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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Yeah, I kind of expected him to be banned, for that joker eating popcorn thing he posted. >.>


    And IbanezNinja, it's not canceled, all we have to do is figure out who to send the votes to that isn't atmuh, he's been banned three times now over the span of a two(?) competitions and it's never stopped them before.

    Although I don't imagine he's banned for that long anyway, he's probably going to be unbanned soon enough to post results sooner than later huh? (well I hope so)

  2. i wanna play!!! i love peach because now i dont have to feel cheap with the down smash...

    LOW TIER FTW!!!!! =)

    Try Yoshi.

    Everyone makes fun of you if you play as yoshi cause he's apparently that bad.

    I'll keep using him though, just a good thing I don't bother playing competitively.

  3. It looks like, just glancing at the wiki page that everyone liked Sonic Chronicals except for IGN, but I'm too tired to really read any of the reviews at the moment and compare and get a feel for the rating break downs.

  4. Hmm...but is using a synthesizer really difficult? No, noodling around and writing down what sounds nice is actual passion and writing ability, nothing to do with technical ability. Technical ability is being able to play really hard stuff. It could sound terrible but if it's hard to play, it's technical ability.

    Now that you have said that, I don't really see what "technical ability" has to do with ability to compose good music.

    I used to have "technical ability" at playing the trumpet, but I would be lying if I said I could regularly compose anything that was good sounding. I'm not really sure I could say anything I have written is even partially good. (you'd have to ask sadorf, if he even remembers who I am :P)

  5. I've managed to kill Arek before a few months ago, but I don't think I've beaten him before. He's probably quite a bit better now and would eat me for breakfast.

    Granted now I don't play any at all cause I can never catch anyone online, and playing alone is boring...(not to mention now I have no way to get my wii online anyway since I live in a dorm...and have no tv and stuff).

  6. Hmm, I don't really consider myself barbaric, the thing about halo that drew me to it that no other fps has was an interest in the aliens, their society, the story too, even if the story isn't extremely obvious and spoon fed to the player, but it is there.

    I never got a chance to read the books, but I had a friend give me a run down on them and they sounded pretty enjoyable. Maybe some day I'll have the time and money to read them myself.

  7. I've seen bits and pieces of Reboot over the years. I remember the last summer it was on CN I was pretty confused because it was into the parts with the kid all grown up and I didn't realize at first that he was the kid. So I was all like "wtf happened to everything?" Then the end came and his home computer got reformatted, and a copy of young him came into existence cause his badge was in the wrong mode or something. Then I was sad cause I wanted to know what had lead up to all of that, but I may never find out!

    I never got to see either of the sonic cartoons, well no more than maybe 2 or 3 episodes at random. I wanted to, but I don't see it as a huge loss either cause I hate watching tv shows that are incomplete. Cause I start to like them, than the end comes abruptly and it's like NOO! *pout*

  8. Don't talk down to me. I've heard that speech plenty of times. You know what your problem is? You're completely glossing over the topic of objectivity.

    What my point has been, is that Foster's is, objectively speaking, a mediocre show at best, and doesn't deserve to be fiercely defended. Liking the show more or less than someone else has nothing to do with it.

    Well for one I'm not talking down to you, for two, if you've heard it plenty of times there's probably a reason


    For three what you have said about the show is not very objective.

    Also, I don't care what kind of overblown indignant response you may now have ready for me so whatever. You don't like Fosters and I don't care, but it's annoying you keep having to bring it up as if people have to justify liking it to your opinion of what is worth watching.

    Also, Reboot was neat, but since I only could watch it when I was visiting my grandparents I've seen far too little of it. :(

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