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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. True, except for things like The Venture Bros, or some the great episodes in Futurama, or Samurai Jack, or other such gems.

    When I see people crapping their pants over something unworthy like Foster's...I've gotta say something...

    Just because you don't like a show doesn't mean it's "unworthy" and other people have to hate it too. There's people out there who don't like the show's you've listed, some of them have even posted in this thread. I've never seen Foster's so I can't really speculate on whether it's good or bad myself.

    Every time you post about anything you like it is apparently the best thing since sliced bread, and if it's something you don't like it's somehow inferior and you just don't get how people can possibly like it. Maybe you should start looking at your own reasoning when you ask why people like something.

  2. I live in the same area of Texas as you, cobalt, and I think Squidbillies is pretty amusing. Can't really say how being a Texan has shaped my opinion of the show but just the stereotypical southern accents make me grin even when they aren't delivering a punch line.

    Yeah that's my point, saying someone "must not live in the South" should have no bearing on whether someone finds humor in the show or not. You and I are a good example, we live in the same relative area, one of us likes it and one of us doesn't.

    I guess really there's nothing about the show that appeals to me, it's pretty ugly in all areas. Although I guess I shouldn't wish it to disappear since there are those who do enjoy it, I can always watch something else. (most of the time I don't even have access to CN, much less AS anyway).

  3. I guess Texas doesn't really count that much for the South, but really, I don't think living or growing up somewhere like Georgia would increase the appeal of squidbillies to me.

    To each his own though, a lot of the AS stuff is hit and miss with me anyway.

  4. It's not that he thinks they're illegal, I think it's that he doesn't think he'd have room for them, both of them are large bikes (one of them is Valkyrie, I forget what the other is). But that Valkyrie is huge, it's a cruising bike, and takes up nearly as much space as a small car. I somehow doubt he would be able to get much enjoyable riding out of them in Japan too. Seems to make more sense to just sell the bikes (or give him to his brother to care for) and buy a regular car if he gets stationed over there.

    Having a curfew sounds stinky, but I can't really say I'm surprised. It seems soldiers like to get into trouble in Japan, and that doesn't help much considering how Xenophobic some Japanese can be. :S

  5. Really I've only had access to CN when visiting my grandparents, so I only really remember the space ghost guy.

    I think I'll miss the cartoons from then more than I will any anime that was shown later on Toonami, mostly because it's not all that hard to find the anime that was aired there, but it's comparably harder to find things like swat cats (kats?) to just watch on a whim.

  6. Yeah, I remember when Toonami had the likes of Swatcats, and some really old Godzilla cartoon (with godzookie). And it had some villain from space ghost being the announcer type guy between shows/commercials.

    As far as I'm concerned though Toonami died before I was even in highschool, and thinking about that...well it was a long time ago now. D:

  7. Why? Is my thoughts mostly, I couldn't even finish the original series because So Long and Thanks For All the Fish rather sucked in my opinion. (So I didn't even bother with what came after).

    But really now, this bothers me, it seems like an excuse to try to squeeze some more money out of the series than anything else.

    Edit: Or as someone else said on another forum "Hey, there's a dead cow over there! Let's try to milk it!"

  8. J-pop tends to be actual POP with a lot of positive flair and more of a focus on variety and smooth sounding lyrics and musical themes. While American pop is mostly about having an attitude, girls looking like whores and guys looking like gangster wannabes and not giving a damn about the musical part for the most part. Also, western pop tends to have way too much faux attitude. You could just taste the typical American pretentiousness of most American pop nowadays. I don't blame anyone for preferring J-pop more simply out of philosophy.

    Hmm, yeah I guess that's true jpop is more sincere I guess. I've never really been able to put my finger on why I like the jpop that show's up in anime.

    I know there are some styles of it that I have found unappealing but that's just cause the stylistic sound of it is well not appealing to my musical taste.

    Also I feel like I'm bound to post something in this thread now just cause people keep doing it, cause bandwagons are fun, or something. :P



    Information High

  9. I never really have understood the difference between "casual" and "hardcore" It seems any game can be one or the other depending on how much someone actually likes to play it.

    I bet a lot of you would call this game I play called Puzzle Pirates a casual game, yet it's got some pretty hardcore players in it, especially when it comes to shoppe running and blockading.

    Then again I'll play any game as long as it's fun, I don't care if the image for it is "casual" or "hardcore" cause that's not really important.

  10. I don't know why some people get spam calls when they post their phone number on Facebook, I've had my cell number on since I've had a cell phone. I set it so only my friends could see it and I only friend people I actually know.

    I don't know why either, considering I know all my friends, and my settings are set to friends only. I don't really think it has anything to do with friends or facebook settings.

  11. I'm not really sure how well I trust Facebook to be "private" even when you set the settings to only allow those you have as friends see it. I say this because despite having my privacy settings fairly hardcore, when I had my cell number up I kept getting spam text messages on it. They stopped as soon as I took the number down.

    So just about every time I try to set up stuff with my friends we get to spend time confirming we all have the same phone numbers as last time since all of us don't have that info readily available on our profiles.

    Overall though I feel relatively secure with facebook, but that may also be because there's no reason anyone would ever want to stalk someone like me. :P

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