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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Ok you need a third jump, I've never had a huge problem with edge guarders or being "very predictable."
  2. Ooh he's cute, and looks more like old yoshi. Something about his nose kind of bugs me though, I know Yoshi has always had a big head, but his snout seems a little too round or something? I never found any need for a third jump on him before, but it's cool if he has one. They probably nerfed the way he used to jump somehow though if he has a true third jump now, and not just some weird little boost from egg throwing, which would change his game play quite a bit. Course they did say not to expect the characters to play the same so I guess that's to be expected. Edit: Most of the time hitting yoshi mid-jump doesn't knock him back or out, or even disrupt his jump much, it can yes, but it depends on when exactly you hit him.
  3. That update was just a tad bit unsettling.
  4. I thought a couple of the Melee songs were played by a live orchestra, or maybe they were just done really really well in a synthesizer, because some of the songs played at the live thing sound about the same in the game (only a bit slower). Why would they give credit to an orchestra in the end credits of the game if they hadn't used it some? I dunno I guess maybe they were all just electronic...
  5. I would miss Mewtwo, he was fun to play as, and well it's Mewtwo, the pokemon fan in me feels that he was a pretty nifty addition. Game and Watch would be missed too, he's so crazy and fun to play with just for giggles. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if they were removed, but yeah I would miss the characters, both the way they play and the characters themselves.
  6. I sent my list in last night, and will try to check up on stuff over next week, but I might be a little scarce, leaving for Ohio early tomorrow morning.
  7. So basically he arrest one, and the rest egged him on into arresting all of them, or trying to and having to chaise them all down. Subduing them is fine since they were all running off resisting arrest and so on, putting them in strangle holds isn't though, that's the bit that I think might be just a wee bit excessive. And why did the police officer go after the person with the camera and put them under arrest? He didn't seem to be doing or saying anything. (Although I must admit the audio is really fuzzy, and its kind of hard to follow what's going on anyway).
  8. I dunno, just seems he was manhandling that kid and a few others later on (had the girl in a choke hold at some point). The video doesn't really show whats going on though, what'd the kids do besides be skateboarding? They didn't do anything threatening before that. Although it was rather unwise of them to try to run, resisting arrest is a no no isn't it? I don't really pass any judgment cause I can't see whats going on. I guess mostly I'm just wondering, why is this officer trying to arrest the kid in the first place? And why is he going so crazy about it?
  9. I don't really think this would fit in the "incredible internet videos" thread to be honest...
  10. Forgive my ignorance, but why exactly is this cop running the kids down and arresting them? Is skateboarding not allowed on side walks in that area or something? Either way he seems to be using excessive force D:
  11. I'll make sure to be extra tipsy than for my match, maybe whoever it is will get to hear me talk >P *goes to work on an up to date list of her pokemon*
  12. Yeah but that'd defeat the purpose of raising ones own pokemon. Oh yeah, I might be a little uh...drunk for half the first week of July, I just turned 21 a few days ago and the friend I'm visiting is probably going to insist I drink. So any match up with me may have to be postponed till the next week.
  13. *squints* My screen is way too old/small/fuzzy for me to be able to figure out what's going on with this
  14. I kind of enjoyed the poke-floats, granted not all the time, just for fun though it's nifty with all the jumping and dodging around. While most of those stages are more of a novelty, I would be sad to see those sorts of gimmicky stages avoided, in favor of only "tournament style" stages. They're just a nice change of pace to play on for shits and giggles. It'd be nice if they kept a nice mix of both sorts of stages in this game too.
  15. Well there is the yoshi stage with a single platform in the middle? That's different neh neh?
  16. Oh thats kind of cool, I really do think if they did it right sonic would make a good rpg...the only problem is the doing it right part. I'm not going to get my hopes up too much for this, even if the idea is nifty. :S
  17. Theres an option that will automatically raise/lower all pokemons levels to 50 (same for 100). So if you have an over 50 pokemon its ok, it'll be capped like in battle tower. (Unlike battle tower it'll also raise the level if its bellow 50). I have a pokemon that shares your name D:
  18. Woo procrastination and terrible memory! Just so you know, I'm gone the first week of July, but I'll try to ninja someones wireless and get my matches done. Maybe I'll be able to actually have my pokemon finished. XD
  19. I am still interested, I'm just a horrible, terrible lazy ass procrastinator and am getting it all finished up at the last moment possible. Sorry about that Should have my list by the deadline though.
  20. Mewtwo could fly too. (I don't really care, just saying).
  21. It still would be pretty nifty if Dedede showed up in smash.
  22. The Yoshi stage looks very nice, it seems really empty though with only that one platform in the middle. I wonder what it'll be like to play there.
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