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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
cobaltstarfire replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
If you happen to find an adamant female Sneasel I'll love you forever (not really). I just need one for breeding purposes. But seriously I've hatched like...50 eggs now looking for one. I just can't find anything I want in this game so far and it's turning into a big painful grind. -
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
cobaltstarfire replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
Can we stop disecting dragonite and tyranitar, like was asked? Sheesh. I'm in for the tournament. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
And you can't actually get online to get your friend code till you get to the first city with a gym. (You have to go downstairs...but its under construction in the first few towns). -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Either I got lucky or the champion is faaar easier than the last guy in the E4...anyway finally beat them, now I gotta get the national dex so I can start working on a competitive team. If anyone wants a male sneasle or buneary with ice punch to use as breeding fodder pm me or something, I've got a handful, buneary is in the Humanoid/Ground egg groups sneasle is in the Ground Egg group. I don't know how much anyone cares for the particular attack but whatever..they're left overs from a little breeding experimenting I'm doing. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
That's a little odd, what does your Staraptor know? It should be able to handle all his pokemon in one or two shots with a wing attack (+brave bird for the vespqueen) except for the scorpion thing. (Used Golem for the scorpion, earthquake squishes it rather effectively). my Staraptor has a nature that lowers its attack power and is only lv 52 at the moment...so theres no reason yours shouldn't be plowing through those bug types at lv 55. Mine knows Fly, Brave Bird, Wing Attack, and Close Combat. (Maybe not the best move set...I kind of miss quick attack, but oh well). -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Oh yeah..I'm having more trouble with the machokes than the medichams, that submission really hurts x____x. I'm also finding the need for every HM under the sun in there to be extremely irritating, I have to drop a member of my team that won't get any training. because of it, I suppose I could stick him in the day care till I finish up the victory road though... -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I haven't gotten as far as the battle tower yet...I'm just into the victory road. And I was wondering...should it be worrisome that at times there's a 10 level difference between the pokemon I'm using and the ones spawning in there? The battles aren't very hard...but thats a pretty huge level difference... -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
You could get something with gravity...(like clefairy) Or teach a pokemon fling and equip it with a heavy metal ball to throw at brozong. I've actually considered both tactics for getting earthquake to work since two of my stronger pokemon know it. Haven't tried them and might not go through the trouble of it, but then again...levitate is pretty damn annoying. Or just use something else against the brozong, they're defense isn't terribly good maybe the E4 one is different. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Its not like people name *every single pokemon* that they catch...normaly it's just the pokemon they are concidering useing in their final team. Nameing all of them is kindof ridiculous. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
In all fairness, just about every dragon is duel typed with something weak to ice like flying or ground once its fully evolved, with an exception for kingdra and the legendairies. I still think they're worth the investment though...that maybe just be because I happen to like dragons in general though. I switched my ponyta out for Lucario...I think I'm going to name him Josey or something weird like that. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
Oh yeah I know...doesn't mean I can't start hunting already though . I really don't like ponyta very much...kind of boreing to train, maybe it'll improve as a rapidash but...I dunno, the entire pony thing just doesn't do it for me at all. I'm trying to shuffle up my team a bit right now cause it seems to have alot of weakness to ice/plant/water. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I name my pokemon...well if I can think of a name for them, otherwise no nickname. At the moment my named pokemon are. Striker (33 Staravia) Mellow (33 Gastrodon) Star (32 Luxray) Torg (35 Torterra) My other two are just their species name, a Ponyta (30 something) and Golem (30). The golem is a lower level cause I trained up a Cranidos (charger) to see if I liked it and switched back. I'm going to be replaceing Striker with a Chatot though once I can get access to the route they're from. And I'm debateing what else to drop...I know I'm dropping the ponyta...and possibly the Golem in favor of useing Lucario. If anyone wants a Rampardos (lv 32 or so, named Charger), I'd be willing to trade him for a decent fire type I might concider tradeing the golem but I dunno. -
What ever became of Prot's Sigma1.ogg WIP
