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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. This is going to sound very silly, but after Spiderman 3, I've had no desire to read any Spiderman books at all. I know, that sounds incredibly stupid. I've only read a few past books like Spiderman:Blue, House of M, and Civil War, but the actual comic books I'd rather not get deep with.

    Though I will admit, I did like Humberto Ramos' run on drawing Spiderman, I love his art style.

  2. Dagnabit, some on beat me to my list, oh well...

    Ecco: Defender of The Future. Te music alone is worth the price of admission. One of Tim Follin's finest soundtracks.

    Good choice of Sonic Adv. 1 and 2. I'd also say Power Stone 1 (maybe 2's better?), Marvel VS. Capcom, Crazy Taxi 1 or 2, NFL 2K (I think that was made by Sega if I'm not mistaken). Jet Set Radio, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 wasn't too bad, Spiderman, Rayman 2 (trust me, excellent game). Overall, most of the Capcom games are excellent on the system. That's just from what I've played, you may find that differently.

    Can't think of any other games for it.

  3. You're absolutely right.

    Movie-wise, the 2d animation industry is an absolute disaster right now in the USA. Not to mention, 3d will be joining them shortly. Pixar might last, but the fifty billion other copycat studios are getting old real fast with the public. 3d has basically shot 2d in the back, and are putting the gun to their own heads, all the American public needs to do is to pull the trigger. Profits might be up currently, but I foresee a huge deflating soon~!

    I've never seen a Pixar movie I haven't liked. A Bug's Life and Cars were probably not their strongest films, but still good in my opinion. They've consistently made a good film. And it's because of the stories they tell, the actors they choose. They don't just get big names to fill the space, they go through and pick the best voice possible for their characters.

    I remember Brad Bird saying that companies would eventually shoot themselves in the foot making an overabundance of c.g. movies, and I think it's happening about now.

    Maybe only the companies that are making GOOD movies will still be around?

  4. Dr Manhattan's nudity it more tasteful than it seems like it would be, the uniform glow of his skin kind of camouflages his junk. Even if the blue penis was blurred out you'd still have the numerous quite extended sex scenes, with a rape in there too... which while uncomfortable are (all mostly) important to the story. If those were edited out then you wouldn't get the full picture, and you'd really miss out in the end.

    If you're too bashful about seeing it in public then maybe rent the unedited DVD or something, if you can't handle the movie as is then it isn't for you, to be blunt.

    Well, I've seen V for Vendetta edited (two versions from two different sites), and actually, they did a good job of it. One or two things weren't clear: the girl's note had little footage in the first cut I saw, the second cut made a little more sense, although I figured that she was a lesbian.

    I don't think Dr. Manhattan wouldn't be tastefully done, just, not something I'd want to see, I'm beatin a dead horse here. Yeah, I heard about the sex, yadda, yadda... there was a rape? Yikes (I've never read the book)...

    You're right it may not be a movie for me, I don't mind you being blunt.

    God I'm becoming more and more of a dork aren't I?

    Alright, you guys discuss the film, I'm bowing out of this topic for good.

  5. and no, toadofsky, i wasn't calling you a political conservative. i was calling your viewpoint conservative in the traditional sense - you would be more apt to find dr. manhattan's cojones inappropriate than, say, someone who grew up in cali. for what it's worth, i'm a conservative in this respect, so it's not like i'm insulting you.

    Ah, I get ya, I figured it out after I posted.

    Well, I like to rent movies edited from some websites (I won't name where, they'll probably get shut down again), so if when Watchmen comes out on dvd, and if they can edit it, then I'll give it a shot. :razz:

  6. meaning, conservative.

    God no. I hate that term. I have no stand on politics whatsoever, nor will I, I'm neutral, and I'd rather be shot then follow idiots like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Hannity, or Bill O' Reilly. I guess if you mean conservative thinking, not likely, considering I've never researched on what they're thinking is.

    I understand that's not the point of the movie of Dr. Manhattan being nude, I do, it's just something that would bother me with the movie.

    And DPaladin, I apologize, I thought you were implying I'm stupid, which is what I'll probably get for opening my mouth. I've seen movies with nudity in the past (Braveheart, Across The Universe, Beowulf, Titanic), I just don't care for that sort of thing, it's just, I don't know, I just never felt it was necessary in a movie and I refrain from seeing movies with that sort of stuff. But that's just me, I'm not saying that films need to be censored or anything, that's none of my business, and that's up to the director/artist to what he wants to do with a film. If that's what he/she does with their movie, fine, go ahead, I probably won't see it. But that doesn't mean I want to ruin everyone else's enjoyment of it, or make picket signs against it.

