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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Do you have the R/B pokemon trainer battle in there somewhere Eulogic? (or really any pokemon songs, I'm curious)
  2. Well I'm almost to the top of the list now (I started from the bottom). And I have to say, the orchestrated Area 6 makes me extremely happy. Much awesomeness for posting all these songs for us.
  3. You know that's even weirder since I've never even *played* a metal gear game before...although I do have a few remixes from them running around on my hard drive...maybe that's why it...
  4. Yell Dead Cell sounds familiar but I can't remember what it's from, if anywhere at all. :{ Edit: Actually there's a lot of songs in here that sound vaguely familiar but I can't figure out where they're from exactly...
  5. Sine you're going to be a jerk about it, maybe you should take note that its a level someone built in the level builder. Also, take a chill pill dude.
  6. I used to play that stage so much in yoshis island, it was pretty amusing to have a drunk/high yoshi stumbling all over the place, also never could get 100% on that one >( Luigis final smash kind of reminded me of the Futurama when Bender was addicted to jacking in.
  7. Luigis is really...wtf...I laughed pretty hard at it cause it's just so weird. (what is it referencing if anything at all?)
  8. Eh well, I'm obsessive and beat every mode of the game on easy at least with all the characters. There's 3 or 4 that I beat on hard/very hard and another handful I beat on normal. So I'm still going to try out all the characters, I just don't think I'm going to settle on maining from the start Yoshi like I have for the past two games. Edit: I like the idle animations they made for a lot of the characters.
  9. hmmm Lucario looks interesting, I like the aesthetic of his fighting/movement style, but at the same time he looks really laggy to me, and that's already being compared to my melee main, Yoshi. Sonic looks really fun to try to learn, but the way he skitters around so fast seem like it might take some time to be able to control him. I really want to see something more with the pokemon trainer, and the different pokemon myself (especially Charizard cause dragons are fun!) There's so many characters I want to try out and get great with in this game, instead of just sticky with Yoshi/Link. Whenever I finally get to own it like 2-3 years from now I don't think I'll feel let down in the least.
  10. Hmmm good thing I have flash blocker installed on my computer, I don't know what that is a video of since I didn't bother looking, but it's not anything to do with this thread I suspect.
  11. Probably not true, if it was it'd list the characters that are known to be in it from recent spoilers.
  12. I think Drack had one trained, but I've never seen it. I wish they would stop adding moderately ugly dragons to the game, Garchomp looks ok, but I dunno. (And salamence is just...weird looking, he'd be cool is he wasn't built like an apatosaurus from the 1800's) Garchomp can pretty much outspeed all the high power dragons I believe. Flygon and Salamence are the same max speed (as one another but slower than garchomp), and dragonite is slower than all of them). That said none of them are pokemon to sneeze at.
  13. Yeah but "The Rise of Darkrai" doesn't make any *sense* considering what goes on in the movie. (I guess Palkia Vs Dialgia Vs Dakrai doesn't make much sense either, but it makes more than the American title).
  14. At some point I stopped even bothering with American anime...except for Cowboy Bebop, since the english version is better. It's such a pain finding decent subs though. Annnnd darkrai annoyed me in that movie, it's it's pokemon design though, not the character itself.
  15. But that's so cheap... And defeats the purpose of pokemon for me, to waste time and keep me entertained.
  16. So much for no more clones huh? Woulda been nice to just retool the characters entirely, instead of giving them little tweaks, all the old "clones" weren't exact clones of who they were copies of in the first place.<spoilers? Lalalala, I might as well spoil myself cause I won't own a wii for another two or three years anyway.
  17. I'm not going to point back to the "I'm in college and can't even afford my books right now" post. (Ok I just did). But I don't own battle revolution, or a wii. That said if I could get online somewhere I could just as easily do the same and crank all my lv1 just hatched pokemon up to lv 100 to check .
  18. I semi trained for IVs on my flygon and weavile, I don't think they only have one (maybe) IV lower than 15 on them...can't say the same for any other pokemon I trained though.
  19. I could rent a mailbox at the student union, but I can't even afford to buy books right now. Something about the postal code doesn't allow anything but UPS and Fed Ex to my dorm. My moms friend can take mails for me though now though, which is nice cause now I can get most of my books for 100+ dollars cheaper off amazon! And I guess given a chance at doubles I'll stick with the mismagius...or boomie wheezing I guess. Attacks like that get the power of the attack split between pokemon too so maybe leading with two pokemon that can avoid or simply absorb most of it would work ok if it's that common. I have poked around smogon some but its on a level I'm not at, I don't particularly enjoy the huge amount of meta game, and most of the pokemon I like are "border line" but don't get much play so there isn't a whole lot of talk on them. (there's also a few that are apparently UU but can hold up in OU play but with little talk of that ability). I want to play around with that shoddy battle thing with you guys if able, if I can figure out where it went on my computer...
  20. D: Really? That's awesomesauce. But uh...my dorm is stinky and doesn't allow mail from anything but Fed Ex and UPS...nor CoD. Does anyone have any tips for double battle teams? I've already got this idea to pair up mismagius and flygon (or flygon and wheezing) but I dunno really.
  21. I er...am still trying to digest that post, can you send me a pm?
  22. My DS can find the network and stuff, it just gets an incompatibility error code, so it can't actually use it. The only way I could get online is either buy a usb wireless thing (which is currently not being stocked, and I can't afford) or I find a free hotspot, but it's too much of a hassle to go to one. It makes me incredibly sad cause I suddenly want to train a mismagius, and I can't cause of the version I have.
  23. One has to wonder if maybe its some weird inside joke with the developers or maybe all of you that always point it out just love ass.
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