cobaltstarfire replied to Siamey's topic in General Discussion
Twould be interesting if the forum was just set to filter his name anytime it was mentioned into something else.. -
What ever became of Prot's Sigma1.ogg WIP
cobaltstarfire replied to Siamey's topic in General Discussion
That song really isn't that good or even interesting to be honest. :\ -
ClanOCR: DS/Wii Friendcode Database
cobaltstarfire replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
I think you have to be on wifi at the same time as people you've added to see them on geo net.... Er anyway, friend code is in my sig...Pokemon are lv 28-29ish at the moment for those in the same lv range and would like to battle. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
It might be cool if someone started a group (in the game) and figured out how to get everyone into it (I know how to start a group, but not how to actualy get people into them). If people all get into one group they can share records in the union room and compair everyone elses win streaks and other stuff like that in the television building at Jubilife city. -
cobaltstarfire replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
I got the turtwig as my starter...just cause it's oddly appealing to me, the penguine is nice but the turtle won out...the chimchar doesn't really do it for me though. Someone mentioned they're stuck with a bidoof, theres 2 other pokemon around the begginng that don't show up as often as the bidoof and starly that are aren't normal types. Just keep wondering around. The music kindof bugs me a bit so far, but I'll get over it, it might grow on me later. Oh yeah, my friend code is...3823 4992 4310 I guess send a PM if you added me so I can add you back. -
Chrono Trigger - Ocean Palace
cobaltstarfire replied to Sole Signal's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
This is pretty nifty so far, my only complaint is some of the sounds make my ears want to bleed. I'm not sure of the technical way to put it, but I think it's the higher pitched sutff. x_x -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles First Final Eggman
cobaltstarfire replied to darkmelee's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I like the idea behind it, and it's nifty source, but sound wise it sounds kindof eh...dead, like there's no actual energy behind it. I don't really know what else to really say of it. Oh yeah, and you can use the edit button instead of double posting -
Dragoons/Dragon Knights could be intersting, I guess...?
Mario & Sonic together in an Olympic Games title!!
cobaltstarfire replied to carra's topic in General Discussion
The last few sonic games I played didn't have a squished up chibi-ish looking sonic in them if I remember correctly. -
Mario & Sonic together in an Olympic Games title!!
cobaltstarfire replied to carra's topic in General Discussion
Looks like they took Sonic back to his older style a bit,which is kind of nice. :3 Doubt I'd get it just cause sports games aren't my thing, but it's cool (and a little twilight zoneish?) to see the characters mixing it up in the same game. -
Are there any good free MMORPGs?
cobaltstarfire replied to Shadow Wolf's topic in General Discussion
I disagree a bit, PP is extremely accessible, as is OOO's other game BANG!Howdy. (Although that one isn't nearly as popular as PP ) The customer service is fantastic, ontop of the fact that the game itself is very stable, and the developers are quite responsive as well. The community both on the forum, ypp wiki, and in game is also rather friendly and intelligent. Yeah there are going to be asshats/idiots/beggers in it, but every game has them. YPP's community is not nearly as asinine as WoW's was while I played it. Course YPP and B!H are the only MMO's I have experience with that are "free". I don't particularly like Bang!Howdy though, steam punk cowboys are lame. Oh another amuseing game is kingdom of loathing. (www.kingdomofloathing.com) It's basicly a massive parody of everything under the sun. Not exactly an MMO, there are many people playing it and they can interact in some ways. Very much free as well, this one is a browser based rpg type thing. -
Are there any good free MMORPGs?
cobaltstarfire replied to Shadow Wolf's topic in General Discussion
I'm not sure you would go for it much but puzzle pirates (www.puzzlepirates.com) is a nice java based mmo that you can play for free (provided you sign up on a dubloon ocean). Obviously it isn't sci-fi since it involves pirates. I moved over to it from WoW when I retired. If you do take interest in it I'd suggest you make a pirate on the Sage Ocean, I'd hazard to say it's the best dub ocean of the 3 as far as player culter and diversity goes. Be warned this is a skill based game, there isn't leet gear to be won, or anything like that. Most people do not excel immediately at the puzzles, it can take you anywhere from a few days to months to get the hang of them. -
Good non-Nintendo/Rare Nintendo 64 Soundtracks
cobaltstarfire replied to Decoy Octopus's topic in General Discussion
I thought the soundtrack for starfox 64 was pretty cool, it'd be nice to hear alot of those songs performed by a real wind ensemble. And there was alot of songs in that game that didn't show up in melee that were okay. Like starwolfs theme, zoness, area 6, sector x, aquas...blah blah blah...wait what a favourite thread?