    Look, I won't say anything else about the movie and go through the obligatory flames I'll get for what I said before. I'm sorry, seriously.


  7. Wait... So you don't want to read it just because one of the characters is naked in some parts of it?


    That's one of the reasons. Sounds superficial/stupid, I know. I've read only a few things of Alan Moore, and I just couldn't get into most of it.

    Am I coming off as a prude?

    And I'm curious as to why me being from KY has anything to do with my comment.

    Never mind, forget I said anything jeez.

  8. I don't plan on seeing this movie. I've never read the book. I was going to, but after seeing Dr. Manhattan being nude throughout the whole thing, I didn't want to. And I from what you guys have said, yeah, I figured he'd be nude throughout it. I know, staying true to the book.

    I'm not booing the film, I think it's great they're following the original book as close as possible. But I just have no desire to read it/see it.

    Yes, I'm aware that the book has very large underlying themes about super heroes, war, and questioning morale, all those sorts of great things to tell in a story, but, it's just not a book for me.

    Guess I'm the minority on this one, sorry guys.

  9. Everybody confuses the new Tron movie with the Tron game they made a while back, and I don't blame them. The game is Tron 2.0 and since that name was already taken they had to name the new movie TR2N. Despite the stupid name I am glad theres going to be a sequel Tron, as it was an obscure part of my childhood.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Pixar handling this movie? I had heard that the live action bits in Wall-E were in preparation for TR2N.

    From what I've heard, Tron 2.0 was to coincide with the movie. Unfortunately, the movie fell into production hell, but Disney and the Company making the game, was more than determined to bring the game out.

    As for Pixar handling the cg? That's really a good thing, if that's true.

  10. Yeah, but they also made the PS2/Wii ports of Unleashed, which featured even more werehog action than the PS360 versions.

    I've tried, and tried, and tried to give Sonic every chance I could. I really have.

    I had great times with Sonic Adventure DX and Adventure 2 Battle (Chao Garden ate up so much of my time), Adv. 2 Battle was the first Gamecube game I had. Sonic Heroes was great in my opinion (Yeah, I'm sure I'm in the minority on that one), wasn't the same, but I enjoyed it (Minus Team Chaotix's missions, screw them).

    Sonic and The Secret Rings, was the beginning of the end for me with Sonic, it was just the start. I gave Sega a pass because it was a relatively, new format for them to start working on, motion controls and all that.

    I gave every chance I could to the first 360 Sonic game, and the loading times for every single thing took the exact same amt. of time. 20 seconds for a bit of dialogue? C'mon! I can understand a level, or the hub world taking that long, but to hear someone just say,"Oh! I'm gonna beat you!", why Sega? Why?!

    Then when I saw Unleashed, I thought maybe he'd return to form. But the Werewolf killed it. I still gave it a shot, but the frustration from the game's controls, nay, the boring Werehog stages, killed it. Look, I like beat-em up's, but when I play Sonic, I want to experience speed (ala FZERO GX? Anyone?).

    I've seen Nintendo Power's score for the game, I'm still leary of even wasting money to rent Sonic and The Black Knight. I usually ignore IGN's ratings. I smell a partial rat on this one, maybe they want people to buy Mad World? Sorry, Mad World isn't my kind of game (the style is nice, but the over the top violence ain't my bag).

    God, I hope Dave Halverson's (critic at Play Magazine) love affair with Sonic is over. Every single game of Sonic that's been released this generation, he's given high marks to, and I can't fathom why, beyond kissing butt to Sega. It's actually funny how he preferred the 360 vers. of Unleashed to the more "polished" version for the Wii.

    If anyone is daring enough to play this game, please, do tell us what it's like.

  11. My problem with Halo Wars, from what I played of the demo, is that it consists entirely of "build lots of units, tell all units to attack". That's... really dull. There was no way to assign groups, so you couldn't do any sort of strategy easily. There was no way to select more-than-one but less-than-all of your units easily, which meant that it was near-impossible to do even simple tactics like leaving some of your units behind for base defense or attack different targets simultaneously.

    I'm not one of the "lulz mouse + keyboard better at everything!" types, but RTS games are really the exception. Halo Wars demostrates exactly what the problems with a console-based RTS game are. Hell, even turn based strategy games are fine, but RTS, where the time it takes to input commands actually matters? That's a different story...

    I haven't played the demo just yet, though I wanna give it a shot. I vividly remember playing LOTR Battle For Middle Earth 2 on the 360, and honestly, I loved it. It was done well, at least to me it was. The controls did take some time to get use to, but I think the game did a good job of leading you in. Because towards the last few places, man, I was a lean mean button pushing machine!

