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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Yeah if you keep playing against them and getting whipped you'll eventually get whipped a little less worse as time goes by, and maybe eventually equal them.

    This is how I was in Melee, and brawl when some of the better people decide to play. Don't get discouraged, you'll get better and not even realize it even though you've started winning more often than before.

  2. Anyway, does anybody even KNOW anybody who has a good sonic? I don't think sonic is bad, but he's not exactly the most straight forward, high priority KO guy out there, and for what it's worth half the time if you just try to pick up sonic every attack looks the same and he's hard to control simply because he's so fast. Oh, and who doesn't enjoy hearing "YOU'RE TOO SLOW! YOU'RE TOO SLOW!"? Yay sonic.

    I know one, he's one of two really great players that have caught my eye. He doesn't seem to have trouble controlling sonic, and is fairly good at wracking up damage quickly and landing that wind up punches on people.

    Keeping in mind this is 4 on 4 battles, they don't seem to like to do 1v1's unless they're playing "serious". Maybe I can convince them to set up a tournament or something...

  3. The tadpole things don't do seem to do damage, but the platforms are just kind of annoying, since they can be damaged but also act as platforms they tend to get in the way of attacks and stuff. (not to mention they move around) It's super duper extra cramped feeling and an awkward stage to play on.

  4. Also, Olimar has terrible recovery.

    Fighting Olimar makes me cry.

    The spear pillar is definitely a bit harrowing, I don't think I've gotten to play on new pork city. What really stinks is the DK level with the water fall, it's WORSE than the old ice climbers level IMO. The new ice climbers level seems really disorienting (to me anyway...)

  5. Btw, is everyone pretty much using a GC controller? I have my wavebirds out on loan still, so I've just been using the wiimote...it works, but there are a few problems with it. Didn't try for more than a few minutes of classic controller when I first got the game, but not so sure about that yet.

    The wiimote+nunchuck works surprisingly well, it takes a little getting used to...jumping is a little weird (easier to do by hitting up on the control stick than going for the control pad) and it's interesting getting used to B being a trigger, but I think it could work. The nunchuck seems a bit hard to keep a grip on, but that's probably just me. (So glad they got 4 game cube controls since that last time though...) I haven't tried with just the wiimote, and having seen the default control scheme, I really don't want to, it looks like a pain in the ass.

    The GC control seems preferable though, less of a learning curve for the gameplay when you already have some movements from the past installment learned.

  6. That's becuase Sonic is fast and fairly fluid with a lot of his moves. Also, the concept of executing the Spin Dash is relatively simple. I think he's an accessible character, but I think like anyone else, he takes a lot of practice to master.

    Yeah, only the one guy there was actually good good with Sonic, because he's very intent on maining him and plays him almost exclusively. (This guy seems to be a pretty hardcore Sonic fan). The other two seemed ok with Sonic but still not really great, just better than with the other characters they had tried out.

  7. I find it surprising that Sonic bamboozles players a lot in anonymous internet play. I think a lot of gamers are sticking to Fire Emblem characters though. I don't think they're particularly dominating or anything.

    Sonic seems to be really easy to be decent with, at least just looking at what few matches I did some of the worse people I played did a bit better when they tried out sonic. (Or maybe sonic just suits their play styles better I dunno...) He seems a bit easy to dodge though, even the guy survived the free for alls consistently over me was fairly easy to predict. I want to do some 1 on 1's with him with a normal remote so the stage hazards can't catch me so easily.

    I'm probably going to stick with Yoshi until I can get the system+game, I'd love to try out sonic/lucario/pit, but it's not very fun to try to grasp a new character when all the people that play do is 4 man free for alls.

  8. To Atma: Me? Suck? HA! We'll see, we'll see. I'll keep you in mind, so when I do get Brawl (whic I admit, may be a moment), you'll get mad, start crying and throw your system out of the window.

    What a lovely inflated ego you have. I dunno how good Atma is or isn't but I hope he sticks a pin in it just for that. :P

  9. Also, does anyone else hate the Dragoon pieces? They appear way too often, and when they do the game suddenly becomes all about them. The Smash Balls are one thing, but the Dragoon thing seems out of place, and changes the focus too much.

    Not to mention it feels really cheap when you use it.

    I don't mind them, granted I tend to ignore them (and the smash balls) if they pop up. I was only in one vs game that someone got all the dragoon parts, and they only managed to hit like one person on the screen with it.

    I've found that ignoring the smash ball a little at first is a good way to get it in a melee, mostly because at least one or two people will have killed themselves going after it. On the other hand I would hate to be in even a friendly 1v1 match with smash balls. I feel a little cheated when someone kills me twice during the duration of their final smash, even if I cheaply camp out on the drop platform hoping to avoid it entirely.

