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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. this reminds me of all those attention seekers who said The Dark Knight was bad just because they wanted to be different

    Has it ever occurred to you that some people just don't like something for whatever reason? They aren't required to just because everyone else does. Every time someone says something didn't appeal to them for whatever reason you have to throw out this "oh you're just some loser attention seeker trying to be different." No, see some people just don't like stuff that others do deal with it.

    Oh I haven't seen this movie yet, but I might when I actually have time, probably won't be till it's on dvd though I haven't even gotten to see watchmen yet T_T. I'm not a huge star trek fan, but I have been known to enjoy it from time to time.

  2. In all fairness, they seem to be coming out awfully soon after platinum, I don't think this really counts as the next iteration of the series. Then again my sense of time has always been skewed, so I can't remember how long after the minor tweak versions the new ones came out. But also, what about Mystery Dungeon and Ranger? Those two games are pretty different from the main ones aren't they? (I've never played ranger, but I really liked the original mystery dungeon).

    You do bring up a good point that I've been wondering about since I got through Diamond, what next? The point the games have come to is one that can't really be expanded much more. At least where the legendaries are concerned, especially since as they have worked more story elements in they have ended up focusing on legendary pokemon. Since this G/S remake is so soon after Platinum I'm going to for now consider (hope) it to be a stop gap while they try to think of a new direction to take the main series, because it probably will take a lot more thought to get anything (relatively) new or unique after D/P/PT.

    Of course I'm biased for it now anyway given the little epiphany I had for it.

  3. Man, I said I probably wouldn't get this.

    Cause I wanted to get platinum (I sort of missed out on the story and stuff in diamond, so I want to replay the right way...without losing all the pokemon I traded from the cool people at clanocr).

    Of course I could use this as an excuse to buy my guy gold+a DS and myself silver...then we can play together...and I can trade all my diamond pokemon to him and restart diamond. Well if it'd let me do that, it should (well it would make sense anyway).

    uh I'm going to keep watching this and plotting. Silver and yellow were my favorite iterations of the main franchise, and being able to play one with my guy is really appealing.

  4. I've only watched SIGN and a bit of Twilight (which I hated I should just find/read the manga since it's the canon story).

    I have a feeling it doesn't matter where you start, while each part of the series connects to the other they are all pretty stand alone in their own respect in my experience.

    For people that like the sound track, try out the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles OST, the same person did a lot of tracks for that one. (Yuki Kajiura)

  5. I have a made idea for a pokemon remake. Don't.

    The series has been going nowhere since gold/silver (perhaps the reason behind the announcement?), so unless nintendo can make it not suck, just put the franchise out of its misery. I mean, seriously, how is it still alive?!

    (I'm not trying to say anything to start a flame war here, but I am saying that nintendo needs to up the ante on the series, or just stop making them)

    You could say that about just about every game out there, do you think all games should just stop being made. :P

    Maybe they should, I dunno.

  6. I have to say either this is a really bad recording, or the orchestra needs quite a bit of work (or maybe a little of both). I want to like this because it's live, but I can't, because I've heard better performances recorded from my days in highschool band/orchestra. :S

    Now I feel like a jerk for saying harsh things but I dunno what else to say besides that I'm really disappointed by this one.

  7. Done

    Short Term

    3.Finish Illustrator Project 2 weeks ahead of the due date so I can squirrel around in class rather than do actual work.

    7.Figure out where the hell I'm going to live since after July I have no place to stay aside from shitty school dorms that I can't actually afford to pay for anyway.

    Not done, and due tomorrow

    2.Write an essay on the color theory used by my assigned artist

    Not done through no fault of my own (my partner hadn't even started painting last time I saw her, and she hasn't emailed me pictures of it she said she would once it was done).

    1.Write an essay on my partners color use and paint application

    This is why I freaking hate group work, I hate having my grade determined by anyone other than myself.

