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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. hmmm

    Lucario looks interesting, I like the aesthetic of his fighting/movement style, but at the same time he looks really laggy to me, and that's already being compared to my melee main, Yoshi. Sonic looks really fun to try to learn, but the way he skitters around so fast seem like it might take some time to be able to control him.

    I really want to see something more with the pokemon trainer, and the different pokemon myself (especially Charizard cause dragons are fun!) :D

    There's so many characters I want to try out and get great with in this game, instead of just sticky with Yoshi/Link. Whenever I finally get to own it like 2-3 years from now I don't think I'll feel let down in the least.

  2. Youza... Yeah.

    Anyhow, who here has used a Garchomp?

    I think Drack had one trained, but I've never seen it. I wish they would stop adding moderately ugly dragons to the game, Garchomp looks ok, but I dunno. (And salamence is just...weird looking, he'd be cool is he wasn't built like an apatosaurus from the 1800's)

    Garchomp can pretty much outspeed all the high power dragons I believe. Flygon and Salamence are the same max speed (as one another but slower than garchomp), and dragonite is slower than all of them).

    That said none of them are pokemon to sneeze at.

  3. Also "The Rise of Darkrai" is not a good title. The Japanese at least will say what it is: Palkia vs. Dialga vs. Darkrai.

    At some point I stopped even bothering with American anime...except for Cowboy Bebop, since the english version is better.

    It's such a pain finding decent subs though.

    Annnnd darkrai annoyed me in that movie, it's it's pokemon design though, not the character itself.

  4. No mail? What the fuck kind of school do you go to?

    I could rent a mailbox at the student union, but I can't even afford to buy books right now. :P Something about the postal code doesn't allow anything but UPS and Fed Ex to my dorm.

    My moms friend can take mails for me though now though, which is nice cause now I can get most of my books for 100+ dollars cheaper off amazon!

    And I guess given a chance at doubles I'll stick with the mismagius...or boomie wheezing I guess. Attacks like that get the power of the attack split between pokemon too so maybe leading with two pokemon that can avoid or simply absorb most of it would work ok if it's that common.

    I have poked around smogon some but its on a level I'm not at, I don't particularly enjoy the huge amount of meta game, and most of the pokemon I like are "border line" but don't get much play so there isn't a whole lot of talk on them. (there's also a few that are apparently UU but can hold up in OU play but with little talk of that ability).

    I want to play around with that shoddy battle thing with you guys if able, if I can figure out where it went on my computer...

  5. My DS can find the network and stuff, it just gets an incompatibility error code, so it can't actually use it.

    The only way I could get online is either buy a usb wireless thing (which is currently not being stocked, and I can't afford) or I find a free hotspot, but it's too much of a hassle to go to one.

    It makes me incredibly sad cause I suddenly want to train a mismagius, and I can't cause of the version I have.

  6. LOL, look what Snake does on the post-fight screen where they announce the winner. Does he do that in Metal Gear games as well? (By "that", I mean point his ass at the camera at every possible opportunity)

    One has to wonder if maybe its some weird inside joke with the developers or maybe all of you that always point it out just love ass.

  7. I am a sad panda, my campuses wireless internet doesn't seem to be compatible with the DS. :{

    I was thinking of trying to raise up some more pokemon and set up teams for doubles...(and just test out the ones I had raised over the summer). But I guess I won't be doing that now.

    Was pokemon ranger any good? I heard it was pretty meh...

    Edit: Oh yeah, and here's something for people to play around with if they don't like having to bust their butts breeding for certain stats. http://shoddybattle.com/

    I dunno if there's enough people with interest in it, but maybe a clanOCR server can be set up by someone or something. :P

  8. Well I can't really judge it, I just have issues with watching things when I already strongly associate one of the actors present with an entirely different character.

    Maybe if I get bored, and this thread shows its worth watching I'll start hijacking the rec room tv to check it out though.

    Of course (was her name Summers?) works REALLY well for actiony scenes, so I'm sure her kicking the crap outof stuff is fun to watch even if the association to River is stuck there for all eternity.

  9. If you like pirates, and puzzles among other things you could try puzzle pirates. (Use the link I provided and I think you get to start out with 500 pieces of eight...which is a fair amount for a new pirate).

    Play on a doubloon ocean and you can do anything for free. It uses a microcurrency style of play, so you can either trade Pieces of Eight earned from pillaging/parlor games/ect or buy the microcurrency (doubloons) with real money, but you don't need to pay a cent of real money to be succesfull in the game or get access to any of the content.

    If you (or anyone else) decides to play look for me if you want help in getting acclimated. I'm Lorenith on Sage ocean, and in a very fun, friendly Flag, that has people that take part in all aspects of the game. We have traders, blockaders, pillagers, shoppe runners, and carousers (people that play stuff like drinking/poker/swordfight).

  10. I honestly don't like Akira at all. I can appreciate that it IS a well done anime/manga. But personally I just don't like anything about it, I don't like the art style, the story, or the events that take place in it. (Some of them make me uncomfortable and twitchy).

    All that said it IS a good anime, just not my cup of tea, so I dislike it.

    I haven't seen or heard of most of the anime being talked about now so I'll have to step back and just watch the conversation. Maybe when I have some money I can check out some of the stuff being brought up here though.

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