    I wish I owned the game, 4 man melee is ok, but I'd like to do some 1 on 1's and just play around in training mode to get used to the changes.

  10. I've also realized I hate a lot of the new levels, they have a lot of interesting stuff in them, but it's not fun interesting like poke floats, or Safron City in the first smash bros, it's the omg this level irritates the hell out of me kind of interesting.

  11. Well I found some people to play with at the neighboring dorm, and Yoshi seems pretty good. It was a little awkward cause I had to play with the wiimote+nunchuck, but I think it'll be an easy control combination if I have time to get used to it. And I beat everyone else down except the guy that owned the game, but he had a game cube control.

    The air dodge keeps throwing me off, mostly because I keep doing it on accident, and I can't figure out how to throw things either. (they haven't turned items off yet, and part of my game with items involves throwing them more than actually using them...)

    The pace doesn't seem slower than melee, but I haven't played melee in about 3 or 4 years so I guess I can't really tell.

    Maybe I can keep playing with these guys, and when I someday get a wii+the game I won't get owned as badly by you all.

  12. Dang.

    Now I feel like an ass.

    I didn't actually mean it and I wouldn't have said it if I knew anyone actually cared about him or this. I can reign it in.


    Whether people actually care or not generally isn't a good excuse to be an asshat, unless you're surrounded by people that will realize you "didn't actually mean it"

    Anyway, Mr.Rogers was awesome, I wish more people could be as amassing as he was, I wish to someday be at that level as far as working with children and education.

  13. I don't particularly want to use the sets posted on smogon either though, it's not really any fun that way.

    And Lucario is awesome, I lead with my untrained one once against Drack a long time ago, totally surprised him and killed his tyranitar. XD After that I think he ate the rest of my team I maybe killed one or two others...but I'll take it since he had EV'd pokemon, and mine were just my elite four pokemon with no special training or coherency.

    It just occurred to me that years ago when I beat my cousins pokemon once, even though they were higher level, it was probably cause he just cheated and used rare candies to do it. His pokemon maybe have been lv 100 but they had 0 ev's.

    Stupid cousin, he always turned out to cheat at everything we competed with, and that's the only time he lost because of it. *grumble grumble*

  14. I honestly just pulled a vaporeon out of my butt cause I beat the champions garchomp with my vaporeon when it was something like...20 levels weaker (with a crit ice beam, it's hp dropped quick too so I imagine a normal one woulda done the trick). Granted I don't remember the situation beyond "did my vaporeon just 1hko this big scary landshark?" And her pokemon probably aren't IV/EV trained for maximum stompage like a serious players would be.

    I think the only reason it didn't die is either the chomp used an attack that missed, or vaporeon had max acid armor, took the attack and, ice beamed it.

    I have a habbit of sacrificing pokemon in battle sometimes, which probably isn't really the best habit to have.

    Edit: I rather like Lucario myself just aesthetically speaking I've heard he's a good all around pokemon too, He's on the back burner for training though. I don't know if I want a special or physical attacker yet..

  15. Last time I poked around Smogon, garchomp didn't seemed that hyped up, it's got a couple of counters anyway, just kill it quick before it boosts up too much is all I can say. (I bet a vaporeon with hp/def/spA ev's could switch into and ice beam one down pretty easily).

    I don't play competitively though, most of the pokemon I like are BL/UU, and they don't fit together in a cohesive team. I have thought of sitting down some day and trying to make one though. IV's also take me a while since school eats up a lot of my time. I've been working on a flygon for two months, and the best I will have bred by this point is. 23/23/27/29/19/27 I can't begin to fathom how long it'll take to get a whole team of IV'd pokemon.

    Even then, I learn through experience and, honestly too many competitive gamers seem to be dickweeds. I want to play to have fun and learn, not listen to some egotistical prick be an ass to me about the pokemon I like, and how much I suck.

  16. Popular or overkill? You can like something and have it ruined if others only talk of it or just to many talking of it. Good example could be in the movie industry, lets say 300. When you first saw it, I am sure you all shit yourself in the raw power of the 300 spartans! But once you realized it was everywhere it can be ruined.

    That being said I usually steer clear of things of such nature. Such as Fox/Falco/Marth in melee. And AIDS.

    Well really, no, it doesn't really ruin it for me. Cause I don't care if the masses ramble about how awesome something is or isn't. I'm not going to let a mass of people deprive me of enjoyment of something just because they happen to like (or dislike it).

    How can you even stand to play smash if something being popular somehow ruins the experience for you?

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