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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. But FF14 is going to be an FF7 remake.....

    Yea, I heard that rumor 3 years ago.

    Square needs to MOVE ON. I'm so sick of Final Fantasy VII, I don't care if it was to appease the fanboys to release all that stuff relating/expanding to it. All they did was whore the dang game out. And I'd honestly like to call them on that. How can you possibly call that a new game when all it is is a remake? IF that's true.

    All I hope, is that Square allows Eidos to focus on making their content, and doesn't get too far involved. I don't mind Square's involvement, but I'd rather not see them try to make a Tomb Raider themselves. Legend is by far the best, Anniversary is just a remake, I'll admit, not necessary, but a polite nod to fans, and was a good game to boot. Underworld was just a bit too ambitious, good, but not great. But then again, if Square can make a brand new great game out of the Tomb Raider franchise, I'll gladly eat my words.

    All I can hope for is good things to come from this.

  2. And to anyone whining about cel-shaded Link... maybe you didn't play any Zelda games before Ocarina of Time or something...?

    EXACTLY. That's where I think alot of whiners chime in about all that. I honestly don't want them to keep a whole "Mature" realistic Zelda going all the time. They need to break free from that formula, shake things up like they did with Wind Waker.

    Otherwise it'll be like Twilight Princess, with a bunch of moments that were pretty much like Ocarina. Don't get me wrong, TP had A LOT of great cutscenes, and great new characters like Midna, and, uh, the chicks that ran the fishing/boat shooting game (I botched that for sure).

  3. Industrial revolution for Hyrule?

    When is Nintendo gonna move away from Cel shaded Zelda?

    What's wrong with Cel Shaded Zelda? I think it was the best idea Nintendo had. Not only that, The Wind Waker had such a fresh new feel. And a good story to boot.

    Not every game has to look realistic. Not to mention that it if was like that on the DS, it wouldn't be that good.

    I'd actually prefer to have a Cel Shaded Zelda on console again.

    You play as a dude dressed in green with a floppy hat.

    They're all cutesy.

    Thank you, anymore ownage tonight?

  4. i hate the one ups


    anyone down for going to a strip club after the meetup?

    that would be epic.

    What's wrong with them? If you don't mind me asking? Not trying to be a smart alike, just curious.

    Hmm, epic strip club eh?

    When I saw the topic, I thought it meant North Carolina. Went there last year, very artsy community. Real into the whole recycle natural food stuff (Hippie town in layman's terms).

  5. Actually' date=' even if the point made was grossly exaggerated, there is a point. There are very few truly "hardcore" games for the Wii or DS. ESPECIALLY IN AUSTRALIA. They exist, but their absence leads to an empty feeling when many of the "new release" games are "kiddman plays soccer"*

    I'll agree, the "if you don't like it, don't play it" argument is more than valid, but it fails to solve the issue of the lack of hardcore games. Its like saying to a drought stricken country to use less water rather than complaining. Yes, they should use less water, but that won't make the drought disappear.

    (*: If only their standards were that high half the time.)[/quote']

    Point taken. Look, I'm just one of those people that just plays games. I don't care whether it's hardcore or not. That's not me dissing those gamers, but most of the ones I've run across/read from on destructoid, PLAY Magazine's reviews/editorials, or wherever keep complaining over and over about it.

    What cracks me up is that they complained about no new sequel of (insert Nintendo game) coming. Yet, they forget that Nintendo takes up to at least 3 or 4 years to make said titles, so that they'll be up to par with the standards, that, and they're extremely secretive of new projects till they've got a good build of the game. Look at Zelda and Mario, those games only come around just every few years. I don't want a sequel every year ala Sonic/Activision games.

    To me, I think Nintendo is just taking their sweet time getting those unassociated with games, into games. That's totally fine by me. They'll more than likely still cater to their fan base, probably just not as much, at least for now. In the meantime, I have a DSlite to tide me over.

    Sorry to stay off topic.

    By the by, BUY Henry Hatsworth, it's worth every penny. And I got it for only 15 bucks (had store credit), and got Metal Slug 7 at Best Buy for Half Price! (they sell games that are being discontinued at the store)

    Anyways, continue the DSi thread...

  6. Hey, we could also encourage Nintendo's increasing slant towards pleasing the casual market while simultaneously neglecting the hardcore market that's supported them for years. Kill 2 birds with one stone! :<

    Will people EVER get over this?

    Honestly, what is the problem with trying to expand games into untapped regions (elderly people, women, etc.)? So what if they're simple games, or maybe not even games at all (Wii Fit), YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY THEM, ever think of that? THERE ARE GAMES FOR THE CORE CROWD, you have to look closer at the games there. Yes, there's craploads of shovel ware on the Wii, but what system doesn't have at least some?

    It's like games are some sort of "exclusive" club, or it's a geek's way of getting back at being snubbed by the preps/jocks. Every time I hear some gamer whine about casual games I groan. GAMES ARE A BUSINESS, AND WHAT DO BUSINESSES AIM TO DO? EXPAND AND MAKE MONEY. You can't expand something if you don't think outside the box.

    The hardcore market? Please, I've heard that for years. The "hardcore" market is more concerned about how adult a game is (to prove their maturity maybe?), rather than how good it actually is half the time. Granted, that's not all of the hardcore market's mindset, but if that's your excuse of not liking Nintendo's direction, get over it. Go play a PSP, PS3, or a 360. If Nintendo went and just made a system with high powered graphics and a bunch of frivolous yet cool features, they'd be dead last, and you know it.

