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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. But it really isn't. I mean, I haven't watched the show, but I've read the entire manga series, and it's not about a board game. It's about PEOPLE who play a board game professionally. It's about what they go through as pros, their rivalries, successes, and defeats. It's a great drama series, especially in the latter half.

    It's mostly that the focus sometimes thrown on the game really confused me, since I had no idea what was going on. :P

    That bit makes it harder for me to fully enjoy it honestly. I thought it was good, just takes a certain kind of person to fully enjoy it.

  2. I've watched Hikaru no Go as well, but it feels like I can't really recommend it. For being an anime about a game which has the equivalent entertaining value as chess, it's surprisingly good, but I couldn't really stand how slow everything went during some points and how everything went towards being gay at the end. Add the fact that most characters didn't know how to hold a decent dialogue, and it became something that got some points, but wasn't overall that great.

    It managed to keep me watching it to see what happened, it definitely takes a special sort of person to fully enjoy it, and I'm not one of them. There may be a few people somewhere on this board that are the sort that can really appreciate it. I don't think there's much room to complain about the pacing of the anime though, considering that YES it IS about a board game.

    Can you stand anime that may have slow bits, but have good dialog? Like uh, .hack//SIGN? (It seems like an anime most males probably couldn't get through though... I dunno.)

    If you like anime to let your brain run at half capacity to and to laugh at, I really suggest the Japanese Sonic X, it's meant for like 6 year olds. It's one of the silliest most amusing things I've subjected my mind to, and definitely helped me unwind a lot when school was starting to stress me out pretty bad.

  3. So I've noticed a certain DS game a few times in the store recently: Contact. It looks quite cool, but I never heard much about it. Is it worth the purchase?

    It was pretty meh in my opinion, which is pretty odd considering I'm generally pretty easy to keep entertained.

  4. http://epicgaming.us/?p=41

    I wrote this one night on shift just to vent about some of the things that I can't believe got popular. Everything in the article is of course IMO. If you disagree you have every right to.

    Hey that made me giggle, I actually did sort of like InuYahsa only got around to reading two manga before deciding there was too much crap though... (I hate love triangle stories...bleh).

    Oh, Hellsing was pretty good...I thought...it's uh vampirey...and stuff...I don't particularly remember it though since I watched it like...5-6 years ago...

  5. I haven't watched a huge amount of anime, I'm pretty picky about what I've enjoyed though. Honestly when someone says most anime sucks, well duh, it's just like any other form of television, most of it is going to suck.

    That said most of the anime I've enjoyed has already been mentioned except for the more feminine ones. (which is understandable). I thought Fruits Basket was pretty good, Card Captor Sakura too (although that was when I was younger, maybe going back and watching it again will be different now).

    Macross and Robotec were pretty good, as well as .hack//SIGN. (I wouldn't suggest the other .hack though, it sucked, and isn't even cannon for the actual storyline).

    Ooooh, Hikaru No Go is good too, it's about a kid that learns to play Go when he is possessed by a ghost that taught Go to an emperor.

    I'm not really sure how well these would really go with you though, I've been known to get great deals of amusement out of the Japanese Sonic X (which is for like...6 year olds), Digimon Adventure, and Pokemon. :P

  6. I thought his jump and spin jump were separated in Brawl? Maybe I thought wrong though. (heh that's what I get for thinking?)

    I'm too lazy to check my records, and they would hardly do any good since my friends and I played smash on like 4 different systems depending on where we were and who we were with. We all tended to turn off Rainbow cruise, G&W level, Venom, icicle mountain, both the mushroom kingdom stages.

    We'd pick the stage with the random, not by any specific preference. So in all likelihood there isn't a huge disparity between play counts on moving and stationary stages...

  7. Plus, with the exception of Pokemon Stadium and maybe Mute City, did anyone actually play any of Melee's moving/changing stages on a regular basis? Cause I sure as hell didn't. Normal MP stage plz.

    I know people that enjoyed playing on Poke-floats quite a bit.

    Theres plenty of other levels that don't seem to move around a lot, go play on one of those if you don't like the moving ones.

  8. Did anyone anyone see the word "DEFLICKER" and think it was something much, much naughtier?



    I liked mystery dungeon...but I do agree that there isn't really anything from it that can be added to smash...seeing as most everything in it is already referencing back to some other pokemon game.

  9. This is sort of good though - I mean, think about it - whenever you switch in Melee it doesn't matter because it's always the same control mode. In this the name system matters, so it makes sense something like this would be included.

    Yar it'll make switching people around easier, instead of going through the trouble of constantly changing the control set up if some people use different ones.

  10. One thing that I'm very curious about is when someone gets replaced by a computer, what level will that computer be. It seems to me that the best possibilities would either be level 5 or level 9. It would seem kinda sucky if an inexperianced noob gets replaced by a level 9 computer mid-fight.

    The game probably just takes whatever the handicap for the player before they d/c'd and applies it as a certain level for the computer. It doesn't seem like it would be that hard to do that, I guess if they D/C before the match starts the computer will just be set at medium level (like uh 4).

  11. Really, it's kind of hard to add much to the existing Pokemon designs short of scales/fur/feather details, and I think too much of that would be a bit obnoxious.

    I still want to see hitmonlee return, it's just too amusing for him to pop up and fly across the screen yelling stuff.

  12. I can't believe you disrespectful little shits are complaining about Smash Bros. online capabilities. Don't you realize it's COMPLETELY FREE?! Just the fact that it IS online is a god-send!

    I don't think you're helping your case much by responding like that...

    Atma is for the most part pretty fairly critiquing the online capabilities (at least of what we know, who knows maybe there is something great in there). Although he could probably take a chill pill, I do agree with the points he's making; even if strong online play is not anything of great importance to me.

    If it *was* important to me though, I might be a little frustrated to watch other people so resigned to the fact that the online looks to be on the weak side, much like Atma seems to be (frustrated at the weak online capabilities).

    But meh, nintendo always seems to be a little behind on these sorts of things, they'll catch up eventually...I hope.

  13. Nice to hear that guy got pwned for ripping something off.

    I know it's in Japanese but it seems to be a nice little rap/hiphop type thingy. (it has subtitles)

    I've only heard one other song by them (I can't even remember the groups name) but they seem to do interesting stuff, and at least this one isn't all about well, vulgar stuff...

    Although I can't claim to have a good taste in music so if you all think it sucks, meh. (I thought it fit very well with the video myself, pitty it only aired on TV like once in Japan or something like that).

    Edit: Oh I found who they were again...since I had forgotten they're called Shakkazombie

  14. He needs a nap?

    I honestly don't care a whole lot about the online bit being set up the way it is, gamers that really want to get into it will network anyway, or try really hard to. What I'm hoping for is a list that's big enough to handle that, it seems a lot of games in the psat have insignificantly sized lists.

    Then again I don't really mind anonymous non rated battles either, sure I might run into people that'll cream me, or be too easy, but if I play against the former often enough my skill will eventually increase.

    Yeah, ok so I'm a go with the flow sort, really it's no fun to get ones undies in a bunch over something that won't be there, and probably won't be regardless of how much windging is done. meh..

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