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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. I just hope they can deliver the technical aspect so that it actually works. It sounds like a total pain to get it working smoothly. FPS games did it a full decade ago, but never in auto-broadcast.

    I dunno, I kind of got the impression that the data is in a way recorded and sent to Nintendo for people to watch later, not as it's going on. But maybe I'm just interpreting it terribly horribly wrong.

  2. True. The most noticeable are the flashes when the characters hit each other. I noticed that right away since the first trailer.

    Still hoping for Onix and Hitmonlee to come back.

    It'd be awesome if Hitmonlee was back! I had forgotten about him but played the 64 version a few days ago and one popped out. It greatly amused me.

  3. Did you play Melee? Luigi's moveset could only be compared to Mario's in appearance, and his style of play is completely different.

    All the "Clones" play different than what they're a copy of, but they still are visibly the same for the most part. Falco is a clone of Fox by the meaning clone is given when people talk about this. Fox and Falco do not play the same but Falco is still considered a clone.

    Right now unless Ness has a completely new move set he's probably not in the game as a player character because that would make Lucas a clone because they seem to have quite a few similarities. (I think that's where the discussion started on clones).

  4. No one seems to be complaining about Samus being accentuated.... :P

    Probably cause most of you are male, and there haven't been any ass shots of Samus, and even if there was she hardly has a large butt to be so...ahem prominent in any of the shots like Snakes has been.

  5. Can anyone tell me what theme he remixed, though? The song's amazing, but I certainly don't hear anything particularly recognizable. I'm not complaining, however!

    You know after you kill the giant sword, and go into the factory dimension in smithies world?

    It's that theme, and fairly clear from about 26 seconds on.

    Oh and, the songs very fun :D

  6. It makes me think they won't announce them or any of the unlockables. The original four unlockables were unlockables in Melee. So, I gotta wonder--are all of these announced characters just the starting characters?

    I wouldn't think so, maybe I was hallucinating but I though Sakarui had mentioned something about debating whether to have certain characters at E for everyone cause they weren't starting characters. Or maybe I just construed that...

    Or maybe I was just dreaming I dunno.

  7. Several of Yoshi's tilts, smashes and aerials were improved either in range (longer tail) or power, but his B moves haven't changed much. Of course, his B^ now kind of stalls him in the air and you can use it multiple times, but his smash B is quicker as well. Can't double jump cancel.

    I'm happy to hear that yoshi maybe has gotten some improvements, he wasn't that bad in melee, but he was definitely weaker than his 64 version. :S (And it didn't help much to be mocked by people for playing yoshi, even if I generally whipped the floor with them in an actual game).

  8. It'd be more beneficial to be sending them tools and likewise so they could make their own, people don't want to be entirely reliant on someone elses charity all the time, they would like to be able to create their own food, and be able to be independant. What about the "teaching a man to fish" story? I just think that sending over seeds and other agricultural goods would benefit more than just grains of rice.

    It's hard to work when you're starving. You should keep in mind that most of these people work and are still starving, it's not like they sit on their asses in their shack doing nothing.

    The way the website explains how it works somewhere too, it basically has sponsor people thingies (the adds on the bottom), and the companies pay for stuff. Kind of like banner adds. Of course it might be a farce and no one is getting anything at all except for the website owners.

  9. wow this impressive...but how is that possible since the level goes up diminishingly after every word..?

    Because it initially starts you off at a higher number depending on how you do.

    With me for example after the first 4 words it put me at level 40. (From there I only went down...I seem to average a vocab level of about 32)

    It's kind of fun to get my mind working, but after 2000+ grains of rice I think I'm going to find something else to do now! (But maybe come back later to poke it more).

  10. But...... I just don't know how to say his name, back when the SNES was around and they had Nintendo kiosks in stores where you could watch promo video's they always called said his name like 'Duh-Day-Day'. Now when I hear it on TV and stuff it's 'Dee-Dee-Dee'.

    If that's (Dedede) how his name is spelt in Japanese it's most likely Deh-Deh-Deh.

    I have always called him Deedeedee though.

    Also, awesome, I look forward to playing as him.

  11. Little Mac doesn't really appeal to me as anything more than an assist trophy. Making him playable would just seem a little absurd to me. Mostly because a generic (if runt sized) boxer doesn't really strike me as interesting compared to just about all the other characters that come from worlds with things like space pirates, monstrous turtles, and crocodiles that like to eat bananas.

    He really just doesn't fit in because his game is pretty down to earth in relation to the other characters available.

  12. Poke him in the face with a cactus!

    Er, I haven't been able to get around to battling Drack because college is eating my soul, I'll do it soon and by soon I hope that means like within the next week! I never realized studying could be so absorbing that 4 hours later I'd look back and be like D: D: D: its 7PM? Yeesh...

  13. Wait, why?

    So Sonic joins. What little dialog he has is of course, corny as everything he says in his new games. Bring back the un-arrogant Sonic from 2D sega. *Sighs* I guess I could just pretend.

    I dunno, he seemed kind of arrogant/attitudey in a way in the old games too (and the movie, and the american cartoons), the way they characterized him in the newer games didn't seem to be much of a leap at all beyound adding voices to the characters.

    I feel kind of giddy about this update, but sad too because Tails is awesome and it's pretty certain he won't be a playable character along side sonic.

    Sonic looks like a fun character to play, I'm still going to main Yoshi though.

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