  8. I am having trouble figuring out exactly what your point is, but it seems to be. 'why do people play things like guitar hero when they can go out and do the real thing easily?'

    How would you phrase that question to people that can do the real thing easily but still play things like rock band or guitar hero?

  9. You know... I have this bad habit of wanting to edit every post I have... and occasionally I miss an apostrophe (and the last "e"). Hey I got the "Yea" right in the "yay or nay" thread, I get some kind of credit, right?

    Also I hope you didn't injure you'reself writing that exclamation of frustration. Even in textual form, it read like it was filled with rage.

    I'm pretty sure that he's flipping out because you're supposed to be saying your in those contexts not you're.

    Edit: still trying to figure out if you're doing that on purpose or not...

  10. I like to play guitar hero, cause it's fun to push the buttons to the rhythm of music.

    I don't really feel much bias against the game just because I'm a musician, nor do any of the musicians in the band my dad plays with, nor does my dad himself who has been playing all sorts of string instruments for longer then I've even been alive for a living. (That's 22+ years).

    Mainly it's fun, I don't really care about the instrument it may be emulating, I don't think many other people do, or if they do that's pretty silly of them. You could give me a game with button pushing to rhythms with no instrumental equivalent and I would still enjoy playing it, it just so happens that there aren't any I can easily get my hands onto.

    Also I think it's silly to go "pfft that game is stupid it likes to pretend it's guitars" I also think it's silly to go "this game is awesome it's just like playing guitars!" Silly people.

  11. Short Term

    1.Write an essay on my partners color use and paint application

    2.Write an essay on the color theory used by my assigned artist

    3.Finish Illustrator Project 2 weeks ahead of the due date so I can squirrel around in class rather than do actual work.

    4.Refine all my watercolor paintings for final watercolor portfolio review

    5.Redraw Suicune cause people are picky after the fact

    6.Draw more pokeymans in general

    7.Figure out where the hell I'm going to live since after July I have no place to stay aside from shitty school dorms that I can't actually afford to pay for anyway.

    8.Start actually writing the second arc of my story

    8a.Start planning the final arc of my story

    9.Finish that picture I started at the beginning of the semester that got lost in the surprising glut of school work

    10.Finish that really hard Megaman game, since I haven't been able to play since spring break

    11.Convince someone to get me some VnV Nation music for my birthday

    Long Term

    1.Finish a complete and diverse art portfolio

    2.Somehow acquire a good camera with which to document my artwork for my art portfolio

    3.Find a job

    4.Gain 20 pounds

    4a.Start exercising regularly

    5.Start drawing my story

    6.Finish college

    7.Get my guy and I living under the same roof more often then a few months out of the year

  12. Look at that box art again and tell me what makes you think they're trying to be logical :<

    (Also it's clearly not a hockey mask... where I'm from that's obvious - but you're way out in left field)

    Also that's definitely not a ax he's wielding...

  13. Filled out the survey last night - I'm the guy who hates the Ctrl and Z keys, and thinks the weapon should charge automatically when you're not shooting (instead of having a separate button for that)... that is, unless there's a downside to charging whenever you're not shooting. Good luck! =D

    Kind of early for a survey though, no?

    I didn't like the use of the ctrl key either (it made my whole arm hurt very quickly)

    But I have to disagree with an auto charge, because there seems to be different sorts of advantages and disadvantages to going uncharged or charging up. It would kind of defeat the purpose of having the main gun be different for the charge level if it auto charged don't you think?

    I just had a thought that maybe to make it easier on the hands, use the left hand to move the ship around, and the mouse buttons to fire/charge...but that wouldn't be very mac friendly would it?

    It may be nice to have several different control schemes, or even simply allow the player to map their own.

  14. Am I the only one who was shocked by the promiscuity of Valentina's boob shaking when attacked?

    I noticed that they shook, but it didn't really phase me much, it may have amused me a bit!

    Then again, I was a pretty weird even as a child...

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