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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. ZS Samus never really struck me as extremely sexualized, yeah sure she's got the tight curve exposing suit, but what she's missing is the mannerism.

    I mean the way she's dressed isn't any more different than a gymnast/runner/swimmer/[insert sport here], and they aren't dressed to be extremely sexualized so much as for ease of movement.

    Maybe I just fail at making this mental leap cause she isn't really that sexy as far as women go, and I'm not male so it's harder to see it I guess.

  2. It'd be cool if they had a round robin tournament mode instead of just elimination rounds, or the ability to merge both types, first round robin, then the elimination rounds are set up by how each person performed in the first part. I guess it'd take longer but everyone gets to play more.

  3. u iz thinkin of eirika

    eph would be awesome

    ive been wantin the weapon triangle in for a while

    Arrr woops, they both look the same (to me) then. *goes to replay some games*

    I have to wonder what smash bros obsession is with swordy weapons...

    Although it WOULD be cool if gannon was duel wielding like in WW, that's different than just running around with a one hander/bastard sword.

  4. i completey respect people who play casually, enjoying items and crazy stages. im just tired of people always saying that competitive players play the way they do because they don't want to adapt and because they're afraid they'll lose to casual players. you have to keep in mind that competitive players used to play just like you, and the way we play now is due to evolution of metagame over years of competitive playing.

    Well no one was saying stuff like that until someone else came along and asserted that no one should be able to enjoy the wario zone since it does a bunch of different stuff.

  5. Ok I'll be on the Wifi, I've added you too, so I should see you whenever you show up. If you want to get on the clan irc channel it might be easier too, to trouble shoot if one of us messed something up.

    Also, I got the ok from Mewt to add more people to the tournament if anyone wants to, just find the tournament thread and post the 10 pokemon you'll be wanting to use for it there I guess, and I'll update the chart to have other people on it. (whenever at some point we make it into round 2, or something I'll say something like "ohnoez no more asking to join it!)

    (go here http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9793&page=7)

  6. Funny as it sounds, I prefer old Andross anyways. I don't understand how anyone would listen to a giant monkey face free floating in space. Andross in Star Fox 64 is quite honestly freaky. I would have thrown up in that Arwing when I got to the brain and floating eyes. I mean, come on. Didn't anyone else have a problem with that?

    Not really, I thought it was pretty interesting really, and they probably intended something similar in the snes version if you look at how you can make his face fall off, and then shoot up that box with his face all over it. I guess box with monkey face still isn't quite the same as ZOMG BRAIN AND EYEBALLS!

    I enjoyed the pun that went with it too...

  7. Oh yeah, forgot about the axe. I was more going with how you can actually hit people in Animal Crossing with the net.

    Yeah but I'm pretty sure there was sometime where you wished you could shovel or ax someone in the face...

    Or maybe I'm just needlessly violent...

  8. I like the nod they do back the SMW with Yoshi, it's very exciting, I wonder how powerful those fireballs will end up being, and if he'll make little sand cloud from jumping or not...

    The KK Slider sound bit is the only one I've liked so far, I can't wait to hear it in Brawl.

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