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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. Hey all! For those of you in the States, Have a Great Memorial Day weekend! I for one will be chilling playing Lego Star Wars (both Trilogies) in between stripping the tile of the kitchen floor and painting the walls.....maybe. Don't want to overdo it! And no, no alcohol will be involved. It might be more fun, but I don't drink, so there you go. Anyways, what are ya'lls plans for the fun holiday?

    My profession is tile laying, but we've had almost 44+ hours these past few weeks, so I'm probably going to rest now since we're about caught up with all our work.

    That, and I'm going to see Terminator Salvation with my parents.:nicework:

  2. I never liked Billy Joel, just never liked his songs.

    As far as jerks go, I get the feeling that Paul McCartney ranks up there, yeah, I know he's part of The Beatles, but I never really listened to that band, nor have ever really wanted to. Maybe I'll try to listen to them sometime...

    Can I say the same thing of John Denver (being a jerk)?

  3. This song finally played on my Mp3 player (I set it to random, and there's like 8 gigs of music on it so yeah, took a while) today, and I was thoroughly impressed. Blind is consistently refining his sound, and it just gets better. Blind, keep up the good work, it's good to see quality dance tracks, especially crafted so well.

  4. p.s. the green chick was hot. Doesn't anyone else think so?

    Yes, I said that several pages ago... :razz:

    And I had no idea that that was the chick from Dumb an Dumberer, the blonde haired girl Jessica, and yes, I enjoyed that movie as well as the first one. Not as good, but still gets a good laugh for me....

    Lotd2242, dude, we get it. This new Star Trek film was not what you wanted, and the general opinion of most of the people here that saw it thought it was awesome. Instead of this thread being a discussion between all of us on the film, it's come down to your personal feelings of the movie. I'm not trying to jump on your case, but c'mon, how many dead horses are we gonna beat here?

    Sure, it is a generic Sci-Fi film, but hey, I knew this wasn't going to be like other Star Trek films, and to be quite honest, I embraced it. I'm sure you didn't go into that movie expecting it to be that way either. I understand that Star Trek is a series/franchise you hold dear, but don't make like it's been taken away from you like I've seen so many talk about Star Wars (and I WILL NOT GET INTO THAT, BLECH!). Has it ruined Star Trek? Not for me in the slightest. Who knows? It may get people interested in it again.

    The only series that I recalled ever being in the limelight, was Next Generation. Sure there were plenty of others afterwards, but I haven't watched a single one of them. That might be me being short sighted, but like I said back at the first of this thread, I just never got into Star Trek. It's only been these past few years I watched it now and again. And I'm sure those other series were probably just as good if not better than TNG.

    Let's just put this to rest, Lotd2242, you didn't come out of the film satisfied, fine, that's not a big deal at all, you said why, that's fine. As far as anything else, if people are just calling you dumb or whatever, just ignore it, it's your opinion, everyone else has one too, so so what? This thread is like watching reruns page after page.

  5. I honestly don't care what comes out of this years E3 but one game, and it's already been confirmed that it won't be seen there (so far), Beyond Good and Evil 2.

    Maybe we'll see what Nintendo has in store this year, maybe some good solid stuff, and finally bring some of the Virtual Console games that are ALREADY out in Europe, and Japan over here, because I'm getting pissed off at Nintendo of America not bringing some VC games out here already (Super NES Star Fox, Majora's Mask, etc.).

    And if there's going to be exclusive DSi games, they better be worth it, and that goes for downloadable games for it.

  6. So you basically told me to shut up because you thought I was hating on Transformers? :-P:-)

    No, well, dang it, I fouled that up pretty good.... :banghead:


    I guess I was, but I figured you'd have just as much valid reasons for hating it IF you did, which you didn't.

    I've made my peace now.

  7. There is the main issue. Not a soul gave this film a shot. I'd wager more people were looking for Trek to be terrible just so they could be right and tear it to pieces. Sure, you can say in your heart of hearts you want it to be good because it's Trek but not a soul would say that without adding a negative comment.

    To be honest, I was just as skeptical as others. But after having seen Mission Impossible 3 and Cloverfield (I know Abrams didn't direct the latter), I was very confident in the film. And to top it off, the cast selection, nay, Simon Pegg as Scotty, you couldn't get much better than the original James Doohan, or maybe Mooshi (Futurama Star Trek episode, probably the best one of all the episodes in my book :razz:).

