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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Really though, if you look at Chun Li in comparison to the other characters, she's impossibly tall for a genetically 100% Chinese girl. I mean it's nitpicky, but she's almost as tall as Guile, Ken and Ryu while squatting in her ready position. Just thought I'd point that out.

    I dunno, some of the relatives of my moms partner are pretty damn tall...although you're right most Chinese (or Asian girls really) are...short...

    My mom used to have legs like Chun Li...then she threw out her knee during a tournament so she isn't as hardcore anymore, she could still pwn a man many times larger than herself though...

  2. I still like Propane Nightmare >:V

    Honestly though that's the only Pendulum song I've ever heard, lol

    and no one liked the video?

    I like it...and the song, but I don't know anything about music scenes at all. It didn't sound like any D&B I've heard before, but I've heard very very little of the genre. It seems hard to find good D&B though. :(

  3. blah, kill me, i haven't played any final fantasy game other than my life as a king

    i could always draw chime, but that would require me to draw boobs and i'd go totally overboard

    U gif beach ball boobs?

    Yeah, the only FF game I've played to completion if FF7, I came pretty close with FF2 on the SNES (4) but the save battery came loose and lost the save files, so I never got to beat the final boss. :(

    Then my memory card for 5 and 6 got corrupted...shortly after that I just took my PlayStation apart cause I was bored, and it could no longer play games reliably anymore anyway. I got to the other planet on five and battled gilgamesh, but I don't think I got very far in 6, only to maybe the opera or something?

  4. Yeah, this month the december daily doodles contest for puzzle pirates owns my soul, so I might no submit anything. (Although if I have an idea suddenly jump out at me I certainly will try).

    Of course now that I've posted something in this thread I've had an idea, so I might do something, but no guarantees of more than a scribble.

  5. It's only worse because it doesn't look like Nintendo is going to make it's online modes any better in the near future either. I'd be pleasantly surprised if whatever it does for next gen is any more useful than the DS or Wii has been. But I know that'll probably never ever ever happen! >(

  6. I added myself to Mario kart wii and Metroid prime Hunters; do I just sit around now and hope people add me?

    Might be better to pm or try to catch people on aim.

    I've had very little success with clan ocr, except with Arek personally, but I think that's partially because he's a lot more approachable to me than most people. :P

    I'll add you to Mario Kart during winter break if I remember to.

  7. I must have lucked out with my friends and family, just about all of them are musicians full time, or as a little side thing for college, so I've never been exposed to people that say different things about music depending on who's around. To them, if they like it, they like it regardless of where it came from, if they don't like they'll tell you about how much they hate it and wish it would go away so they wouldn't have to hear it.

    Well ok, one of them thinks it's "creepy" whenever she finds out some of my music she previously liked was from a video game, I don't really know what is so creepy about that but whatever, she listens to mostly alternative or extremely "weird" stuff like digeridoo, so I'm not sure how she grades music.

  8. Yeah Meteo Xavier gets a giant QFT from me, I could not have put it so eloquently (and probably not quite as antagonistically either :P)

    People have been saying the developing music of the time is going to destroy society for ages.

    I don't really like much American pop, most of what has been posted in this thread doesn't appeal to me at all, but I'm not going to say it's horrible horrible stuff, I might complain about the themes in some of it. I'll complain about those themes regardless of the genre or time period that music was produced in.

    I honestly don't pick my music on Genre though, I'll give everything a listen at least halfway through to see if I like it or not.

  9. I think the only way people will be happy with another iteration is if it's melee 2.0 with characters from both games, and all of them more viable :P

    I don't honestly care myself well not a lot I miss mewtwo :(, although I think I'd be more likely to buy melee 2.0 with character from melee and brawl mixed together than a brawl 2.0...

    Also I can always hope the next game has Tails in it, I might be supremely convinced to main something other than Yoshi in that case. :P (I don't think more 3rd party characters will ever happen though).

  10. .but that's because I played it late (the GameCube port).

    Be HAPPY you played the gamecube port, they really cleaned up the controls compared to the dreamcast version. I remember when I played the DC version the camera was like a wild animal, and the controls were pretty loose.

    Although oldschool 3d sonic is pretty awesome...

  11. At the rate they continue, they should just stick to making Sonic cgi movies, since the games get worse but the cutscenes look beautiful.

    I was saying this just the other day to a friend, but Sega would probably mess it up somehow if they had to make a whole movie. I'm kind of sad having watched one of the Japanese Sonic Unleashed cutscenes, the visuals are wow, but Eggman doesn't have the awesome laugh anymore. /pout

    I really liked Sonic riders, even if the learning curve was higher than usual for racing games, although I haven't gotten a chance to try out Zero Gravity yet, I really want to. Be happy you didn't play Shadows Game, I got it just out of curiosity for the story, and I can say, horrible horrible game, interesting idea (although in the wrong direction I think), abyssal execution. If they could make any of their games into a movie, Shadows Game shoulda been one rather than a game.

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