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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. If that's (Dedede) how his name is spelt in Japanese it's most likely Deh-Deh-Deh. I have always called him Deedeedee though. Also, awesome, I look forward to playing as him.
  2. Deja vu! That clip has to come up every 10 pages or so doesn't it.
  3. Little Mac doesn't really appeal to me as anything more than an assist trophy. Making him playable would just seem a little absurd to me. Mostly because a generic (if runt sized) boxer doesn't really strike me as interesting compared to just about all the other characters that come from worlds with things like space pirates, monstrous turtles, and crocodiles that like to eat bananas. He really just doesn't fit in because his game is pretty down to earth in relation to the other characters available.
  4. Poke him in the face with a cactus! Er, I haven't been able to get around to battling Drack because college is eating my soul, I'll do it soon and by soon I hope that means like within the next week! I never realized studying could be so absorbing that 4 hours later I'd look back and be like D: D: D: its 7PM? Yeesh...
  5. Er, there was an update on that loooooong ago, it's not really new . I don't like the new announcers voice, it sounds weird.
  6. I like the box art, it's very nice. :3
  7. I dunno, he seemed kind of arrogant/attitudey in a way in the old games too (and the movie, and the american cartoons), the way they characterized him in the newer games didn't seem to be much of a leap at all beyound adding voices to the characters. I feel kind of giddy about this update, but sad too because Tails is awesome and it's pretty certain he won't be a playable character along side sonic. Sonic looks like a fun character to play, I'm still going to main Yoshi though.
  8. It's Thanksgiving in Canada.
  9. Hey good job on being a dick as well as restating what has already been said.
  10. It's not in the 64 one (just to answer that question).
  11. He was just talking about rolls, shields, and the down dodge. That doesn't mean air dodging was taken out. Although if it was I'll be sad cause that was fun to do.
  12. ZS Samus never really struck me as extremely sexualized, yeah sure she's got the tight curve exposing suit, but what she's missing is the mannerism. I mean the way she's dressed isn't any more different than a gymnast/runner/swimmer/[insert sport here], and they aren't dressed to be extremely sexualized so much as for ease of movement. Maybe I just fail at making this mental leap cause she isn't really that sexy as far as women go, and I'm not male so it's harder to see it I guess.
  13. Ok apparently Ares got bored and decided to quite. I'll pm you later Drack about my current schedule. Here's the bracket now.
  14. I think maybe snake wants to see what the eggs taste like not the yoshi. I don't really think Yoshis eggs are any different from unfertilized chicken eggs either, so anything he's just popped out probably wouldn't hatch anyway.
  15. It'd be cool if they had a round robin tournament mode instead of just elimination rounds, or the ability to merge both types, first round robin, then the elimination rounds are set up by how each person performed in the first part. I guess it'd take longer but everyone gets to play more.
  16. I think his point is that he doesn't own the system, and there's no reason for him to buy a system just for a game in a genre he doesn't tend to enjoy in the first place, even if everyone else says it's amazingly good.
  17. It's kind of cool how you can arrange trophies and make scenes out of them.
  18. It bares saying again. "Squeaksqueaksqueaksqueak!" I hate hammers, but that totally makes it worth it.
  19. Arrr woops, they both look the same (to me) then. *goes to replay some games* I have to wonder what smash bros obsession is with swordy weapons... Although it WOULD be cool if gannon was duel wielding like in WW, that's different than just running around with a one hander/bastard sword.
  20. It's cool she's just an assist trophy, theres lots of swordies running around. I'd like to see a spear wielder make it into the game myself (like maybe her brother?)
  21. Ok brackets updated, refresh your browser to see it if it isn't loading correctly.
  22. Well no one was saying stuff like that until someone else came along and asserted that no one should be able to enjoy the wario zone since it does a bunch of different stuff.
  23. I'll be available on Monday. (Can't do anything Sunday, I've got loads of homework and reading to do). Can we do this through pms, I'm sure the rest of ocr doesn't want us trading off in this thread constantly.
  24. Ok I'll be on the Wifi, I've added you too, so I should see you whenever you show up. If you want to get on the clan irc channel it might be easier too, to trouble shoot if one of us messed something up. Also, I got the ok from Mewt to add more people to the tournament if anyone wants to, just find the tournament thread and post the 10 pokemon you'll be wanting to use for it there I guess, and I'll update the chart to have other people on it. (whenever at some point we make it into round 2, or something I'll say something like "ohnoez no more asking to join it!) (go here http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9793&page=7)
  25. You want to do trades to evolve your pokemon? (I'm not sure, sorry if I'm failing at reading).
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