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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Yeah same here, as long as it's 3.5, I have some expansion books too if anyone wants to make use of them. (monsters of faerun 3.0, dragonimicon, and the class book for divine magic users). I don't have them on hand except for MoF cause it's on my computer, but after school is done I can make sure to grab the books from home if anyone wants to use them.

    I've tried dming one before, but for some reason lost track of it I'm not really sure why/how, kind of like those dreams you have where you signed up for a class but never actually went to it all semester cause you forgot about it.

  2. I've got a good suggestion for you fH that might help. I used to have the same problem as you, even ignoring the fact that I might sit in some of my more boring classes doodling all the time. But then I participated in something called Daily Doodles last year.

    Try to produce something in less than a day. Like if you have a small bit of free time, ask someone for a theme, then draw that theme as best you can before real life demands your attention. Or put some random words in a hat and draw three, then work them into a picture somehow.

    It's really hard and at first you might not be able to complete anything or do it to a level you're happy with, but if you keep doing it even just a few days a week for a month, you can get better at putting what you have in mind on paper. Maybe next time you have a long break give it a try and see if it helps.

    But mainly the point of it is to train your brain to be more responsive, it worked pretty well for me, I hope maybe it'll help you. :)

  3. I've never had trouble getting good grades, and I spend a fair amount of my time drawing and trying to expand on my ability and knowledge for art in general. If you're saying trying to improve ones art is going to cause one to get poor grades in other classes and not have time to do other stuff, maybe you're just really bad at time management, which says quite a bit cause I'm horrible at time management and still get along fine. :P

    Edit: To add onto that I've come across many artists on the internet over the past 8 years that are AMAZING artists that get paid pretty decent on just commissions and freelancing, at least one of them didn't actually draw much or any at all during her childhood and sorta just picked it up one day as an adult.

  4. Replace your desktop? I thought that's what they made upgrade discs for.

    You totally misread what I said, I'm not saying I need a new desktop for a new OS, I'm saying I'm worried the OS on my current desktop will lose support long before I can afford to buy a new computer. (That means I probably can't afford to pay for a new OS to upgrade either).

  5. Man, this is the same horrible mistaken notion people had in the Nintendo DSi topic. Why does everyone somehow think that the minute the latest version of something is released, that the previous version ceases to exist?

    One, Windows 7 doesn't come out until at least summer of next year, and that's ignoring any (inevitable, in my mind) delays.

    Two, Microsoft continued to support Windows XP for a long while after Vista came out, and I have no reason to believe they would suddenly act like it never existed once W7 ("wuh-seven") comes out.

    Because I like to use something for a very long time before having to replace it that's why, sure they'll keep supporting vista for a while, but somehow I doubt they'll do it for long enough to keep me happy, given how long I tend to hold onto a computer before replacing it. This basically means I'll probably have to replace my desktop a lot sooner than I normally would, which is irritating. It has nothing to do with me thinking it'll suddenly cease to exist go be high and mighty somewhere else.

    Oh well, I guess at least when I save up for a laptop since I travel so damn much I can get it with windows 7 instead of Vista.

  6. So uh, what's gonna happen to vista?

    My dad got me a new computer about 3 months ago and dell forced us to install vista on it. Does that mean people with Vista are screwed unless they want to shell out the cash to buy Windows 7?

  7. Can't you just buy the Pokemon TCG video game or something? That way you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on pieces of cardboard with stats on them. :/

    I used to collect pokemon cards for the artwork mostly, as I never got to play any except with my cousin (who cheated a lot of the time anyway).

    Kind of the same with Magic the Gathering cards, although I used to play it a lot in highschool with my friends.

    But I really really really enjoy good artwork and like to stare at it like a crazy person.

  8. Argh, I actually have something I'm working on, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it in any kind of digital form.

    I hate not having a scanner >.|

    Maybe I'll try redrawing it into GIMP by hand icon_think.gif

    Are you using a tablet? If you set up the canvas area right you can just trace it. (If the drawing is too big to be traced in one go you can do it in separate parts and piece it together).

    Otherwise, why don't you just sketch/draw it on the computer in the first place?

  9. I dunno, I try to think about it, and it seems my music tastes were pretty branched out from the start. I grew up listening to funk, jazz (of all sorts), symphonic/orchestral (my fav tape when I was little was a bunch of mozart songs D: ), blues, R&B, various stuff from electronica family, rock, country, various forms of pop, reggae, even video game and cartoon music.. I'm sure there's more that I can't name in there too. Part of it may be because my dad is a musician, so he likes most kinds of music, and is always looking for new ways to do stuff with it.

    I think the only thing they didn't listen to or expose me to at least a little in some way or another was punk, ska and metal. I never really liked mostpunk, but I was introduced to metal at some point in Highschool, some of which I like (power, and symphonic metal mostly) some of which I dislike (because it's too harsh or boring/painful to my ears). I like Ska, as long as it isn't too generic (I just love the instrumentation)

    That said, I'll give most stuff a listen through regardless of genre, cause I know there's something good in everything I just need to find it. Granted I might not finish listening to it if it bothers me somehow, or bores me. Then again, I very rarely find myself prejudging stuff, except cartoons when I was little. And I've learned not to do that, because I'll often like something once I sit down and actually watch it.

  10. I know it has nothing to do with the submission date, so what determines the order in which mixes are posted (or judged for that matter)?

    I'm actually kind of wondering the same thing, it seems there's song in the judge thread thing that were submitted last year and yes'd at some point, but haven't been posted...even though songs submitted this year that were also yes'd seem to have been posted.

  11. I think it's more of a cultural thing, in Islamic art for example you aren't allowed to depict anything literally, especially if it's religious that's why Islamic art is all geometric patterns and such. I'm not sure about music, but maybe it's something similar.

    Or maybe the Quran is extremely sacred to them, and they only wish for it to be spread in the "correct" way. The particular words in it aren't exactly nice words to have in a song, whether they're from the Quran or not.

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