  12. Add that to the fact that a lot of the stuff that gets left out of the film version of books is stuff that works better in written format then a visual one. Yeah, sometimes little side stories/characters get cut way down, but if you want to read a book, read a book; if you want to see a movie, see a movie. I'd be curious to see the new version, but I don't see how adding a few scenes or whatever could really improve the core story that much. It's already all there.

    Nice to hear from you Evilhead, s'been a while.

    I agree that there are things that won't necessarily work in film format. Which is why I wonder why so many comic book fanboys can't get that through their thick skulls when certain films don't follow a comic page for page. I saw Sin City, and was bored by it. Sure, it looked neat, but honestly, if I wanted to see something that close to the source, I'd read it.

    I'm getting off topic here, but this is my little two cents. When it comes to following a book, game, comic book, cartoon series, etc., if liberties are taken, I'm okay with it. Granted, it shouldn't go too far out of left field from the source (Spiderman 3, countless others I'm sure), and as long as it doesn't completely screw things up, hey no problem.

  13. I just beat half-life today.

    WTF was up with the last third of the game? It was so good until you went to the alien planet.

    EDIT: I wish I had someone to play decay with.

    Really wish you would have waited for Black Mesa Source, which is a remake of Half Life, and completely overhauled physics, etc.


    As far as the original, still love it. I vividly recall when my dad was buying me a new game, and I had the choice of Half Life or Tomb Raider Chronicles. I made the better choice obviously.

    But what I remember most, was when I had started playing the game, I just thought, what? Some little tram? Big deal, there wasn't a threat at all, but then, when the experiment started, and then your transported out, in between hearing bloody screams, seeing aliens, and hearing your heartbeat, I was petrified (this was 1998, er 99 I believe).

    I remember when I was playing at that part, I had the speakers up kind of loud, my parents were in the next room and they said, "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" So my dad came in and watched me play some of it. And then, HE STARTED playing it. And has been a fan of Half Life since.

    I've lost count of how many times he's beaten all of the official releases and expansions (Opposing Force, Blue Shift, Episode 1 and 2). In fact, he beat the first game before me.

    As far as the Alien planet. Zen is like a "inter-dimensional bus station", it's not the alien's homeworld. The Combine had the aliens pushed back to the wall, and the Resonance Cascade was like a last resort for them to get away. They just saw Gordon as another threat to them just as the Combine.


    I can't even begin to consider what'll happen in episode 3, or Half Life 3 for that matter...

  14. I never saw the original, So if I see this movie first does that mean I'll like the new version better than the original?

    Well, hard to say, for some today, the effects are not that great. But that's for techno geeks that can't enjoy a film. I had a friend of mine who's about 16 watch it, and he didn't really like it. But I told him, it's just one of those movies you see as a kid, that you grow up with, and it stays with you, at least for ones like me.

    I'd say watch it, and judge it for yourself.

    They'll botch it.

    You know that rhymes with his post right?

    But it's hard to say, if they treat it right, especially the source material, they might pull it off. But they don't need to repeat the original film scene for scene.

  15. i picked up braid as well with the dealoftheweek thing.

    quoted you because I just did that today. I'm still waiting for Outrun Arcade to be on Live Arcade, then I won't be needing anymore games on the 360 for the rest of the year, as far as I'm seeing for the rest of the year right now.

    Oh, and Banjo Tooie since I never finished the original. And since they're smoothing out the frame rate issues (no more slowdown hopefully), I'm game. To be frank, I hated Banjo Nuts and Bolts, I gave it a shot, but the stuff I'd build wouldn't balance right. I'd steer only so far, and I'd do a 180. The enemies would knock off the parts, messing up the challenges, to the point of me wanting to throw the controller across the room. Then the tutorial was so, I don't know, not that helpful for me.

    And the challenges, what good is it for me to build something when the game already has a pre built vehicle to handle the situation? Banjo Land's Captain Blubber challenge protecting Clanker made me stop playing the game.

    But, the music was excellent. Banjo Land making reference to the first game was just golden for me, and the humor was great too.

    I just wish that game was centered on platforming only, I don't think it would have hurt the game to strictly bide by that (from what I've heard, Nuts and Bolts didn't fare so well in sales).

  16. How can it be retold if it never ended?

    Har har har. Burn taken.

    I expect alot of cgi Nekofrog, as long as they don't go crazy with it, and treat it like they did LOTR (aka a mix of cgi and traditional sets, animatronics, etc), I'd think that to be good. If they really do a lot on cgi, fine, no big deal. Too bad Guillermo del Torro and Peter Jackson are busy making the Hobbit right now, they'd be perfect for this kind of movie.

