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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Well, it doesn't matter too much because unless Canadian outlets are shaped the same as European ones I don't think you'll be able to plug anything in.

    I know in the US our plugs have flat prongs, but Europe has round ones doesn't it? It's been a really long time since I was there, and all I remember is having to use transformers for everything to work!

    So you might want to get an adapter.

    I also asked one of my friends that actually knows all that electrical mumbo jumbo, and he says that it probably won't work even if you can plug it into the wall without a way to boost the voltage or something to that effect.

  2. Game play may not equate to narrative, but a lot of the mood is dependent on the area the whole game covers I think that is what people are referring to.

    I do agree that it might be hard to fully establish the right mood that the game tries to convey, then again I fully expect whatever movie comes out of this to only superficially resemble the story and feel of the game.

  3. The only way I see this possibly working, is if they did it like those movies done specifically to be art rather then to draw a crowd. And any speaking is done in the games language, with subtitles. (Then no matter what country it's in it'll need subtitles).

    But that's not going to happen, it's going to be thoroughly maimed, warped and twisted to appeal to the main stream.

  4. That is some serious WTF right there lol.

    Oh right, I've finished all the custom pokes that have been brought to my attention. Well not all of them I still need to do pixils, but otherwise they are done.

    So if I'm still missing anyone you better post something over on the project forums or hope one of the other artists knows about it. :P

  5. Super Mario RPG. Yaridovich. I remember never being leveled up enough to get through the fight easily. And it was always the hardest fight for me. But it was extremely rewarding to finally beat him each time I went through the game.

    Yaridovich is a tough cookie even when you are leveled up enough, he hit's like a truck, so even if the battle is done fairly quick and easy it's still a bit scary.

  6. You know if the DSi does allow downloads of older games, it doesn't even need the gba slot.

    I'd get it, if I could afford it, and well also afford to buy downloadable games on it. It's the main reason I love my Wii, and would probably be a good reason to love a DSi.

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