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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. So once you heard the beat did you say "Oh this is so 110 BPM" ?
  2. I love how your wife could have just f-smashed you a million times because you're too busy wavedashing the bullocks out of that stage.
  3. Well I'm guessing this is right since I also got that.
  4. What the hell? Since when were you able to do waveshine in the slightest?
  5. The version of Still Alive I'm using in my DJ set is an intro edit of Paul van Dyk's remix with a few tidbits of dialogue audio from the game. I didn't do much but it's EXACTLY the way I want it.
  6. Lame. Someone leaked these out to the non DJs. In terrible bitrate too.
  7. If we're going by 4/4, 110 BPM? That's what this one program I'm using shows.
  8. I just wrapped up... Lisa Miskovsky - Still Alive (Theme to Mirror's Edge) (Paul van Dyk Remix / Global-Trance Buy This Game Intro Edit) I keep playing this demo, hoping to find more rooftops to jump across.
  9. I'm not on there tho
  10. Well just played a huge string of games with Bardic. GG.
  11. Actually. Nevermind. I for some reason thought you posted like 10 videos or something. My mistake. ARGH WHERE ARE YOU GUYS D:
  12. No offense, but I kinda wish you'd stop hogging up all the thread space with a ton of videos that are really slow and drawn out. And how are the videos that long? Level 9s can't even BLOCK properly. You should be three/four stocking them in like half the time. Also some of you jerks need to play me. I'm basically free all day.
  13. Luigi's n-air eats through like 90% of Olimar's attacks. GG.
  14. Amen. I don't even play top tier BECAUSE they're top tier. EDIT: SOMEONE PLAY ME ARRRRGH I'M BORED
  15. I was talking about the weight used in the resistance exercises. As for 200 lbs. at 6'3", that is, according to some updated BMI charts, is at the bottom of "Overweight". If you weighed a little less, you'd then be in the high range of "Normal Weight" range. Edit: Unless you have a large amount of muscle on you, then you can throw out BMI chart readings as BMI charts do not take into account the percentage of lean body mass and body fat.
  16. Yea that's a bit for someone who is just starting out... though it depends on weight. That resembles something somewhat of a normal workout for me, but going for much higher reps for muscular endurance. I find muscular endurance a lot more beneficial than overall muscular strength in general.
  17. I'm hoping to break 100 push-ups by the end of the month but I have the hardest time breaking 80. Push-up plateau.
  18. Uh I think this might be the reason you still have your gut. You don't even need half of that.
  19. I get off work at 8 PM.
  20. I am in love with this game.
  21. Play and try to figure that out.
  22. Okay cool so like whenever someone wants to play with me, AIM contact is ideal really because I do not frequent these boards nearly as much as I usually do. Posting "YEA LET'S PLAY RIGHT NOW" probably won't be seen by me right away.
  23. Well I just wanted to see who can beat my bad characters. P.S. All I like to do in this game is play my bad characters.
  24. Sweet. Yea I feel kind of lame not really doing as much as I want but I can take pride in doing stuff on rings that most of the meatheads at the gym can't even do. Also have you gotten that book from gymnasticbodies yet? I heard it was suppose to be coming out around this time... I just haven't heard of anyone getting it yet.
  25. I want to play someone new but if not I'll eventually get on.
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