house tomorrow night.

    But honestly, I quit watching after seeing some of season 3. I watched both Season 1 and 2 from start to finis. I just couldn't get into it after season 1 and 2. This sounds dumb, but I hated it when they started killing off some of the characters. I really liked a few of them, even though they weren't major characters.

    And some, it wasn't even necessary to have them in at all, so why did they waste the time? (I know I'm being vague on who, but that's how I'm keeping it).

    As far as this new season, I really don't know, I feel like there's still no direction, or the writers are doing things just so they can explain things, but to me, it's just so far out of left field then it originally was. I will finish watching the show when it ends, but, honestly, the direction of it really messed it up, for me at least. Maybe it'll get better as it goes, and finish up good. But I can't shake the feeling it's going to end in disappointment.

    But Fringe on the other hand, is getting better and better for me. And what's not to like when you have the Steward of Gondor playing a mental scientist?

  8. Aww... I wish there were more comics like this back in the Genesis vs. SNES and Sega vs. Sony vs. Nintendo days.

    I mean, how can you get upset when someone posts a comic like this in response? KF

    Agreed. The last image is my desktop image.

    I remember the dreamcast well. And how I never got to get one. Some day, when I find one that works, him and my Nintendo Wii will be reunited. And maybe I'll get an Original XBOX, so I can still play Oddworld Stranger's Wrath and Outrun 2, and Shenmue 2.

  9. May I have your attention please? May I have your attention please? Will the real Malcos please stand up? I repeat, will the real Malcos please stand up? I think Prot's giving us a problem here...

    Ya'll act like you never seen a british black before

    jaws all on the floor like Pam like Tommy just burst in the door

    started whoopin her ass worse than before

    they first get divorced throwing her over furniture

    It's the return of the

    "Oh wait, no way, your kidding, Prot didn't post, or I don't think he did, did


    And DJP said

    ....Nothing you idiots DJP's dead, he stopped trying to remix (haha)

    ^That never happened.

    God, I didn't even think of going that far to replace the text, I just thought it would be enough to put the video on, thanks....

  10. Super Adventure Island

    Quoted for empahsis.

    I'm waiting for someone to cover the beach music with a real saxophone.

    Also, I'd say that Chuck Rock had a pretty good soundtrack as well....

    I would say something about Mischeif Makers, but I don't really recall much from the soundtrack...

    And Nekofrog, I beat you on Plok! earlier.

    Why hasn't anybody covered this song yet? Or Plok's House or the Beach Music? WHY?!!!!

  11. Vhat! I vant to us my V's.

    I would venture to say this vernacular verse validly verifies the visage and void of our vain virtuoso.

    Ah a vivid vernacular most verbose! Victorious is he who vividly validates this vortex of verily questions!

    And, that's all for me... G'night!

  12. Son, I'll give you every egg for every start for every generation if you want. You want the fossil pokémon too? I got them. You want a four-pack of three-stage ubers? I got them.

    You want some Items to help you out in the early stages? Fuck, I think I got a few spare TMs and Masterballs.

    I'm open for business and EVERYTHING MUST GO!

    I'm not one to use vulgarity, but I believe this image holds merit for said quote...


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