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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Cool, I updated the bracket, refresh to see the most recent version. Majin and Horseboy are up against each other.
  2. Yoshi has that invulnerability to make up for lacking a third jump. Oh yeah, the song was ok, I mean the sound was pretty bad but I liked the composition (except for the end, that was pretty terrible).
  3. At the rate that people are doing their battles, you'll have plenty of time.
  4. Allow me to quote myself, cause you seem to think I don't like the idea of using puppety type things?
  5. Oh yeah I've seen those, but they were also very very HOT and uncomfortable and *heavy*. They used similar stuff with the giant guys in Fragle Rock too. It would be kind of cool if they did something like that and completely ignored CGI.
  6. You really aren't missing much with Molten Core in general (although some of Ragnoras's scripting was pretty amusing) But I do think a lot of people are missing out on Blackwing Lair, that instance kind of horrified the druid in me. Working through the Dark Horde, doing the stuff with Thrall and Rexxar, and then going through Nefarians freaky little science lab and such is quite a trip. (Also the first encounter is lol). AQ40/20 and ZG were fun instances with good encounters, and an interseting story. I never got to see Naxx though, but I heard that Blizzard is poking it for some sort of use in the expansion? Maybe with the expansion they'll be able to upgrade the old raids too, so that they'll be worth visiting still even at end game. They said they couldn't with MC/BWL/AQ/Naxx but I think that might have been because of the need for 40 people, and if they wanted to bring them forward they'd want to rebalanced the raids for 10-25 mans or something. But maybe they'll be able to with the BC ones.
  7. Would you like a cookie?
  8. I'm still wondering how they'll even get some of the races to work without cg, I guess there will be some uncomfortable costumes for some people. I kind of want to see trolls, but I have a feeling they won't be there much. I'll put some faith into them though and see if I get disapointed.
  9. *pokes everyone to see if they're alive*
  10. Dunno, I only play WoW 2-3 hours at a time and sometimes skip a day or three...I've gone from 60-66 in about two weeks. Instances are way easy now too, compared to the old ones. I dunno about raids, but I'm more interested in getting into the arena stuff with my friends anyway once I hit 70. Granted I'm killing my subscription again at the end of this month cause school starts again soon, and I can't afford to have any distractions this semmester
  11. That had me giggling far more then it probably should.
  12. Arr I would reroll on blood furnace but...I know I would never actually play there actively for it to be worth it. It's hard enough leveling my FM character (she's been stuck at lv 15 for like...2 weeks now). If you *want* a better balanced PVP server, Sargeras is a 1:1ish ratio and high population, it might be different at lower levels though I have no idea. Edit: Oh yeah, since I'm here, and you all are happy wow players any suggestions for a background to give this guy?
  13. I just started playing again a few weeks ago, but my buddy Smot has told me that Warlocks are overpowered, and MS warriors are. I can't really judge myself, all I've encountered in world pvp is rogues, shaman, other druids, and paladins. Smot said they're nerfing locks and ms warriors though soon. I don't really pay attention to that stuff to be honest (it's easy to ignore overpoweredness when you can run away from anything!) The game has changed a lot since I played last year, I never thought I'd see the day that people are expecting me (I'm a druid) to dps or tank rather than heal. Shaman lightning bolts hurt a lot more then I remember...and paladins are about 10 times easier to kill now. Either way I'm enjoying the game, more then I was when I quit too. And apparently I'm still an "overpowered healing goddess" despite a year out of practice, so I can still do what I enjoy most in small groups. Anyone play on Sargeras (horde) or Feathermoon (Alliance)? Go by Lorenith on both (also Llamas on Sarg) please don't try to gank me if you're the opposite faction, I'll either run away or waste about 20 minutes of your time fighting.
  14. Sheesh, you can try to comprehend or you can keep talking down to me though I guess, I don't care since you don't seem to understand what I said initially. I KNOW how to convert between file types, I said that in my initial post in this thread. I'm saying I don't posses the software/samples to make music that sounds like something other than a midi, if you convert a midi into an mp3 it's still going to sound the same so I can't participate in other music contests, thus I like the idea for this contest cause it's something I could actually participate in.
  15. Yeah just because one thread in the story is being tied up doesn't mean there aren't lots of dangling ones left over, or new ones to create.
  16. I personally hope they take their time with releasing the expansion, I guess it's my own fault for taking a year long break. But it's really discouraging for me to try to keep up with expansions if they'll be so frequent. It means I'll never get to see some areas given that I'm taking my time and not going all hardcore like before.
  17. Oh I love mp3's. I just can't participate in anything that involves making them since I don't have the software for it. Best I can do is midi's converted to .wav to keep the sound the same for everyone.
  18. This sounds interesting (especially since I can't participate in stuff that requires mp3's :S) I might participate occasionally provided I can figure out how to use the program effectively, and have time from school.
  19. A few other threads got moved into the community too, dunno why though.
  20. Yeah I'll just repeat what others have said, this is really good so far, and I look forward to hearing more.
  21. Doing one every two months does seem nicer for people who'd want to compete, more time for them to figure out what they want to do, and actually do it.
  22. Yeah I should probably post it so you all can actually see it! Yay brackets are happy fun time...or something. I'm just going to keep editing the same image, so uh...I'm only posting this once. Don't forget to refresh for results
  23. I kind of liked the strait piano version better. This is ok though.
  24. Arrr, now we gets ta twiddle our thumbs till every one else finishes! *waits on round 2*
  25. Arrr I've got this urge to draw brackets of brackety doom, but I wont... Also, how is the final battle going to be handled? Anything special or no? I also noted that there will have to be a bye *somewhere* in the brackets how's that being handled? I lied and played around with it on paint, and just gave whoever loses in the winners semi finals a "bye" in the losers bracket.
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