  8. “Apogee continually delayed the completion date for the Duke Nukem Forever,” Take-Two said in the complaint. “Apogee repeatedly assured Take-Two and the video-gaming community that it was diligently working toward competing development of the PC Version of the Duke Nukem Forever.”

    Take-Two said in 2000 it had an agreement with Apogee and paid $12 million for publishing rights to the forthcoming game. In 2007, the two companies entered into a second agreement.

    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

    That's all that needs to be said.

  9. Sinewav responded to something I said and I disagreed with the assertions made. Sorry if that bothers everyone because I apparently happen to be the only person in the world who did not like this movie for any number of reasons both directly relating to Star Trek and not.

    I liked Transformers. That was the perfect kind of movie for Michael Bay' style. It's giant toy robots fighting. There isn't much there in the first place. I said before there's nothing wrong with that. It's just that Star Trek has never been that kind of thing, and even Transformers had fewer plot holes.

    Hey, I'm sure you're not the only one who didn't like the movie, I'm sure there are plenty of people that didn't. I didn't see what Sineway said, but I kind of took you saying the new Star Trek was a Michael Bay version as an insult, since so many Transformer fanboys criticize him and the film(s), which those said people just need to get over it.

    You didn't like the movie, that's okay, that's fine. If people want to insult you for it, ignore it. I never saw Watchmen, didn't want to, of course, I opened up a can of worms when I posted that in the Watchmen topic, but that's my mistake, and I took it. I ended up reading the Watchmen comic after that debacle, and I felt like I got hit in the gut at the end, it was the most depressing thing I read. It was well made, but it's not something I'll ever read again.

    But hey, when you state your opinion, you got to defend it, and I think you did that just fine, but you know what people say about arguing on the internet... ;-)

  10. Lotd2242, look, you didn't like the movie, fine. No big deal, maybe you should just quit talking about it. I'm not trying to be a smart alike, but c'mon, how many pages are we gonna keep going with this? I've had several die hard Star Trek fans enjoy this film, including the friend that I talked about earlier. Even he understands that this franchise needed to be rebooted BADLY. Sure, they didn't stick to original cannon with the alternate timeline, that's fine by me, in fact, that was probably to appease the fans, not to just keep the audience from being confused.

    I know what you'll say, Star Trek IS for the masses. I don't really think it has been for a long time. It's kind of like the whole mess of people griping about lack of "hardcore" titles on game systems, which is the biggest bunch of bull, mostly because so called core gamers don't realize that games have been for EVERYBODY since the industry began. But I'm shifting waaaay off topic here, so I'll stop.

    You called it a Michael Bay of Star Trek films. Honestly, I don't take that as an insult. Sure, Michael Bay does big explosions, not much on story, yeah, I know, but I still enjoy his movies. Don't get me started on Transformers, all the so called fans forget that that was a toy line BEFORE it was a series (and I'm pretty certain about that). That series was essentially a 30 minute ad for toys. And I could honestly care less about how accurate each character is to his make and model of vehicle from said show, which brings me to my next point, it's JUST A MOVIE.

    If there's one thing I'm getting sick of, is how people dictate every little thing in a movie, "Why didn't he just shoot it?" "She shoulda jumped!" Yeah smart guy, and how much tension would you kill from a scene or ruin a scene by using logic? Sure, maybe some movies would benefit more from it, but I don't watch movies to say what COULD'VE happened, I don't criticize how unrealistic a movie is (if the special effects are bad enough, then maybe), I watch a movie to be entertained now, and to think LATER.

  11. Hmm, this all seems a bit odd, I know nothing of legal ramifications in this regard but this...

    They modified roms, which are already illegal (I could be mistaken on that).

    They used copyrighted assets to make the game, ILLEGAL.

    I've played Prophet's Guile, all it was, was Magus' venture through Zeal, didn't add that much to the story line, and was a royal pain to go through certain fights.

    Oh well, didn't hear about it till this so called cease and desist order...

    Let's just hope developers don't start thinking OC should start making us pay for these remixes, there'll be hell to pay then.

  12. Personally, I get really sick of people going to see movies and complaining that they're "predictable" or that they "all ready guessed the ending". Woohoo. You're smart. But unless you're going to see a mystery or a thriller, you're barking up the wrong tree. Movies like this don't aim to have twist endings. In fact, 99% of stories are the same thing packaged differently, and that's the way it has always been and will always be.

