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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. Reminder: Deoxys Event at Gamestop this weekend and next weekend.
  2. Firstly... Wrong. After you get both endings and play the game in the tuxedo, the Metal Gear Solid theme is played during the credits. Secondly... Thank you for the worst contribution to anything. Thirdly... Dumb. Just dumb. As for the whole topic on original vs. Twin Snakes thing, it's interesting that in MGS4, some of Twin Snakes audio is used over the original in certain parts when referring to the past... i.e. voice changes. I don't know if it's a nod to the Twin Snakes version or not. In any case... I say play both original and Twin Snakes.
  3. Back from job training from last week so now I can post a bit. Today was my first day on the job as a personal trainer at 24 Hour Fitness but since I'm fresh I had to do a lot of shadowing with the other trainers and get myself settled in with the company. I'm really excited to get working and helping others get fit and make a difference in someone else's life! As for work out today, I needed to ease back into things since most of last week was sitting at a desk for hours for job training. Arnold Shoulder Press on One Foot with 10 lbs. Dumbbells per arm at a 4-2-2 tempo (4 seconds going down, 2 seconds holding, 2 seconds going up), 2 sets of 10 reps per foot (so 4 sets in total) Bicep Barbbell Curl on One Foot at a 4-2-2 tempo, 2 sets of 10 reps @ 20 lbs. per foot. Deep Ring Dips again at a 4-2-2 tempo. Then I had to do Hip Bridges, Prone Iso Abs, and other core exercises at various reps and tempos with one of the personal trainers. And I basically walked around for about 5 hours with the rest of the shadowing. Not bad at all today. For a lot of my training now, I am going to be adding a lot of instability into the exercises (hence the one foot thing I mentioned). It helps burn more calories and it will help with other balancing issues in other exercises. Also I've really been trying to watch out for proper posture. Doing exercises with proper posture and proper technique at really slow tempos is really challenging!
  4. On the weekends of June 20th and June 27th, GAMESTOP (Not Toys R Us) will be having a Deoxys event... so drop by your local Gamestop for another freebie later this month. This time you get two weekends!
  5. Yea. I know I don't play or care much for football games, but I know they are quite popular. Genre aside, I think the suing is really stupid, if not outrageous. They're just sore losers in a competitive market.
  6. I sadly can't pick this up until tomorrow evening thanks to job training early in the morning... BUT HAPPY SNAKE/SNEAK DAY AHEAD OF TIME EVERYONE! <3
  7. Depends. MGS1 and MGS2 didn't require too much skill to sneak... they upped the ante for that in MGS3 where sneaking around takes much more patience. If you like serious movies, then you will probably like it.
  8. I did. Couldn't pass up that sweet box.
  9. A brief talk with my friend who works at a movie theater. (6/10/2008 12:10:52 AM) das madbat ya: guess who i met today (12:11:12 AM) das madbat ya: hint: he has a game coming out this week (5:52:41 AM) wuhoo2: what did you meet David Hayter? (11:11:44 AM) das madbat ya: yeah (11:12:01 AM) das madbat ya: he was going to go watch sex and the city (11:12:04 AM) das madbat ya: by himself (11:16:44 AM) das madbat ya: sigh LOL
  10. Needs more me in the line-up. Kidding aside, it looks fun enough. Too bad I most likely won't be able to go there.
  11. Today. 100 decline sit-ups Then spent the rest of the gym time going back and forth between ring dips, ring pull-ups, ring push-ups, and ring tricep push-up holds. I sadly won't be able to do much more exercising for the rest of the week. I have job training from 8 AM - 4 PM Tuesday - Friday and it's far away from home.
  12. Some idiot at Wal Mart broke street date four days in advance. Beware of even more spoilers.
  13. Fours years on the turntables. Six/Seven months on the piano so far. I wish I learned the piano when I was younger. I feel stupid sometimes when I have a hard time sight reading.
  14. Minor Bump worth mentioning: http://www.konami.jp/mgs4/world/index_en.html
  15. Adding to my previous posts in the week... Thursday 100 decline sit-ups 100 barbell bicep curls @ 30 lbs (next time is 100 @ 40!) ... and then my first attempt at using the Elite Rings. I did like 30 deep ring dips and I was like OMG for the next few hours. I really wasn't expecting the rings to totally work me over like that but they did. AWESOME. Friday (totally destroyed from the rings on Thursday) 100 decline sit-ups 40-50 ring push-ups Several tricep push up holds on the rings (destroys the core the flatter the body is) No 200 floors/5 miles on Thursday and Friday (gasp!) but I was just too jacked up from the rings to want to do cardio. Despite that, I still feel really great. The rings really are really challenging and that is what I enjoy the most.
  16. Considering that it's something that pirates can't get their hands on unless they buy the game, I can't really imagine it to be something digital. Downloadable content could be possible if they just snuck in some code or something in each box. I hope it's good a free sneaking suit or something.
  17. Only if his cousin/brother isn't there.
  18. Warning: Spoilers have begun spreading like wildfire. Places like 4chan and so forth are posting gigantic spoilers (not that it's surprising or anything). So be careful until launch time, kids.
  19. Not much today but 100 decline sit-ups, 100 straight leg hip raises (been calling these leg raises all this time) and a nice 5 mile run since my upper body was still too sore and I got to the gym late...
  20. Yea I've been watching them. I've played MGS1-3 at least 5 times each... maybe more. Would love to play Portable Ops someday.
  21. Despite being a crazy fan of the series, I lack the PSP to play Portable Ops.
  22. I want to play MGS3 again before MGS4 comes out but I don't know how to make it more interesting/challenging... last thing I did was complete the game on Extreme wearing only the tuxedo (meaning absolutely NO CQC).
  23. Famitsu just gave MGS4 a 40/40, making it the eighth game to get a perfect score from them.
  24. I got my training riiiiiings! :dance: My upper body was hurting too much today to begin though... so maybe tomorrow! Today: 100 decline sit-ups, 75 knee raises, 200 floors on the StairMaster. Nothing big, but good enough for my neglected core and cardio.
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