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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Game: Chip 'n Dale's Rescue Rangers (NES)

    Song: Zone J (The final level)

    MIDI: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/Chip%26Dale_final_Stage.mid

    In-game rip: http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=nsf/chipnd~1.zip (The only file is one with every track in the game on it, but it's small. The one I want is Number 8.)

    This was one of my favorite games way back when, and I always dug this tune. :)

    Oooh I remember that song, I hope it gets done, and very well, fun game too...why can't games based off stuff like that be as nifty now as they were then.

  2. Right now I'm struggling with berries, since I stopped playing for a few months last semmester all I have left is what's in my bag and what I can get off the berry master and the girl in florama town. :S

    So it seems it'll be a while before I have a decent kind of berry for making poffins, all I have available for dry poffin right now is Razz, and the best level I've gotten them to is 13.

    Lately I've been wanting to play through again, but I'll be darned if I restart this game, I guess someday I'll just have to invest in Pearl, or whatever middle gen game they may or may not come out with.

    Damned I'm not staying up all night playing, I'm having insane amounts of trouble getting to sleep on account of a percussionist that thinks its fun to practice at 2 in the morning living above me, and girls that gossip up a storm every night and take showers about the same time next door. So I end up unable to sleep and poking around various forums and stuff, then waking up pissy. (maybe I just shouldn't get online within a few hours of waking up) :P

  3. Haha, what? I'm not the artist of that pic and never once claimed I was; it's linked in my sig just so people can see the source.

    I haven't updated it to his newest version though, because I use this sig on several forums, and some are trigger happy about spoiling Brawl. Figured I'd leave it at this one until the game comes out.

    Oooh ok, I figured since you linked to it that it was yours as well. :P

  4. Oh, sorry for pointing out the main aspect of the game.

    The fact that you seem to have been directing that at ME, who actually has played the game to completion, doesn't use AR (like you), and is still playing the game and raising/breeding pokemon is what makes you fail. The only thing I want to use shoddy for is battling, I have no wireless connection on campus.

    And stop being such a waffle.

    Jeeze I need to get my sleep problems sorted out. *wonders off all grumpy like*

  5. I've read other things, and while the game does appear to be slower then Melee, it isn't a really dramatic change, and you get used to it quickly. However, most people can't seem to go back to Melee after they play Brawl and be comfortable.

    That's just what I heard though, I could be wrong

    Watching the brawl videos I'm not sure if the game looks slower, or if everything just has a more uh...floaty feel to it? It seems just as fast and faster in some ways, but slower in others. I can't really place my finger on it

    I guess it's hard to judge watching compared to playing, I know it's like that with some speed based games I play, everything seems slower when I'm playing but rather fast if I'm just passively watching.

    Also for some reason seeing wolfs taunts and movement style made me feel really excited to try to play as him, I like fox and falco as characters but could never get accustomed to their play style. Maybe that'll be different with wolf though :D

  6. Sorry, if this is a defensive but I'm not too lazy to raise my own pokemon, I have an EV trained team on my game, and am still breeding stuff (granted for the super contests). I just brought shoddy up cause I'd like to be able to play with other people, something I can't do till I go back home for the summer.

    You have a low opinion of the program, fine. I'll make sure not to bother you by asking if you'd care to battle me using it.

  7. Turns out not only did I forget to EV and make my Mismagius female, but my flygon wasn't Ev'd either, and I forgot a few EV's on the Togekiss. We definitely need a rematch later mewt, you can get the razor claw and stuff since we got on a server theres more rule sets open.

    And shoddy seemed to work fine for me, but I can't get online to play for real either. Most people play with rules banning 1HKo moves anyway, so meh.

  8. Lol mewt isn't patient for me to come bump huh :P

    For those of you that want to battle, but don't have wireless, or just don't want to go through all the trouble of breeding, ev training, looking for the right hidden power, and getting the tms you need there's an online battle program called Shoddy Battle that does a pretty good job at letting you set up your team and play it.

    Mewt and I tried it out an hour or two ago, and it's pretty nice.

    You can also use it to experiment with a team and such before investing the time into it on your actual game.

  9. touch fuzzy get ZA WARUDO

    I used to play that stage so much in yoshis island, it was pretty amusing to have a drunk/high yoshi stumbling all over the place, also never could get 100% on that one >(

    Luigis final smash kind of reminded me of the Futurama when Bender was addicted to jacking in.

  10. That's what I think is so great about SSE. Instead of Melee's one-player mode where you chose one character and played through and unless you got REALLY bored or wanted to unlock that trophy for clearing Adventure with all characters (I never did), you stuck with your one or two characters you KNEW you were good with. SSE, though, actually forces you to use characters you might not be good with or have even used before.

    Eh well, I'm obsessive and beat every mode of the game on easy at least with all the characters. There's 3 or 4 that I beat on hard/very hard and another handful I beat on normal. So I'm still going to try out all the characters, I just don't think I'm going to settle on maining from the start Yoshi like I have for the past two games.


    I like the idle animations they made for a lot of the characters. :D

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