    I was waiting for someone to say that.

    And Lotd2242, I appreciate that you've got your opinion on the movie, but man, why poke and prod it to death? I understand there's valid reasons for why you didn't like it but jeez man, tell me there's at least something you liked about it, besides it ending :razz:.


    It may sound silly, but I loved it when Kirk stole that car, and they started playing Beastie Boys "Sabotage", for some reason I though that was just awesome, besides that scene.


    I'm still geeking out over how much I enjoyed that movie. I haven't felt that way from a movie in such a LOOOONG time.

    I'm with Nekofrog on the Spock Uhura relationship not being that big a deal, I thought it was a good shake up. I mean, Vulcans seem to get all the chicks.

    And yeah, I wish Nero could have had more build up, maybe they'll do a director's cut (there WAS deleted scenes for the movie, just look at some of the previews, you can see them).

  13. They're not, and they shouldn't.


    Agreed, they don't need to go through it. Now with it being an alternate time line, they can do whatever they want with it.


    Can't wait for a sequel.

    And in regards to people disliking the movie, hey, if you don't like it fine, not a big deal. Though I do think it's a bit harsh to describe it as a Michael Bay Star Trek. You have to remember though, they wanted to cater to a larger crowd, so the action had to be big and loud. And in the end, for me at least, it was incredible, it's been one the best movies I've seen this year besides Paul Blart: Mall Cop, and State Of Play (Wolverine was awful in my opinion).

  14. California. Yeah, it's a long story.

    You might know it if you hung out in irc more, YOU JERK WHAT ARE YOU TOO GOOD FOR US

    Dude, I'm sorry, I don't even know what irc is. No I don't think I'm better, I'm WAAAAY better! I kid, I kid.

  15. still downloading it

    won't see it in theaters until i move back to indiana in a few weeks

    Where were you? Japan (You said something about living there for a while, or maybe that's my deranged mind)? And why are you moving back?

    I take it's a long story...

  16. are you black


    why do you care

    I don't think that they get that sort of comedy (Kind of like Johnson Family Vacation, I just didn't find that movie funny at all). That sounds incredibly racist, I know, and I humbly apologize to any if that offends...

    I'm gonna get banned for that comment for sure :banghead:...

    What was your feelings on the movie Nekofrog? I'm curious...

  17. Anyways, I'm going to SEE this Tonight!!

    Looks like I want be disappointing either, that's always a plus.

    Yeah, you won't be disappointed dude, not at all. And go see it in Imax if you can, I won't because there isn't a theater around my area that has one, but I'm sure it's even better in that.

    Me either. I think it's because I'm just not used to seeing him outside of drag.

    Good point.


    Who was that green skinned girl (is that an Orion chick?) that Kirk was making out with? She was pretty hot. I've seen one site say it's Diora Baird, but I'm not sure that's correct. I didn't ever hear her name in the movie anyways...

  18. Does this mean we're finally going to see Medea Goes to Space?

    Yes, Yes it does. And I had no idea that was Tyler Perry.

    And honestly, I don't think it was that big of a deal, he was only in it briefly.

    And was that Winona Ryder playing Spok's mother? Could've sworn it was her...

  19. The night before the movie, me and two of my friends watched Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn, and Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home, kind of our way of preparing for the movie.

    That was definitely, one of the finest films I have seen.

    The effects were great, the acting, superb, by EVERY person involved. I'm not a die hard Trekkie, not in the slightest, but I have enjoyed the films, and a few episodes of the shows tremendously.

    I do have one friend who was complaining about what they were doing with the film (as far as I know he hasn't seen it, and yes, he's a Trekkie), I only hope that he'll wake up, and just enjoy the film.

    Any who, this is THE summer movie for me, now all I need is UP, Terminator, and Transformers, and I'm set.

    Go see this movie first chance you get,


  20. I think so


    That game was my childhood. I sucked horrible at it but that didn't matter, it was sooo cooool. I mean come on you were a spider that shot rockets and shit

    I always wanted to play that game. Thank goodness someone remembers Mischief Makers, I still have that game, and wish it would come out for Virtual Console...

    Amongst other games that are ALREADY out in Europe and Japan....

    Stupid NOA, they're really getting on my nerves with their bull crap.

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