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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Hmm, I guess I'll go with D. unavoidable enemies.

    It was hard for me to choose one, because they all seem to be a common occurrence (especially in older games) that don't really irritate me in the games. But I have found unavoidable enemies (except for like...bosses) to be the most irritating when I have to deal with such things, but really only in games that do so poorly? I dunno....

  2. I've never used GIMP before, but I've always been curious about it. How is it any different from, say, Photoshop?

    I haven't tried using GIMP or Photoshop in well over 4 years, but I can say I couldn't get anything to actually work in GIMP without looking at the documentation for it. While photoshop I could start up and be able to do basic coloring/drawing/layering just by experimentally pushing buttons at random.

    GIMP is just as good as photoshop though if you take the time to learn to use it, I've seen plenty of great pieces of art work done in gimp. (giant wallpaper example)

  3. Well, if they can't run it, maybe I can.

    I mean, I don't do anything ban worthy ever, so it'd be hard to knock me out of it. And even if I keep busy with school, I check the forums everyday.

    I don't want to see FAC die, it's a fun way to sharpen artistic skills.

    But maybe when Bleck comes back, he won't do anymore stuff the mods don't like....maybe...

  4. the navi of okami

    He's the navi of Okami, but a million times better at least.

    He also is actually moderately important to the story too, which I thought was a neat touch. I never actually finished OoT but Navi didn't seem to be that strongly tied to the story at all.

    Also, fair winds Atmuh, I hope you're not leaving entirely till the mods wack you with the perma ban stick, your posting often gives me a nice giggle. :P

  5. I don't remember people making a big fuss that the DS couldn't play Gameboy games, but it doesn't seem like a logical step to include gameboy compatibility on the DS. It did to have GBA though.

    I don't think it's quite the same though comparing the DSi to people complaining about something like the cart sticking out, or even lack of an old gameboy slot though.

    They set a precedent by having the GBA slot in there and making DS games that made use of it. Whether it has been used well, and in many games or not doesn't really come into it. It's still being used.

    Although I don't really care that they're doing this personally, because I have no intention of side grading my DS even if it stops functioning well. If it does I'll probably either wait for a real upgrade, or get a DSlite.

  6. Aside from the fact that I crushed my index finger on my main hand in a car door. My health both physically and mentally is currently failing, so I might not participate in this one.

    I really want to, but even if my hand among other things turns out ok, I'm not really sure my heart is in it. :(

    So we'll see. Lots of people have been participating, I hope we get a lot of really nice pieces this month, as we have in the past few months.

  7. Yeah, I don't normally like Christian Songs, but Our God is an Awesome God, is a pretty neat song.

    I actually had to march/play that song my Junior year, the drill was horrid though, lots of box floats...

    Er anyway, yes music has brought me to tears before, although more often then not it has to be paired up with something visual.

    Some things just make me feel a certain way, like if I'm walking by the fountains while the school clock is chiming the hour, I tend to feel a little eerie/melancholy.

    I'm sure there are songs that have brought out a few tears before, or other feelings (like feelings of so much elation and excitement I think I might burst, and feel the need to run around or something). But I can't think of any off hand.

  8. Think of it as a donation instead of paying for the game I guess, since you can still get it for free.

    I kind of consider it like buying the printed version of a webcomic, you get a physical ish copy of it, and some extra bonus content/commentary.

    I've never actually bought the printed version of a webcomic before, but most of the best ones seem to have with extra little side stories, artist/writer commentary, or are colored versions (in the case of b/w ones).

  9. I know I'm getting the cave story thing, it's nice to support Pixil, and aside from the new content, I like that I'll be able to play with a control instead of a keyboard for once.

    Basically cave story on wii ware = WANT from me, even if I can just have it on my computer for free.

  10. It's just the annual can games be art thread...I'm sure there's more than one other cause I think one of these things pop up yearly.

    I don't really know why though, it's one of those arguments that can never be won by either side. I suppose people like to argue that which is futile though huh. :P

    I think Games and Art are like a ven diagram, you can have games, and you can have art, and they can overlap and be games that are art. :P

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