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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. blahblahblah

    Good job at reposting what I said about it being isometric, and being a self important dick all in one post! Were you patting yourself on the back the whole time you wrote that?

    I'm going to have to agree with what Darkesword had to say.

  2. Technically I think you could term Sonic 3d Blast as 2.5D

    I wouldn't, because "2.5d" still only really allows left and right movement (Such as in Yoshis story in certain areas), Sonic 3d Blast is isometric, you can go in many different directions (rather than just left and right) and jump.

  3. Sonic 3D blast gave me a horrible horrible headache whenever I tried to play it for an extended amount of time.

    It had some nice music though. :D

    Sonic unleashed is pretty much not sparking any interest from me at all, maybe the daytime levels are nice, and I'll rent it or something some day. But this is the first sonic game I've felt no compulsion to at least try out.

  4. Maybe I should look for the bloody ones next time.

    You've never gotten one of those before?

    I'm not sure if you're lucky, or not, it's interesting, but also really gross. Also a bit of a let down, cause now you have to clean this bloody egg and possibly partially developed chick fetus out of the skillet before you can have breakfast...

  5. I don't know the ending of either (nor am I going to spoil myself) but a lot of people on another forum said they think the movie ending is better/more satisfying than the comic one.

    But meh I dunno, I guess I'll find out when I have time to read the comic and then watch the movie!

  6. On occasion, but I haven't been able to play since the summer, maybe it's a lot harder now that it's been out a while.

    I was kind of disappointed to learn that the rankings in MK apparently don't go past 9999, but I guess it has to top off somewhere. My guy says that the way ratings are calculated for it are bad in the first place so maybe it doesn't matter what ones ranking is anyway...

  7. 4 is not a bad start

    If you want to make things easy for a DM 4-5 is optimal, more or less means that they have to do extra tweaking to the difficulty level of an encounter so that it's not too hard or easy.

    While I am interested, I'm not sure how well I can commit at the moment right at this very moment, because school is nearing it's end, which means a million research and big art projects.

    I've only ever played D&D in custom built worlds too so I can't really comment on any existing campaign material.

  8. I think he was just wondering which one you considered good, and which one you considered poop.

    Although going by the order of things, it looks like 2=good 3=poop for both games and movies. (Never played the games, never watched 3 so I wouldn't know).

  9. Yoshi is all over the place as the list progresses, sometimes being as much as like 14th from the bottom (top middle), and sometimes 5th from the bottom. (that's the first thing I focused on cause I've always played Yoshi since the 64, and can't seem to reach the same level of skill I have with yoshi as with other characters...or they just bore me )

    The top of the list seems staticish, but some of them bounce all over the place too.

    I've never really cared for tier lists, they seem to me to just be characters that are easiest to pick up and be decent with from the start even if one doesn't have a lot of technical skill.

    I don't know why I posted, I'm just bored, probably nothing actually worth posting though!

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