    As far as the song being done by some pop artist, as long as it's someone good, I have no qualms with it.

    And yes, the soundtrack is excellent, I'm listening to it right now. Who knew the swamps of sadness had guitars in it? Or guitar in the music in general? I sure never did. I'd hope they'd retain some of it's memorable songs (aka Bastian's flight definitely), but I doubt it. Just as long as it's still done well, I'm okay with that.

    I'd hope for Falkor to be a blend of cgi and animatronic, but that might be hoping for too much.

    I swear, Gmork used to give me nightmares as a kid, those beady green eyes made me afraid of the dark, and every time I've thought of him while walking in the dark still creeps me out. I don't expect a change in that at all.

    I wish the old guy who plays the scientist was still alive, I loved that guy... "To the winch, WENCH!" "He made it! He made it!!!" (Geekspasm, sorry)

    I'd like to see if Cairon (aka that Black guy that sent was addressing everyone at the Ivory Tower) is actually a centaur in this one, or Atreyu actually having green skin, as it was in the book.

    Hmm, Megan Fox as the childlike emp....nah, she's too old... dang.

  17. Okay, Hollywood, is officially out of ideas, at least that's what it seems to me.

    I originally saw this on FoxNews.com, but I'd would prefer to link this to another site with this news...


    According to the report, the original producer of the first film is attached to it, as well as others (don't know if they were involved), are wanting to explore the more nuanced details from the book that ultimately were overlooked from the original film.

    Honestly, I know 80's purists are going to/are pissed about this. But me honestly, I'm curious how they'll pull it off. They can at least introduce the film to a new generation, which is what this is going to do. I wouldn't mind seeing them do this, I was starting to wonder when they'd do it.

    Originally, the writer of the book (Michael Ende) actually tried to sue Wolfgang Peterson (director) of the original film for straying too far from the source (he didn't win). But maybe this remake will be able to follow the book a little closer. I've read the book, but I have to say, if they do a sequel, I really wouldn't want them to get into the bizarre stuff that goes on with Bastian when he's in the book's world (I'm not going to elaborate).

    All I ask is two things from this film, Klaus Doldinger's music during the flights be in there, and the song from Limahl be in it.

  18. Don't know why I registered for these forums just to respond to this topic, but I was getting around to doing so anyway. I loved "Land Before Time" and "All Dogs Gone to Heaven" but I hated "Anastasia" and "Titan A.E." because the latter just seems so...cold; I could see why they couldn't compete against Disney because even in the Mouse's later '90s period, they always tried to infuse personality into their pictures, and Bluth seemed to have given up on that. Honestly, "Titan A.E." could have been filmed as a live-action B movie for about a third of what it cost to make it animated, and probably would have looked better, besides. It was a waste of a theatrical animation studio.

    Anyway, I'm guardedly optimistic about the "Princess and the Frog"; some of the talking animals seem a little too manic, but after seeing "Bolt" I have a feeling the new Disney is on the right track.

    While I can agree that Titan was NOT Bluth's strongest film, I don't necessarily cold. Yet, you could tell where some scenes they cut corners, especially in the c.g. work. It wasn't done well in some of the scenes.

    But then again, with some of the content in Anastasia, and All Dogs, he did chart some dark territory.

  19. Yeah, I think the reason that he could never "get a break" is because he was always pushing the boundaries on animation/content, and he didn't tend to sugar coat things a whole lot.

    I kind of wonder what his movies would have been like if he had had more control of what was going on, I know with Land Before Time he had to tone some stuff down cause it was considered too hardcore for the kiddies or something.

    More people should be willing to push the boundaries like he did.

    True, but I think that he didn't always make the best choices in films (Pebble and The Penguin anyone?).

    I think the best he did was Dragon's Lair 1 and 2, Space Ace, Secret of Nihm, Land Before Time, Anastasia, All Dogs Go To Heaven, and Titan.

    Shame that most of those weren't successes.

  20. And while I agree that Disney's movies from 1989 till about 1995 were amazing, I think Don Bluth topped some of them for looks. Secret of NIMH is in my opinion one of the most gorgeous pieces of animated art ever created. Don Bluth is an amazing animator. For that matter, Anastasia and Titan AE (even with a ton of CG) were both gorgeous as well, although Titan AE wasn't recieved very well.

    Don Bluth is one of my favorites as well, but he just could barely ever get a break. I don't recall his movies except a small few being successful. But that's not to say I never enjoyed him movies. Secret of Nihm was much better than the book itself.

    I have Titan, and it's good as well.

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