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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. I guess whenever I get to own the game (and have access to wifi at the same time) I'm going to have to deal with another round of asshats going "eeew yoshi"

    *grumble grumble grumble*

    I guess I'll just have to get good with him again...although it's kind of hard at first.

    I also never understood why some people will not do something they might find interest in just because it's popular. I knew someone that was like "I used to like [X franchise] but not anymore, because it got popular." What the hell?

  2. However the pokemon trainer ends up sounding, it'll probably stink a lot in comparison to the Japanese one. (I dunno the Japanese trainer has that nice spirited kind of sound to his voice that I've never heard in an English speaker ever).

  3. Metaknight is :shock:

    Hispanic Vader?

    It sucks they took out the Japanese option if they really did. :{

    Pits voice doesn't seem like it fits at all, he sounds all annoying and arrogant, but he doesn't look like that sort of character. (Please note I've never played the game with Pit in it).

  4. Critically a lot of his critisisms arn't based on the individual merit or faults of a game but rather broad critisisms of how the game figures into ALL of gaming. Most of the reviews are half comprised of massive rants about the state of video games as a whole, so it's obvious he's just simply one of the many gamers out there that's just looking for too much.

    Well he DID work on some games of his own (I think, maybe I'm remembering someone else). It seems like it would be normal for a game designer dude thing to be a bit pedantic about how games in general are designed.

  5. It seems that a few might be missing from it, but I'm not sure. I just know that the numbering isn't always consistent all the way through. (sometimes it'll be like letter1 letter2 letter4 letter6 and so on)

    But yeah, awesomeness, now I can get more of the songs since I can't torrent stuff from where I am.

  6. Nothing wrong with having options neh? I haven't seen a wii in person, but I'd imagine it's a big transition, it doesn't hurt to allow multiple control methods, at least if any one of them works just fine so you don't have to buy extra/special controls just to play the game.

  7. I'm a mod. I can off-top ANYTHING I WANT. In all seriousness, I just think it's a double standard how he interacts with people he perceives as higher than him on the food chain, but for the purposes of trolling a n00b, he switches to off-putting, lazy internet speak.

    He's told me before that the only time he really talks with good grammar and stuff is when he's being particularly serious about something, otherwise he's going to type all crazy like.

    I mean, I don't think he has any great disrespect for me, and when I've interacted with him in clanOCR he talked in "lazy internet speak" unless he was sending me a semi series private message. (He types all cryptically most the time it seems to me anyway...)

  8. I'm sure some people will be able to get used to and be good with the other controls, especially if that's all that is available to them.

    That said, I'd hate to use anything other than a gamecube control, the other controls seem kind of awkward for the way button pushing flows in smash.

  9. then refute my points there tommy toughguy

    I have no reason to refute whatever points you're making since I couldn't really care less if someone plays with or without items?

    You're the one being rude to other people in the thread.

    That Yoshi video someone posted a page or two ago made me feel excited to learn to play Yoshi again, even if that was just against a stinky CP. I wish the frame rate could have been better, but it looked pretty fun.

    Whenever I get around to owning a wii/the game though I'm not sure if I'm happy for the lack of voice chat or not. Sure there's the whole "ew yoshi is gay/retarded/sucks" factor. But there's also the fun of them getting very quiet when I beat them down with stock to spare. I probably couldn't do this anymore though seeing as I haven't consistently played the game against other people in about 4 years now, and then there'd of course be learning brawl. :|

    Smack talk among friends (and possibly ocr people) is also rather fun, so I'll be missing out on that too.

  10. no you shush these people need to learn to read + i made a good point

    Yeah, if being a jerkwad is making good points these days.

    I'm going to need to check out the rec rooms around the dorms and hope I find someone with Brawl, I want to at least get to see it in action, if not play it.

  11. So if someone is down a stock and he is on the other side of the stage and he happens to get a really good item that spawns on his side of the stage and he comes back and wins you are telling me that requires more skill? Even though the item was just as likely to spawn on the side of the stage with the person who was winning, sealing his victory? Because to me that sounds like the match is decided with a coin flip, the opposite of skill.

    Yeah uh, items aren't that hard to deal with, avoid being hit and knock the item out of their grasp, it's pretty easy.

    That said I do turn some items off just cause they aren't that fun to have around. But playing with some items on is definitely a lot more interesting than no items at all.

  12. The concepts brought together into this mario-halo mash-up seem to work pretty well, and the level design is good too. I don't see why people are nitpicking it for things like "it's not commerical" and "graphics and music could be better." Screw that, if it's fun and plays well, then it's good game.

    It's an interesting concept, it was just doesn't look fun to play at all the way it was executed.

  13. Well, some pokemon have been shown to be quite intelligent.

    See I didn't say all pokemon, I said some of the legendaries, and a few of the not so legendaries. Some pokemon are less tame than others, and act more on their instincts rather than thinking something through.

    Most legendaries run along the line of "You pissed me off so now I'm going to rampage and indiscriminately destroy everything in my path."

  14. The legendaries get pissed and re-write history... naturally...

    A lot of the legendaries seem to fall into the "more animal than not" category of pokemon, I kind of wonder if they have the cognitive ability to get pissed and do that in the first place. (I too am also really curious where the games will go next, past games have felt pretty open ended, but DP feels a lot like the "last" game to me).

    The DP pokemon story does seem to be the most fleshed out compared to the other games, that said it's a pretty common story of "I want to erase existence and recreate it to be a perfect vision of what I believe to be utopia" Not that I mind or anything though...

  15. remember: the games were supposed to run along with the anime. diamond pearl were the first pokemon games to come out before the anime

    Uh...maybe I'm horribly wrong with my memory, but I'm pretty sure the games came before the Anime...at least in Japan. That's why Ash/Gary are said to be based off of Red/Blue not the other way around?

    Edit: Upon further poking around the Red/Green version came out before the anime by about 2 years. With blue coming out later as a bit of an upgrade. Yellow is based on the Anime.

  16. The game has become a lot more complex, no argument there, but the core of the game is pretty much unchanged. They haven't had a need to redo the game to keep it alive. It just keeps evolving a bit with each generation.

    Just because the core of the game is the same doesn't automatically mean it should just die out, that's like saying "well this franchise has had lots of tweaks, improvements and fun little things added, but at it's heart it's still a Platformer/FPS/RPG, I'm surprised people still like the franchise!"

  17. I honestly think that having no dialog was the better design choice to make, I haven't played the game or anything but with the videos

    I've seen I think the story is stronger and flows well because there are no voices, just looks, and gestures. I think having spoken dialog would bog down and disrupt the story in a bad way.

    Maybe there's text, but it seems like it would be unnecessary beyond narration, and be disruptive in it's own way if theres more of it.

    Also, what would this mishmash of characters have to say to each other? Probably not a whole lot Doesn't seem there would be much that isn't already easily conveyed through actions.

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