    I hope Nintendo has something at E3 to shut this retarded, "It's cool to hate Nintendo" attitude up. Just as long as Cammy Dunaway doesn't act like a total loon again, maybe it's best she just doesn't talk to the E3 crowd...

    Yes, I went WAY off topic, but I had to vent. Had to.

    Sorry to offend if any...

  7. Actually I can recall a few...

    Super Mario World, I was like 7. And the fight with Bowser, I'd get so scared, I had to have my dad beat it for me.

    Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2. King/Kaptain K. Rool was so difficult for an 8 year old's brain to figure out.

    Super Metroid. Ridley, need I say more?

    Super Mario RPG. Yaridovich. I remember never being leveled up enough to get through the fight easily. And it was always the hardest fight for me. But it was extremely rewarding to finally beat him each time I went through the game.

    Rayman. The Viking Opera Lady. It was hard enough getting to her in the art world, but that fight with her took FOREEEVER.

    Viewtiful Joe, the Devil Dog Boss, and fighting Captain Blue for the last time. Try doing that on Adults difficulty. Can't believe I attempted playing that game on V-Rated, that's just suicide, especially as Sylvia.

    There's so many more I could list, but I can't remember them.

    One a non-boss note, RAINBOW ROAD ON SUPER MARIO KART (SNES), can't remember how many times I came in 6th or LAST in that race.

  8. Honestly, D.

    I mostly download from the source, because some of the games I've listened to I've never heard of, so I don't really have that warm fuzzy feeling I got from when I heard the original song.

    Most of the mixes are from games that I didn't grow up with, or didn't hear of. Back when I was like 6 or 7 is when I started playing Super Nintendo, and was a die hard Nintendo fan. I wouldn't play anything else, mostly because I didn't own anything else.

    But I grew out of that, thanks to the Sonic The Hedgehog comics, and finally getting a PC back in 98.

    And the Dreamcast. I still have to find one of those. God I love that system for some reason.

    And now, I am SOOOOOOOO off topic.

    Sorry.... :oops:

  9. No :)

    Like BluRay, it's not enough of an improvement to get me excited :(

    You know, I read an article on IGN about Blu Ray vs. DVD as of right now, and honestly, I don't think I'll upgrade to it. Most of those features of going online for stuff seems a bit unnecessary, not too mention the load times for some Blu Ray players, and there's a good Toshiba DVD player that upscales your regular DVD's rather well.

    Getting back to the topic on hand, I think I'll just wait on buying that DSi, see what they'll have on DS Ware. Hate to pass up that deal at Gamestop, that's actually a pretty good deal to trade in your DS Lite for a good 70 bucks (I sound like such an ad):tomatoface:. If they have old GB/GBA games to download, then that might be a good incentive, as long as they're not over-priced like they'll probably be.

    I just can't shake the feeling they're going to have some better handheld in another year or two, but oh well.

    Besides, I've gotta wait on buying that DSi to pay some bills, and my taxes...


  10. Something worth considering is that you've had your DS lite for two years now, and I'm assuming you mean that it's been working properly this whole time? If you decide to rush out and buy a DSi you're going to be investing in the first run of a new model of hardware... there could be some kinks in the design that might ultimately lead to a broken DS. Now, Nintendo's hardware has always been great for me, but that risk is still there.

    There's been rumor going round that some games aren't compatible with DSi for some reason. Metroid Prime Hunters crashes/locks up for some strange reason, and some developers are a bit skeptical on it. But don't quote me on that, most of it is rumor.

    THe more I've looked into it, and thought about it, I guess I'll wait. Especially for the inevitable DS 2 or whatever it'll be...:-P

  11. Okay, so I've had my DS lite for about a good two years if not more than that, and have had good enjoyment out of it for some time now (Just got Henry Hatsworth and Metal Slug 7 for like 25 bucks total).

    And after going to Gamestop and saw the trade in special, where if you trade in your DS Lite towards getting a DSi, you'd get $70 dollars store credit, and anything like the old DS or GBA SP, you'd get some cash for as well.

    I've researched on some of the features of the DSi, and they sound cool, but I'd like your guys opinion, on it.

    Would it be worth buying, or should I hold off until they come out with the inevitable super upgraded handheld?

    I don't know if I'd do much photo on it, maybe some listening to music, but I just don't know.

    And, are you guys going to pick one up as well?

  12. Sephire, another great lecture. Although, this one was kind of confusing for me to follow (maybe I'm just stupid), but that's because this isn't something I've ever really followed or paid attention to.

    Why don't you show this, as well as the uncanny valley episode to people in the gaming industry or at GDC for that matter? Maybe they could learn from this.

    And I can't believe looking at my join date, that I've been here for five years...

    Where has the time gone?

  13. I'd say Weezer's Green Album AND Maladriot. I vividly remember playing DK64 with the Green Album for some reason. I really liked that album, it's not their best, but a good album to come back with.

    Maladriot, I had a love hate relationship with. I disliked it at first, but after some time, I grew to like it (just like My Morning Jacket's "It Still Moves" album, at least with me). Weezer definitely was trying to do something a little more hard (KISS is one of River Cuomo's favorite bands), and it's actually a good album. Burndt Jamb was one of my favorites, besides Keep Fishing.

    I hated that a lot of people panned Maladriot, I still enjoy playing it every now and then.

    I would say Pinkerton is a "Lost" album, but it has gained such a huge cult following, and is widely regarded as Weezer's finest hour, that I don't think it'd count.

    Oh, can I add the Batman Forever CD? It had some good spots in it (U2, Offspring, The Flaming Lips).

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